Do you have a few posts you're really proud of? You know the ones, tucked away in your archives, begging to be read? Posts that many of your readers missed because it was long ago, or posts they would love to see again?
So here's your chance to have your favorites featured!
Bloggers Annex

If you're already familiar with the Annex, you may have had trouble logging in and submitting in the past. But the process has been simplified! You no longer have to keep track of a member name and password. You simply copy and paste your post and email it. Easy peasy.
I'm one of the editors over at the Bloggers Annex, and we want YOUR submissions. The posts can be serious, funny, poetry...anything. We simply look for well-written posts to share with the blogosphere.
I joined the Annex team because I love discovering new blogs and great writers. I love to "meet" new people I wouldn't have come across if not for sites that feature a variety of posts from a variety of bloggers. That's exactly what the Annex does, and I look forward to seeing it grow!
I joined the Annex team because I love discovering new blogs and great writers. I love to "meet" new people I wouldn't have come across if not for sites that feature a variety of posts from a variety of bloggers. That's exactly what the Annex does, and I look forward to seeing it grow!
So here we go! We need your submissions! Which gave me an idea:
Please click on Bloggers Annex above and check out the site. If you subscribe to the site while you're there, come back here and let me know that you did in the comments. AND, if you submit one (or more) of your posts, let me know that too.
Why, Heather?
Because I'm going to feature my favorite post of yours here on the EO if you do! (Ha! I know, you're totally excited...maybe.) OK, so I'm not exactly blog famous, but HEY, you could gain like 2 to 10 readers (or maybe even MORE) by having your lovely post featured here. I'll also throw in an introduction to your blog when your post is featured here. (One where I share what it is that I love about your blog.)
Just to clarify, you don't have to subscribe AND submit to the Annex today for me to feature your post here, just one or the other. (But both would be really cool.) And if you already subscribe to the Annex (I know many of you do), leave a comment and you'll be included too. (If that's the case, consider submitting something new!)
SO, not only do you have a chance of your submissions being featured on the Annex, you will be featured here, just for subscribing and/or submitting. Make sense? Any questions?
You're good writers! You've got good stuff! So go on and submit those posts!
(sheesh, I'm bossy today.)
(sheesh, I'm bossy today.)
(My plan is to do one feature per week here, until I've covered all of you that subscribed or submitted over at Bloggers Annex.)
This post was inspired by Jay's prompt at Halftime Lessons. In this week's Tuesday's Tribute, Jay calls for posts about our favorite websites. So there you have it, one of my favorites, the Annex!
38 clicked right here to comment:
You talked me into it. I'll find a favorite post and send it in. :)
Just THIS VERY morning I went through a few of my old posts to see if any are submittable. Unfortunately I didn't really think so, but I'll go ahead and submit anyway. :)
Great idea! Love it!
i've never heard of it! i will go check it out... i may have a post or two that i am proud of. interesting that i think i wrote better when no one was reading.
I usually only read when you post there but now I am a subscriber. Man you are pushy! I have a few post I may think about submitting. Maybe today. We'll see. :o)
Hrmrmm...maybe I should think about it.
Anyway, I saw your note about trying to join my followers. Is that why nobody is joining?!! Because blogger hates mean, because there's some weird glitch with blogger?
Ohh, Heather. I like this.
Actually, that's not totally true. I really just like you and will blindly do whatever you tell me to.
I'll spend some time on this later today when my kids are napping.
What a neat idea, and great way to find some new blogs!
Is there a section for "she writes like crap, but she's kinda likable"
Because then I could do it. ;)
Oh I kid...I still couldn't. But I'm totally looking forward to seeing who you feature and reading their work!
I've been a member for some time. I even have my mother letter saved as a draft there (at least, it might still be saved). I asked it if was ok for me to post something like that. She said yes, but then I never submitted it, I don't think.
I think you're spectacular, you know that?
I'm having a really rough day. I think I caught your Bluesday. Fo' real.
I submitted something yesterday, but I know that it's WAY TOO LONG for anyone to publish! I'll go through my stuff and see if maybe I can de-long-wind-ify myself. Haha. Or maybe it's time to just write a new one. (I'm not sure I even know how to do that anymore...)
Anyway, love the post. You're very convincing. I hope traffic at the annex picks up a lot from this.
Okay, I've thought about it before, but now I will definitely send something in. Today.
I don't want to submit anything, but I will check it out!
hey there Heather ..
I sent you a submission called "Christmas Perfected" from December 2005 .. before Kid induced senility had set in fully ..
Well, I'm not convinced that I have anything worth submitting, but I'll look. I did subcribe though. I've been looking to add some more blogs to my reader so thanks for the direction!
I've heard of the annex before and I am now a "follower!"
I will be going through my posts and submitting today.
Okay, I just went through my posts and didn't come up with much that I thought was great. I do have a one or two in mind but they both have a religious tone. Is that a problem?
I'm using a different computer right now since I'm stuck in bed. So, if you get a chance could you e-mail me and let me know?
Do the ones that I sent you directly count? Thanks for the reminder. I have to go do that...
Kate- YES!
GOOD question (I emailed the response, but want to share it here for others)
Having a religious tone to the posts is not a problem.
Well-written is the most important thing we're looking for. BUT if you submit something with religious themes, you just want to keep in mind that you'd want to edit out terms or phrases that are exclusive to your religion-maybe replacing them with more universal terms. So that all people of all faiths (or not faiths :) feel comfortable reading it in the sense that they know what the heck you're talking about.
(or at least add an explanation, like, "In our religion...")
(that was a joke.)
Hope I made some semblance of sense here. Let me know if I didn't.
Hi Heather!!
Great recommend...I am on my way over to find out what this is all about...
Heather you are so super awesome!
I off to find something worthy...
I subscribed and sent in something. I don't know why I chose the one I did. Must be the fatigue!
I'm already subscribed, does that count?
So glad that the process has changed. I don't know if I could have been able to go into the site to resubmit a post there when I can e-mail it instead.
You convinced me to try it. So I subscribed and submitted. I'll be glad just to read others' stories in one place. Blessings, SusanD
Hi, I'm a friend of Heidi A's and I clicked over here to find this post. I guess I'll submit. Thanks! I wonder if any of my posts will seem relevent today. I'll go check.
Have a great day!
Oh and I blog at
My name always takes people to blogger.
Hmmm..I'll have to look through my old posts to see what I have that might be good enough. Lately, I've been too tired and brain dead to write anything worthwhile. :)
I am subscribed though :)
What an Awesome site! Thanks for telling those of us who didn't know about it all about it - I am now subscribed and have submitted an old post. I really need to start writing decent stuff again :)
Aw, you gave me a good laugh, it was funny.
And I'll take the hat even though it's been over a week since I've visited with that tread mill!
I don't know if I have a post I am necessarily proud of...I'll have to go through my archives.
But I will go subscribe now!
Well, here's the thing for me. I did subscribe cuz I luv ya and I want to support you. But I am just not the kind of person to submit my own work. That's embarrassing to me and I just can't.
I am afraid to show my face there because I was supposed to be participating in a writing game this month and blew it off due to personal stuff here at chez Burton. :( I will try and submit something else soon.
I still prefer reading posts at the Annex to submitting :-) So I hope you get a lot of resposne from this.
When is this homework due? I would love to submit, do I still have time?
This is a great way to get other blogs to follow! I will go visit the annex soon and read some new peeps. Just as soon as I finish hanging out with Hubs on our anniversary....yeah yeah, I know we're not hanging yet. LOL
Good for you, Heather! A perfect fit for you. I'm already subscribed over there - will submit something soon.
I subscribed in Google reader.
I will go through my posts and see if I can find something worthy for submission, oh mighty Sensei! :oP
Hmm ... let me see. I should get back to you because I love all of them.
Twitter: AboutParenting
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