
The Noggin speaks good news

Posted on Friday~March 13, 2009


Here's what we learned during Asher's day of testing yesterday:
The ventricles that were over-loaded with spinal fluid before his shunt surgery are just a fraction of the size they once were. It amazes me that our bodies can spring back and recover from such things. When Asher's hydrocephalus was discovered, the over-flowing ventricles took up over half of the upper part of his brain, pushing into those lobes like a hand squeezing a sponge. But now, everything appears to be back in order. His valve is working as it should!
As the janitor at my college used to say, "PRAISE-A-LUIA TO YA!"
(I'm pretty sure there's a Hallelujah in there somewhere.)

So now, we plan to carry on with life as usual. And that sounds really good.

We'll gobble up moments like this:
In which the book Asher is reading apparently says he can have a pacifier forever,

In which he discovers that it's HIM in that little window on the video camera,

Have a good weekend!

51 clicked right here to comment:

Angie said...

PRAISE-A-LUIA indeed! So thankful you can go about life as normal. :)

LOVE the videos. What a little cutie your Asher is. Many blessings and happy weekend, my bloggy friend.

Mrs. Cox said...

Great news! Praise the Lord!

Fun videos!

The Three 22nds said...

Did you go to Northwestern? I swear there was a janitor there that said the same thing!

Kristina P. said...

That is such great news, Heather!!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

So, so glad that darling boy of yours in going to be okay! And that your loving mama heart gets this relief!

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

Such good news Heather! YAY!

Enjoy your weekend :)

Rach@In His Hands said...

Wahoo!!! That is excellent news!

Oh, my goodess.....Asher is the cutest little guy ever!

Annette Lyon said...

Yes, yes, yes!!!

Sheryl said...

Nothing like a little bit of "normal" to make you feel like celebrating! What great news.

What a darling little boy. Thanks for sharing him with us.

sara said...

that is AWESOME!!! And so were those videos.....however, only a mom can pick a booger (that no one else can see) while the video is rolling!!! :)

Muthering Heights said...

I'm so glad you have some good news!!!! :)

Peanut said...


Cute videos :) I love his little giggle!

Dedee said...

Congratulations! That is news worthy of celebration! Ice cream anyone?

Sara@iSass said...

What a sweet boy!
I am so glad I'm not the only one that will snatch a booger! ;)

Stephanie said...

So glad he has the right to FEEL better. Love the huge smiles and the "wee-woo" peek-a-boo. And you know you're a seasoned mother when you grab a kid's boogers with your bare hands. :)

NorahS said...

Yippee! Great news!

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

AH - back to normal indeed. Sounds wonderful Heather! I am so pleased to hear this good news.

I loved that resolute look on his face when he put the paci back in his mouth. :) A boy that knows what he wants. Good luck with that.

I love how your joy of mothering showed up in these videos. That little giggle of yours and that loving voice as you talk to Asher - so great!! :)

Amy said...


Heidi said...

Isn't it just wonderful that we can keep forever those fun FUN moments! I just love modern technology and am so grateful that I am alive today to store up my memories like that! Precious Asher! He's a special one! (Thanks for your comment on my blog post yesterday--I really appreciated its thoughtfulness!)

Deb said...

that's the best news i have heard all day (and i have heard some pretty decent news today).

kiss that cute boy and carry on with life!

Anonymous said...

I know how stressful those neuro appointments are! Thank God for good news in the Brains Department - we've got a check-up in April!

Kim said...

Hot dang Heather! This news ROCKS!!!

That Mr. Asher is just SO freaking cute. I love the cute little talking and refusal of giving Mama the paci.


Anonymous said...

Wahoo! Great news for your sweet baby Asher!

I'll have to wait until Husband gets home with the headphones to watch the videos with sound...

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO THANKFUL!!!!

I can't watch the video now, unless I muted it, with a sleeping baby on me (and watching it muted would just be the dumbest thing ever, defeating the point and all)

I can't wait to watch his sweet face!

Debbie said...

That is worth a Hallelujah and a Praise Jesus! And anything else you want to throw in there!

Melanie Jacobson said...

I'm so glad everything is good! Yay for your family!

Elisa said...

Hot diggity dog! (i actually wrote god there. whoops... I guess that works too, huh?!)

That really is great news!

Unknown said...


Karen Mello Burton said...

I am sooo happy that you got good news. Congrats!

That is one cute kid!

Anonymous said...

Praise, thank, worship, party, wave my lighter, dance around goat sacrifices, and sing with the HAPPIEST OF HAPPY RELIEF!!!! HOORAY FOR ASHER! HOORAY FOR HEATHER! HOORAY, HOORAY, IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY!!!!

jmt said...

What GREAT news for a Friday, for ANY day!! And seriously....if all you have to worry about right now is picking boogers out of Asher's nose....you've got a great weekend ahead of you! LOL

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Yeah Asher! Chris and I were watching the videos (you know as he reads over my shoulder - cause I LOVE that), and that last one cracked us up. Halfway through, I said, "this is like watching my own life." Seriously though, the end when he was leaning back and then leaning in had us giggling (I mean it had ME giggling - since he's still reading over my shoulder).

Stonefox said...

This is awesome, Heather! Rejoicing with you this weekend.

Kristen Howerton said...

I am so stoked to hear that!! Yay!!

happygeek said...

yeah for Asher. So glad things are working tickity-boo.

Evolving Mommy Catherine said...


Cynthia said...

Woo Hoo! I am so happy for the whole family. 'Normal' (whatever that is anyway) is a great place to be.

Mozi Esme said...

Yeah Yeah Yeah!

And glad Asher is reading the important stuff...

Jules from "The Roost" said...

FABULOUS news! Yes Praise the Lord on HIGH! =)

Mrs4444 said...

This is wonderful news; I'm happy for you. (just popped by via a comment you made on Heidi's Dunhaven blog).

Jami said...

OK that just made me grin. Good news. Sweet baby-mama giggles. Just sweet on top of sweeter!

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

GLORY!!! Great news!!!

Sabrina said...

Aw! That is wonderful news!!!
Is Ryan gone this week? I am free all week and I would love to see you and the boys!

a Tonggu Momma said...

Coming out of the influenza fog to say hallelujah! So glad to hear this... praising God!

Jennifer said...

YAY!! That's great news! What a huge relief!!

Rebecca Blevins said...

Hooray! So glad to hear the wonderful news!

Beck said...

That's wonderfulnews! His little baby voice makes my heart hurt - awwww!

Anonymous said...

So very happy for your good news! What a awesome blessing and what a darling little boy!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

I am so happy for you, Heather. So happy.

Mrs. Dunbar said...

Praise God! What a relief to know your little man's body is working as it should. Wonderful!

CC said...


Great news!

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