
DSL is down, so is wife

Hi! This is Ryan. I'm the husband. Last week when I was gone the toilet was broken. This week it is the computer (the DSL connection), which is way worse. When we were all getting ready for Y2K I should have stocked up on dsl routers instead of spring water and dried packets of food. My poor wife, she cannot catch a break. Hopefully she will be up and running soon because she REALLY wants to be reading your blog posts. We do not know yet what is exactly wrong, this may not be solved until I get home. Nice to meet you on the World Wide Interweb!

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Keyona said...

Awww..that sucks. Hope is comes back up soon!

Aquaspce said...

Oh Boo! Now I'll have to hunt out some other wise words and belly hugging laughs in the meantime... hope you're up and running soon!
Hugs A

Sara@iSass said...

This is TOO funny! She sent her Hubby to tell us she's without DSL. OH Heather, I really feel your pain, broken toilet AND no blog! OUCH. All you need now is a big zit and your nightmare Halloween would be complete?? :)
Nice to "meet" you Ryan! Tell Heather she hasn't missed much on my blog!

Randi said...

Big hugs to Heather! I hope you're up and running again soon.

Darn routers.

Bonnie Lewis said...

BOO, that reminds me of when I go home and my poor mom and dad have dial-up. I never works when you need it to. But how cute of you, Heather's husband, to inform us all!!

Erin said...

What a good husband to make a blog post for your wife!

Heather, you need a vacation. An extended vacation!

Heidi said...

You can tell us about all the wonderful things you got done while the dsl was down and make us all feel horrid and guilty.

That Girl said...

And I very big hello to you, as well.

P.S. We all like you. But we'll like you even more if you buy your wife roses today.

Ron Simpson said...

Here is a word for a guy that is (as my friends say) up on all that techy stuff .. once she is back on .. she can set up mobile blogging .. so she can actually blog from her cell phone .. I have relied on it a time or two myself.

best wishes on the DSL's rapid recovery

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Hi Ryan! It'd be a pleasure to meet you if the circumstances weren't so very dire.

Isn't there a Geek Squad in the area that can come save the day or something?

I echo the roses comments. Or perhaps chocolates...mmm...chocolate...

LisAway said...

Nice to meet you too! You should be a regular feature! But not because your DSL keeps shutting down or anything.

Kristina P. said...

Hurry back, Heather!

Jessica Stock said...

Aww, we miss you Heather, sounds like you've got a good guy there who is so sympathetic!

Brooke said...

You are so thoughtful to do this for your wife. We miss you Heather!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I'll bet you did real things, like spent time with your kids or folded clothes. You little over-achiever!

Radioactive Tori said...

I think your wife and I are living the same life sometimes. Everything that can possibly go wrong her is also. Hopefully the problem will be solved quickly for everyone!

Keyona said...

Check out your award when you get a chance!!

happygeek said...

IT's a good man that realizes routers are an essential part of a wife's life.

Anonymous said...

Awwww, very nice of your hubby!

We're here when you get back, Heather!

Anonymous said...

So sorry you're down. What a great hubby. Look forward to hearing more from you soon.

Anonymous said...

Nice to "meet" you, too, Ryan. Here's hoping Heather can get back to it soon!

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