
Just another ordinary day

Posted on Monday~February 9, 2009

Our dog's name is Tia Maria. I don't bring her up very often here on the blog. That's mostly because I'm too busy rambling on about other things.
Tia is Ryan's best friend. And she's weird. In a lovely kind of gentle and easy-going way.
But still weird...
Tia has spent HOURS pushing her big red ball around the yard, combining her slobber with dirt to make mud. And then she wants to come in the house. Maybe that's the real reason I don't feel like talking about her much.

Anyway, the ball is a strong plastic. It had a little hole in it that Tia has always stuck her teeth in to grab a hold of it. The hole in the ball has slowly gotten bigger over time.

Now it's just the right size for this to happen:

Yes, our dog's face was stuck inside her ball.

I can't make this stuff up.

Ryan took a saw to the ball, cutting it in half.
Then he took a tin snip and cut slowly and carefully toward Tia's mouth.
And then she was free!

(Don't worry, the dog was not traumatized, she thought the whole thing was a game.)
(Because she's weird.)

Goodbye, ball! We won't miss you.

But Tia will.

I guess she'll just have to go back to the bowling ball...

45 clicked right here to comment:

Sabrina said...

Heather didn't make this up! I was on the phone with her when she said, Hold On...


I wasn't expecting to hear that! Gotta love that family! :)

Kim said...

Stinkin' hilarious! I love when our dog gets his head stuck inside something. My favorite is a Doritos bag. He shook it off before I could snap a pic though!

Heidi said...

Dogs are amazingly like humans. Love that this funny story has visual aids!

Angie said...

Okay, THAT is hilarious.

The sight of all that mud is just one more thing that convinces me I don't want a dog. Ash reeeeaaaaallllly wants one. Who do you think will get their way?

mrs boo radley said...

LOL! I have friends that sell jewelry...I think it's called Lia Sophia or Tia Maria jewelry or something. Your pup could be the mascot, since she is oh so very dainty and delicate.

He he.

Anonymous said...

Thank heavens Tia wasn't hurt. (Gotta love a dog's perspective. They're wonderful people.) The pictures are awesome!

Our dog is a blonde in every way. He's a golden retriever and as blonde in brains as they get but a more loyal, loving friend I've yet to find. He does wonders with our kids too.

happygeek said...

This is why we do not have a dog.
I already have three men who get stuck in things. Who needs a 4th?

Kristina P. said...

That is too funny!

And I'm sorry that you woke Asher up while reading my blog. But I am happy he wants a Snuggie and a ShamWow now.

Muthering Heights said...

I'm sure it wasn't funny to poor Tia...but I HAD to laugh!!

The Mom Jen said...

OMG that's crazy!

Debbie said...

I really need to get a dog. I could feel smart all day:)

Erin said...

What a crazy story! And I love the picture of his tongue licking a bowling ball...so funny!

Stephanie said...

I always thought you must be a patient person, but now I know you are a goddess of patience! I'm holding out on the dog thing for as long as I can ....

Unknown said...

I like weird dog stories! My dog plays with his toys until they are unrecognizable. We have to find them, toss them while he is not looking, and replace them. If he mourns, we never notice, cause he gets busy right away disfiguring his latest victim!

LisAway said...

How humorous is THAT! (See Lisa NOT use LOL)

Nothin' like a good old bowling ball for lickin'! Mmmm.

Becky said...

I'd leave a coherent comment but I'm laughing too hard.

kel said...

Oh my gosh.. you are not going to believe this! But that happened to my boxer a few years ago (he has since passed, but not due to the ball) He had a blue one and played with it constantly.. and finally punctured it and got stuck. My neighbor had to break out the hack saw and cut it in half! so funny! I swear I thought we were the only ones!

Kelline said...

That's too funny and cute!

Lara Neves said...

I was going to feel sorry for the dog, but if she was weird enough to think it was all fun and games, even when a saw was involved, I'll just echo everyone else and thank you for the great laugh today. ;)

Karen Mello Burton said...

Cute dog. Funny problem. But I must admit, the shiny bowling ball almost gagged me. LOL

Annette Lyon said...

Yet again--glad I have no dog.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha!! That is actually quite cute! I have a dog that that would happen to. I get you with the whole rolling a dirty ball in the house - we have two beasts who bring all kinds of yummy disgusting things into the house...

Gotta love 'em, right??


Happy Monday!

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

haha, sweet. Definitely can't make this up ;)

CC said...

Bwhahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dogs = funny. ;)

Jen said...

that is funny, creepy and gross all at the same time. I love it.

Anonymous said...

aren't dogs silly... loving, a lot of work, and so silly!

RosyRose said...

Thank God I don't have the only weird dog in the country!!!
I'm not gonna lie she looks pretty goofy:)!!!

Sheryl said...

ok, that's hilarious!!

Melanie Jacobson said...

Ha, ha! That's so funny! Coolest dog ever.

Anonymous said...

Not many posts get an LOL from me, but this one does: LOL!

Anonymous said...

Hahahahah, I SO love this!!! The pics are priceless.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahah, I SO love this!!! The pics are priceless.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahah, I SO love this!!! The pics are priceless.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Great pictures! Only dogs...

Tim said...

That is too funny, so glad that she wasnt hurt or anything.

Cynthia said...

Oh dear! That is so funny. I know I shouldn't laugh but I can't help it. The poor little critter!

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

You most certinly could not make this stuff up! Perfect blog material...

Jules from "The Roost" said...

Poor TIA! Sorry for laughing at you TIA!!!

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Seriously, Heather, you need to do a follow-up post to this. I saw Sabrina's comment. After you yelled at Ryan about the dog, did you tell Sabrina that you would call her back because you had to run to get the camera?

A serious blogger is always thinking about her next post.


PS: This post must surely have been inspired by the power of the pony. Am I right?

Radioactive Tori said...

That is very very funny...now that I know she is all right anyway.

Kristen Howerton said...

So funny, but I'm also a wee bit creeped out.

Elisa said...

I love that you actually took a picture of the dogs face stuck to the ball.

You are a true blogger!

charrette said...

This is awesome. What would I give to see the video version!

Remind me to tell you about our evil dog that we had to give away (Don't worry, we're still dog lovers! We have a new sheltie) and the amazing human trick he learned. On second thought, that sounds like a post waiting to happen...Once again, you've inspired me!

Peanut said...

That is too funny. Reminds me of the time when my brother's wife called him up in a panic because their son had got his potty stuck around his neck (don't ask me how!). 2 hours, lots of jelly beans, and some careful sawing later, he was free... but hasn't been too keen on the potty ever since!

Mozi Esme said...

Poor puppy! Glad she wasn't traumatized by it!

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