
They Have Hair and Teeth!

Meeting bloggy friends in real life is cool.

And kind of strange. But not strange in a bad way. Just a surreal kind of strange.

I suppose it's the same territory as meeting up with any kind of acquaintances that you don't know that well. At first it's a bit surreal and then you warm up. Or I do anyway. I probably warm up too much and then ramble on and on. I know that's shocking. That I would ramble on and on....

So yeah, what I'm saying is, I met six fantastic bloggers this morning. People who were formerly kind of distant, a figure behind lovely words on the computer screen.

(Not that I didn't realize that they would have hair and teeth and stuff. Or that I would be able to actually HEAR their voices and SEE their smiles. I knew I would, but usually when I "talk" to them, I'm sitting in my own house and they aren't actually THERE. You see what I mean?)

I don't know how to describe it. Like Kelly from Love Well said, "it's kind of like a blind date." (Except it wasn't romantic. That would just be creepy.)

But I digress. I tried not to think too much before this get-together. Because I could get carried away with, "If people like my blog, will they like me in person? Is that a certainty? Probably not. Maybe they'll wonder why they've ever read my blog because I'm just as weird in real life and scattered and waaay too giggly..."

Yeah, I tried not to think that stuff. Because it's just plain silly. Take me or leave me right? RIGHT?!?

Anyway! Let me show you a photo or two while I do some name-dropping okay?

(These ladies were nice enough to hold my Mama Manifesto/Profile name up so we could pretend like I was in the photo.)

From L-R: Jenny of A Latte Talk, Rachel of Badgers on the Loose, Whitney of Baby Tunnel Exodus, and Sara of Greetings from Butterville.

(Kelly of Love Well had to leave a bit earlier. Something about having kids or something. If you go to Baby Tunnel Exodus, she has a picture of the whole gang. But I'm totally sticking my big noggin' in front of Kelly's face, so I guess that doesn't really help.)

...and then Minnesota Mom joined the photo shoot. (right there in that cute red coat) I'm in the middle this time. Did you know that I can't take a picture without cardboard in front of my face anymore? I just can't. I have to carry it with me everywhere I go. Just in case there's a photo shoot. I need to be prepared.

It was a GOOD morning, getting to know my bloggy friends a little better.

In ending, I recommend meeting your bloggy friends in real life (after making sure they aren't internet crazies).

31 clicked right here to comment:

Sara@iSass said...

Did I look that fat IRL?!?!?!? YECK. Maybe I need to do a few of your walks!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I am envious! I think that would be so cool to get together with cyber friends. Glad you had fun :)

LisAway said...

Fun!! And I just love the features you chose. Why hair and teeth? Why not nostrils and fingernails? You're funny. And carrying that sign everywhere in case of emergency? Fab idea. I'm copying it.

Erin said...

I wish I lived in Minnesota so that I could have attended that fabulous breakfast/chat. Boo hoo.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

What a fab looking bunch of ladies!

I remember my first blogger meet up...and my second...third...fourth...

...oi...I've been doing this too long.

It really is surreal to realize they can talk as well as type. Weird but true.

Congrats on letting go and just having fun!

Heidi said...

What gets me about these pics (except that, clearly, you have skinniest legs) is all the coats! We are still running the air conditioning here and all I can say is that we are plenty conditioned already. Enough with the conditioning! Bring on the heater with its gusty blast and burnt smell. (I miss my sweaters. Can you tell?)

Kristina P. said...

Meet and greets are fun! I've met about 15 women from blogging this past week, and they are all great!

It did sort of hit me about the expectations people may have of me, the night before, but I got over it. Too bad you don't live in Utah!

Jillene said...

I did this same thing last night!! I met 7 really amazing blog friends in person last night. I wasn't disapointed at all and I am really glad that I did it!!

Stephanie said...

Your title totally reminds me of my 4-year-old's current favorite book: "The pigeon wants a puppy." Maybe that's where you got it from. Anyway, you all look lovely and I thought to myself, "it's a good thing I didn't go to that because I don't even own clothes that nice-- and some of them wear jewelry!," but to be honest it would be fun to meet some of you someday. I'd just have to go shopping first. Oh, and of course, you'd have to firmly establish that I'm not an internet crazy. :)

Anonymous said...

It was so nice to meet you! The over thinking it would have worked for you, because I like your blog a lot and I like you too! LOL. And ramble? Um, I'm afraid that was all me my friend. I got in my car and I was all, "I carried a watermelon??" Cause I say dumb things too fast when I am nervous. And now that we've got our first "blind date" behind us, I'll calm down a notch at our next brunch. :o)

Blessings, Whitney

*MARY* said...

I love meeting the hair and teeth behind the blog. I've met a bunch the past two weeks. It makes me nervous and sweaty but I love it.

Aquaspce said...

Firstly Sara@butterville, you DO NOT look fat at all so I don't even know what you're talking about.
I totally am jealous that you got to meet up with some cyberfriends. I don't even meet up with my non cyber friends. So I'm totally envying you right now.
love it!
Rock n' roll!

Keyona said...

Too cool. Isn't it nice to know real cool people exist and not just on the internet. Good for you Heather.

Jenny said...

Super Way Majorly Totally fun to meet you. Like, omg.

Don't know why I'm getting all Valley on you. It comes out of my California roots when I get excited.

I had fun. :)

Muthering Heights said...

That looks like so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Wooohooooooo! What a fun time. I wanted to stay all day. Kids schmids. Though I was SO excited to meet some other mommies!

RosyRose said...

Heather, I'm starting to wonder with all the hiding behind the cardboard if you are trying to be charming, mysterious or if you just need to borrow some of my crest white strips...:)

Becky said...

How fun! I, too, worry that if I ever meet a bloggy buddy in real life, they will quickly get bored and make an excuse to hightail it out of my dull, lackluster presence. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

p.s. I did the typing thing, and 92. But it took me 3 tries...

Anonymous said...

Wow! Another bloggy meet! Does anyone blog in Cali.?

charrette said...

wow--they all look like such fun, cool people!
i'm just a tad bit envious...

makes me wonder what I'm doing out here in utah and why I don't just up and move to minnesota!
(especially after listening to hours and hours of Garrison Keillor in the car this weekend!)

Peanut said...

That sounds like fun! I do hope I get to meet you someday... and then you can ramble on as much as you like because I'll be too shy to speak and then I'll finally get up the nerve to talk and the words will all come out backwards and upside-down...

a Tonggu Momma said...

And here I am... sitting by myself... all alone... with no one to meet. I think I'll start singing now --


Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

I love bloggy meetups! I do hope to meet everyone someday. For real!


Ali said...

I feel like there was a sleepover slumber party for all my fellow junior high girls and I had the chicken pox. Well, you are all invited to my house next weekend. Quick, call your travel agent. :)

You are cute ladies!

Kristen Howerton said...

Yes, you need to come over to California so we can get a group photo for the Mama blog!! :)

happygeek said...

How fun.
NOw I am off to pout because just about all my bloggy friends live in a foreign country.

Little GrumpyAngel said...

That is so exciting that you met some of your bloggy friends. I smiled when I read this part: "If people like my blog, will they like me in person? Is that a certainty? Probably not. Maybe they'll wonder why they've ever read my blog because I'm just as weird in real life and scattered and waaay too giggly..." I like your blog because your personality comes thorugh and it's a very endearing one. I'm sure that's how your readers feel, and everyone who will have the chance to meet you in person will love you just like these ladies.

Radioactive Tori said...

I have met blog friends twice so far. Both times I was a nervous wreck before it, and both times I had lots of fun. Moral of the story? I need to relax. I also need to meet more blog friends in real life!

Glad you had a great time!

Elisa said...

I would get a little sick to my stomach-- and then get a little giddy to realize that they weren't just figments of my imagination but real live people.

I have yet to do that...yet.

Kelly @ Love Well said...

Swimming lessons weren't nearly as fun as taking pictures in front of the stone wall with the cardboard "Heather" sign.


We'll definitely have to do that again. FYI, I just posted my recap (Internet was down yesterday; I barely survived), and I tagged the whole group, if you want to play.

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