We had a weird sun/rain/clouds/blue sky/thunder storm this evening. We enjoyed it a lot. There's just something about seeing sun and rain at the same time, with a little thunder in the distance. Here are some photos from our adventures...

This is Miles catching rain drops. This is also what he looks like when he's really mad and yelling:

What are we doing? We are running up and down the sidewalk in the rain. Just for kicks. I know it doesn't appear to be raining, but it really was. I think. But I can't be sure. I don't sleep much and sometimes my mind plays tricks on me.

I suppose all little boys love water, puddles, mud and worms. Miles likes to try to make sure the worms are getting enough water. We found a dry and very dead worm today and Miles promptly put it on the hood of the car and said he did it because the worm might need to take the car to get to heaven...
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You look so beautiful and happy heather....
I fake it.
Okay, I wasn't faking it, we were having fun. I love the moments when I just decide to lighten up and have a little fun, and the way Miles' face lights up. THAT makes me happy.
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