First, I must say Happy Birthday, Dad!
I love you like crazy, even if I did make that joke. You know, the one where I said I needed to practice feeding you, now that you're 60. That was uncalled for. Please forgive me.
But try to remember that I must have gotten my sense of humor somewhere...
Look how young this man is! He can't be 60! (say that in the comments, he'll like it.)
Miles got to ride with Nanny on this way cool carousel.
Watching made me want to puke. Am I 60?
Then we were off to Cousin O's 4th Birthday party.
Or no, wait.
We weren't allowed to call him O.
So here's The Incredible Hulk:

There was a jumper thingy (what are those called?)
Asher really liked being in it. For about one full minute at a time.
Then he wanted OUT. I wonder if he's like me and felt like puking?
I love you like crazy, even if I did make that joke. You know, the one where I said I needed to practice feeding you, now that you're 60. That was uncalled for. Please forgive me.
But try to remember that I must have gotten my sense of humor somewhere...
Watching made me want to puke. Am I 60?
Then we were off to Cousin O's 4th Birthday party.
Or no, wait.
We weren't allowed to call him O.
So here's The Incredible Hulk:
There was a jumper thingy (what are those called?)
Asher really liked being in it. For about one full minute at a time.
Then he wanted OUT. I wonder if he's like me and felt like puking?
Okay, now for how I made a fool of myself. We went out to dinner for my Dad's birthday, right? We were standing in the waiting area/entry/whatever that's called (why can't I think?). I had the diaper bag on my back and my socks were really wet (I don't know why those two things go together). So anyway. It had just down-poured and I learned that my shoes have holes in the bottom of them.
Yeah, so I was cleaning out the stroller so we could leave it up front, which meant I had to bend over a lot. Lately my jeans don't really fit me (because I love to eat) and so when I bend over, I feel a bit of a draft, there. But this time, I not only felt a draft, but every time I bent down, I felt water going, um....down there. Yeah, awkward...
So I did the responsible thing and I called the hostess over to tell her that the roof was obviously leaking. I said something about how every time I bend over, water goes down my pants. We all stood there, looking for where the ceiling was leaking from the downpour. There were little splashes of water on the floor, so she believed me, and we made friends and talked about how the ceiling had caved in on Grey's Anatomy and we hoped it wasn't going to happen there because we'd have to move all the surgeries to another floor...
The hostess walked away saying she'd tell the manager about the leak right away and he would take care of it. I'm very responsible, so I added, "yes, you don't want any little old ladies to slip and fall in this."
Then I bent over again and felt the water dripping down the back of my pants again (yes, my butt crack okay?). I looked up all flustered and reached around to take the diaper bag off my back. The bottom corner of the bag was soaked.
That's when I realized there was a sippy cup at the bottom of it, dumping water down my pants.
Luckily our name was then called (by a different host) and we were seated.
I just hope the manager didn't rip apart the ceiling, looking for the leak...
P.S. Check out all the great posts (and comments) from Moms who gave themselves some much deserved credit! (Click on Mr. Linky at the bottom of the post). One of my favorite things about moms making these lists is that I'm getting some great ideas. And I also love that it's making them feel good. Why don't we think about what we do right more often?
Yeah, so I was cleaning out the stroller so we could leave it up front, which meant I had to bend over a lot. Lately my jeans don't really fit me (because I love to eat) and so when I bend over, I feel a bit of a draft, there. But this time, I not only felt a draft, but every time I bent down, I felt water going, um....down there. Yeah, awkward...
So I did the responsible thing and I called the hostess over to tell her that the roof was obviously leaking. I said something about how every time I bend over, water goes down my pants. We all stood there, looking for where the ceiling was leaking from the downpour. There were little splashes of water on the floor, so she believed me, and we made friends and talked about how the ceiling had caved in on Grey's Anatomy and we hoped it wasn't going to happen there because we'd have to move all the surgeries to another floor...
The hostess walked away saying she'd tell the manager about the leak right away and he would take care of it. I'm very responsible, so I added, "yes, you don't want any little old ladies to slip and fall in this."
Then I bent over again and felt the water dripping down the back of my pants again (yes, my butt crack okay?). I looked up all flustered and reached around to take the diaper bag off my back. The bottom corner of the bag was soaked.
That's when I realized there was a sippy cup at the bottom of it, dumping water down my pants.
Luckily our name was then called (by a different host) and we were seated.
I just hope the manager didn't rip apart the ceiling, looking for the leak...
P.S. Check out all the great posts (and comments) from Moms who gave themselves some much deserved credit! (Click on Mr. Linky at the bottom of the post). One of my favorite things about moms making these lists is that I'm getting some great ideas. And I also love that it's making them feel good. Why don't we think about what we do right more often?
27 clicked right here to comment:
YOU CRACK ME UP!! Get it? HA HA!!!!
I'll delurk to say that is one of the funniest things I have ever heard! (And it would totally happen to me.)
It reminds of those times when you keep catching a whiff of something stinky and you ask everybody what it is but nobody says anything because it's you.
Oh, that was just me?
Okay, I'm embarrassed now, too.
It could happen to anyone! And by anyone, I mean you.
Happy Birthday to the dad!!
That is a lovely story. I'll be laughing about that one all evening, I believe.
I have this horrible feeling that you were channeling me when this happened. I really thought only things like this happened to me. Welcome to the club! And the title of this post - excellent. Plus, was that your dad or George Clooney? (Hope he likes that!)
K stole my line!!!! (And your dad totally looks young. Tell him I said so and that I am only 34 and supposedly HOT - according to the Husband. Hopefully that will make his day.)
Your dad definitely doesn't look 60, it's called a bounce house and where are the pictures to go along with the butt story?
I still haven't decided which is less obvious......exposing a tidge of my upper glutes when bending over, OR attempting to conceal a tidge of my upper glutes with my hand when bending over. I think the later draws more attention to the area, while the former has an air of quiet confidence.
Happy birthday your stud of a dad:)
Too funny.....
Thanks for visiting my blog and your sweet comments.
Umm, do I need to be worried Saturday?
You say crack, I'll say butt!BUTT___________
At least Miles didn't have a camera and take your picture! Nick loves to get me after a shower! arrgh.
Too funny!
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! That is just down right HILARIOUS!! Something like that would TOTALLY happen to me!!
Happy B-day to your Dad!! He definatley does NOT look 60!!
TO Heather's Dad... Definitely a suave 40...
Heather, I went to work the other day in a downpour, wondering, while walking across the parking lot why my feet felt wet. I had two huge holes in the bottoms of my shoes... no idea at all.
Secondly, I've so pulled the sippy-cup maneuver before (only it was a baby bottle...)
WAY too funny :)
So funny. I love it.
The crack attack thing isn't because you love to eat, it's because jeans are made so low these days. That's what I tell myself at least.
Wow...I seriously had to cover my mouth so I wouldn't wake La from her nap. Don't you love how something so embarassing make such a GREAT blog post?
I also get pukey on spinning rides. I used to be able to go and go but not anymore. Ugh! The dripping sippy cup cracked (pun intended) me up!
You are killing me. That totally sounds like something I would do. Especially after that episode of Grays the other night. Except I probably would have insisted we leave so the ceiling wouldn't collapse on us and ruin dinner.
I must be old too because those spinny rides make me sick too.
Oh . . MY . . .Heavens! That's a story for the ages! There's nothing funnier than the truth--OMGosh I still can't stop laughing! I guess I can so totally relate. Oh, and your dad looks at least ten years younger .. ..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Heather's very young-looking dad!! And, Heather, this story really takes the cake! Thanks for making me laugh!
Gotta love that! :)
Your dad really does look great...its still hard to see time going by though.
I don't "do" rides, either.
NO WAY. He barely looks 40.
I love that you warned the hostess that her roof might be leaking. I would have just thought, oh no, their roof is leaking. That's too bad. Oh well.
OMG! You are way hysterically funny with that drippy on your bummy story1 :-) I'll be chuckling about that the rest of the night. And happy birthday to your Dad. He does look young for 60 and not just because you told me to say that :-)
Hee hee!! That is hysterical!!
That is so hilarious!
Love it! Sounds like something I would do AND I love that you watch Grey's!
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