
Project 365

Posted on Sunday~January 11, 2009

Project 365

Today I'm taking part in Sara's Project 365. Every Sunday she invites fellow bloggers to link up and share pictures from the week. What a great way to have photos archived as memories! No more non-scrapbooking guilt for me! (If I actually follow through with doing this each Sunday anyway...which is a bit of a long shot, but I'll try.)
My good intentions are worth something, right? RIGHT? Okay then...
Welcome to a captivating photo journey through our week.

Miles and Asher getting ready for sledding. Don't they look thrilled? Or maybe just cold?

Asher has his very own little backpack. He must wear it every waking hour. Pantsless, of course.

And Miles must wear his Halloween Spiderman costume every moment. The band-aid on the chin is a result of an incident involving Uncle K., a chair, and the garage floor. YOW.

This is our friend Ellorie. As you can see, she prefers older men. Asher vies for her attention, but she finds Miles to be the more interesting one, since he's verbal and tells great stories.
Poor Asher. One day, little man, one day...

Look! Asher has been growing some longer hairs. Just a few, but it's a start.

There you have it. Oh, the places we'll go. (Or...Oh, the fun we'll have while hiding from winter in our very own home.)

The End.

28 clicked right here to comment:

happygeek said...

It is a well-known fashion faux pas to wear pants with one's backpack while in the house. That's one fashionable little dude.

Annette Lyon said...

I love that last one with Asher's hair. What a cutie.

mrs boo radley said...

LOL! Ellorie and older men!

Is Uncle K sporting a band-aid as a result of the incident too?

Lara Neves said...

Love Project 365. I can never get it together enough to do it daily, though. Weekly is a better idea. :) I also love Asher's hair! It's so exciting when the babies get hair!

Heidi said...

If Asher keeps that up you will have enough to chop off and make a nice moustache for him--you know, as compensation a la the bald men with bears. The backpack thing is adorable! I love kids! Yours are especially cute!

sara said...

Heather you are a gem!!! Thanks again for all the help with Mr. Linky....and if people are confused about it, we have 50 more weeks to get it right! ha!

Love the picture of his hair. all my kids were bald till they were over 2.....better for a boy than a girl! :)

sara said...

I was just at linda's 2nd cup and I had to come back and lay down a challenge!! try the spoon....it so works!!! you have to put it in your mouth BEFORE you start chopping!!

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

You got some great candid shots throughout the week. I am trying to take a photo every day this year. Some days I get it, others not.

This is a fun idea, loved it!!


You've got a Superman, I've got a Peter Pan. My son Must wear his beloved Halloween costume once a day... talk about getting my money's worth on that on! I love the last picture of Asher's hair; reminds me of Cindy Lou Who, lol.


Melissa said...

Why would anyone wear a backpack with pants?


Kristina P. said...

Hey, he is tring to steal my hairdo!!?!?

That Girl said...

What a great idea. However, I think I'm still going to scrapbook because I love excuses to feel guilty.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Are your kids really brunettes (like Mom) and you color their hair? Just wondering. :)

Sara@iSass said...

Those are some sweet pictures Heather. Your boys are so cute.
I like the two of them I the sled, I love the hat of Ashers.
Why do boys like being pantsless???
Butter took her first solo shower today and Roo wanted to watch. Umm,NO! this is why she's showering, because she's growing up and we all need privacy! Sheesh...Too Funny about Ellorie.
I like older men too!

kel said...

I love the fuzzy little head!!

Kim said...

What great pics! Love how they're all pretty much in motion all the time :-) That's boys for you!

The last photo brought back a memory...my daughter was three before I cut her hair because there was so little of it. A friend who hadn't seen her in about a year said, "She finally has hair! Hallalujah!" LOL

Joy Junktion said...

I have seen so many bloggers doing this Project 365 - sounds like fun and lots of photos which I love.

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Nothing involving my chin and concrete could be a good thing. Thankfully kids are SO resilient!

I think Asher's backpack is adorable! I hope he's still wearing it next week...

Daisy said...

I thought he was imitating a turtle with the backpack on!

Brooke said...

That sounds like a great idea, which I would never follow through with, so have an enjoyable time doing it! I though everyone went pantless while wearing a backpack. You mean, I'm supposed to send my daughter to school in PANTS? Good to know. Good to know.

Dena said...

Your kids are so cute! And don't worry Asher, all 3 of mine seemed to take forever to get any hair, and now they have enough for 3 or 4people each. :)

Keyona said...

Goodness I've been behind on your posts! All caught up now. I totally agree about this being like High School and just like then, I don't care. I don't care if I only have 5 or so "friends" as long as they are loyal.

I love this sunday thing but I'm sure it will be too much for me, I'm too unreliable! :o)

Chel's Leaving a Legacy said...

lol..."Talk to me goose." ha!

Okay, well this is my first time here. Lovin' what I see so far! Your pics are cute as can be...especially that last one...

Nice to *meet* you...I'm sure I'll be seein ya around!

Aquaspce said...

So Cute Heather! Love the Bandaided chin!

Stonefox said...

Hey girl, these are great photos, and a great idea. I just left a comment on your previous post and want to make sure you read it! have a great Monday!

Cynthia said...

Cute! Love the hair shot.

Lisa said...

Looks like a perfect week...I like the one on the sled...they aren't really sure why they are all bundled up just to be stuck out in the snow when they could be inside in no pants and a backpack.

Anonymous said...

I love love love that photo of Asher's hair!

Fun project. WAY better than scrapbooking!

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