
7 Quick Takes (Mommy Blogger Version)

Posted on Friday~January 16th, 2009

I have a mind full of many random thoughts. I could spill a bunch of them now, but I've been trying to focus on the beauty of this season of parenting lately, so that's what I'll do for this week's 7 Quick Takes. (Visit Conversion Diary for more.)

Asher, I'm trying not to worry about you.
I'm more thankful every day that your hydrocephalus was caught at just the right time.
People continue to ask if your development is (or will be) "normal" now that you've had surgery. The answer to this question is "I don't know." I've only been thinking about how amazing it is that you're walking around, grunting out requests and doing little dances. I'm learning more than ever before that there is no "normal." Wherever you land on the learning curve in your life, I'll be cheering you on, believing that everything you do means that you're a genius. I love you just how you are, and I always will.

Miles, your name means "forgiving and merciful." I'm SO glad. You forgive me quickly when I lose my mind cool. You leave me wondering how your love can be so truly unconditional. You teach me many more things a day than I could ever teach you. I try my hand at keeping you focused on the "right" way to play Candyland, and you end up teaching me how to lighten up and have a good time. I get all upset about the mess we're making while baking and then I see the look of happiness on your face, and it reminds me that messes don't matter.

I believe the two of you could eat constantly, only stopping to breathe. I should count how many times the two of you open the pantry door each day, pulling out yet another granola bar or box of crackers, holding them up and smiling with those big blue eyes that beg, "Feed me."

If Curious George and Clifford could magically become real, you would both want them as your new parents.

Asher, how can one person be so willing to give? You hand your toys to other toddlers, you give out kisses and hugs to those you love earnestly and with an uncoordinated kind of pat-pat- patting that makes those hugs all the sweeter. You even want to share your half eaten snacks, pulling them from that pouty little mouth and shoving them toward mine. No, thank you. You're the sweetest boy.

Miles, there is this joy in you that can't be described. You laugh hysterically at our silly jokes and make up your own. You want to hear stories and listen intently, your whole face alive with interest. I hope your sense of humor stays with you all your days. It will help you and everyone around you. You simply bring joy wherever you go.


I'm learning that I have so much Mom Guilt that I'm battling because you're both so incredibly great. You came this way. You are amazing little toot-knockers. I feel like I should give you so much more than I can sometimes. I want to be to you what you are to me, but that's so impossible. You're the best and most undeserved gifts. The perfect evidence of grace, that's what you are.

36 clicked right here to comment:

Alyson | New England Living said...

Ok, now the waterworks have started. Thank you very much!

Sweet, sweet post. What lucky boys to have you as their mother.

Kristina P. said...

You know how to capture your unconditional love for your children, so well.

Brooke said...

I love how special I feel as a mother just because of reading your love for your children. I just can't put it into beautiful words like you can. You are so fantastic!

LisAway said...

Heather, I'm so glad you are doing some of these weekday themes. You do them so well. Better than I see them done anywhere else.

This is just lovely. I am so happy that your boys will have such wonderful posts to look back on and their love for you will be greater than ever.

Lara Neves said...

I loved reading this. Our children just seem to open our eyes to how wonderful life can be, because we see how wonderful they are. I think it's a little taste of how God must feel about us.

And by all means, don't have mommy guilt...if only we could all be as good of a mother as you are!

Heidi said...

Based on your kids behavior, it sounds like you are doing a bang-up smashing job of it! I realize they aren't happy as clams every second of the day but still . . .these are happy kids! Mommy guilt is tough but there is really no way to be a good Mom until our kids teach us how. Thank goodness kids DO come with that unconditional love, etc. It's all part of the plan . . ..

a Tonggu Momma said...

And this is why I love your blog, Heather.

Also... your #1 made me think... I just returned from the regular mid-year parent/teacher conference for the Tongginator. And I have to write a post about it next week because... we were told when she was one that we needed to prepare ourselves that she might never be mainstreamed. And now? Now it's a whole new world out there.

Dealing with special needs is more of a blessing than a challenge. Because it means you are parenting your child - your amazing, wonderful, unique child. But it's really, really nice to outgrow the need for specialists, too. And today felt GOOD.

Anonymous said...

How beautiful it is to read a parent in wonder of her children.
Your #1, I can relate to in a way as my son was diagnosed on the autism spectrum when he was 3. I recently went to his first kindergarten concert and another mom rolled her eyes and said to me, "we are going to have to do this for years." I was feeling such joy just to see him get to that point that I felt sorry for her because she has the luxury of taking it for granted. Special needs children make you see the special of every day.

Rebecca Blevins said...

Beautiful, Heather. That's all I have to say, but for me it says it all.

Kelline said...

I love reading about mother's reflections of their children. You have an amazing love for them.

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

Someday you're gonna hear most of #7 back at you from those two beautiful little guys...if you only knew how enamored they are with YOU :)

Melanie Jacobson said...

Children are the evidence of God's grace.

Beautifully put.

Becky said...

This could not have come at a better time for me.

Thank you.

Gwendolyn said...

What a beautiful post! You are blessed...and so are your children. :o)

PsychMamma said...

Beautifully said. I completely relate to every one of your points. Especially that there is no "normal" and that Jenna teaches me infinitely more than I teach her.


BTW, you've been nominated for an award {wink}


Debbie said...

They are lucky to have a mom that takes the time to realize how great they are. Another great post.

Tim said...

Ok Heather of the EO, I have seen your comments on just about everyone I blog with for quite some time and just now got some time to come check you out. I love your site. You have a beautiful family and I hope you wont mind if I follow along.

Please feel free to stop by and visit us as well. You are welcome to follow us also, we love followers because they become friends.

God Bless.

Melissa said...

*wiping away tears*

Thank you, a million times over!

Just as I'm about to start a weekend of inevitable craziness, you've managed to put it all in perspective for me.

Did I say thank you?

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

TOOT KNOCKERS!!! I thought we were the only people on the planet who called our children that. OH MY GOSH. This is getting kind of scary, Heather. ;)

This is such a beautiful and uplifting post. A bright spot in the afternoon, to be sure.

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

Sweet post, hon. I needed that today...

sara said...

great post!! And boys continue to eat like that forever I think.....so start saving your pennies now!! Mine clean me out so fast!!!!

btw, when I added you as a contributor, it automatically added that on the sidebar. I am afraid to take it off..thinking it will delete you....and I NEED to you this weekend!!! I still have no idea how to get mr linky to work!!!! :)

Jami said...

I like commenting late, because then I get to read everyone else's comments first.

This is lovely. Poignant. Thank you.

Ann Harrison said...

I'm so honored that you would share such sweet words for all of us to read.

Heidi said...

Lovely. You know, my kids would want Martha from Martha Speaks and WordGirl to be their parents. Hey, I guess at least they would pick up an awesome vocabulary . . .

Mrs. Cox said...

What a precious post. I love #4! Funny! Have a great weekend, girl.

(I clicked some things again and now have my picture by my comment! Sweet. I love when the clicking actually works!)

Jules from "The Roost" said...

What a sweet post! I would be NO where without grace!

nicole said...

Beautiful post! Thanks for the reminder on what a gift this parenting gig is.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Our kids are amazing. I just got off the phone with my mom after telling her how lucky and blessed I feel to the be the mom of my four amazing boys. Thanks, Heather!

jmt said...

A post for printing and for later "use". You know...at their engagement announcements.....to ask the women they've chosen if THEY feel this way about them? If no...then...well, I think you get to give them the boot. LOL

Kim said...

I love this. That darn Mama Guilt...it never ends.

Kristen Howerton said...

Crying at #1. Bawling by #7.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...


Scrapbooks have got nothing on this sort of memory keeping.

charrette said...

Such a beautiful post! I totally agree that children are evidence of God's grace...and their forgiveness of our guilt-feeding mistakes is not just evidence, but grace in action!

3 Bay B Chicks said...

I love names with meaning. The fact that Miles means forgiving and merciful is lovely. When naming our kids, it was important for my husband and I to do something signficant to us too.

And, hello, what child wouldn't want George and Clifford as parents? My kids' standards probably even that high. My son would kick me to the curb in an instant for our garbage man.


James Blevins said...


Children are incredible, aren't they?

Dedee said...

I'm tearing up. That was beautiful!

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