
A tribute to one of my best teachers

Posted on Tuesday~ March 17, 2009

I had to stop and smile today as Asher made his way across the kitchen floor. Stomp-stomp-stomp. He loves to stomp. If wearing shoes, he can be found trying to find the best place for foot pounding. It makes him smile. This child loves to hear himself.

It occurred to me today that he loves everything about himself and everything about life. Of course, at age 1.5, he doesn't have the capacity for much introspection, but I'd like to think there's more to it than that. I believe he was born with a gift that will lead him to live out loud if given the chance. I believe that because I think it's true for everyone.

This passionate little guy impresses me even while his stubborn spirit and temper stretch me every day.

Asher has been through more than many folks his age, and yet his joy and exuberance are not tamed in the least. He never tires of hearing himself screech, scream, demand and shout. He loves to giggle and laugh, cackle even.

He'll bang his fists to his belly to hear the deep beat, clap his hands together like cymbals, and shout loudly, as if his volume might change the world.

He walks from room to room like he's being chased, stopping only to bend low and make animal-like sounds, arms raised in the air, acting out something from his busy mind.

This boy is passionate, free-spirited and strong. He's a mover and a shaker, one who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He's a lovely little powerhouse of a human being.

(this calls for a repeat of everyone's favorite dancing photo)

Asher does things with such abandon, it reminds me that there's still something in all of us that begs to live passionately without too much introspection or consideration of the judgment of others.

He's like August Rush, discovering his gift for music, pounding away on the guitar with sheer joy beaming off his face,
He's like Walter Vale in The Visitor as he uncovers the sweet abandon of beating a drum and being a faithful friend,
(If you haven't seen this movie, SEE IT.)

Somewhere along the way, most of us have a tendency to lose this deeply rooted propensity to truly LIVE. Asher reminds me every day to never laugh in the face of dreams, his or mine. I can't wait to watch him live, to be a spectator in the unfolding life of a passionate soul.

What will he be? Will he love sports or music? Will he find himself pounding away at a keyboard with wild abandon as the words flow? Whatever he chooses, I know he'll succeed. So far, nothing has held him back.

For more Tuesday's Tributes visit Jay at Halftime Lessons. or Deb at Dirty Socks and Pizza.
(the last two pictures are courtesy of flickr)

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a Tonggu Momma said...

I feel this way about the Tongginator. And I have to wonder how she might have fared within the Chinese culture, so very different from the American emphasis on individuality and independent spirit. Just how different would she be?

NorahS said...

Great post. He sounds like an amazing little guy. Almost makes me wish I had a boy. Almost.

kel said...

I love that dance face!!

Rach@In His Hands said...

Sweet, smart, spunky Asher is pretty blessed to have a Mama who loves him so much and wants the world for him...

Jillene said...

What a great tribute Heather! Asher is adorable.

Suburban Correspondent said...

That's exactly what I love about that toddlers!

Kristina P. said...

Wonderful tribute, Heather.

Growin' With It said...

guess who is starting up *BREAKDANCING class* this week? My AJ. i love how God puts a groove in all our hearts!

Sabrina said...

Hmmm... I wonder if he will be a drummer like a certain uncle of his? :)
Rock on Ash-Man!

Debbie said...

I'm sure you are right. That little man is a success waiting to happen.

Melanie Jacobson said...

Some of our happiest moments are as a family when Grant sucks us into his delighted laughter and we just forget about everything and go with it.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I think this about my own children every day. Even when all they want to do is run around naked. I think, "that's right - who cares what people think! Be confident! But maybe not outside."

Deb said...

he's beautiful and this post is beautiful. it is hard to stay calm and look at our wild, free-spirited ones with loving eyes all the time. you hang onto that, because all that energy and abandon will serve him very well one day.

That Girl said...

Fabulous tribute. It's been said and will be said - because it's true.

Love it.

Jo said...

Loved this: "to live out loud if given the chance". May he never lose that passion....and may it be contagious!

Muthering Heights said...

What a sweet tribute!

Anonymous said...

I just love that your Tuesday Tribute is to your little man. What a great mommy.

I'm ashamed to admit, I haven't seen either of those movies. *cringe* I'll hop on it!

And still loving that dance pic. =]

Rebecca Blevins said...

Beautiful. It's so special those times when we see our little children as individuals with such potential.

Sometimes I feel inadequate, but mostly wonderous and grateful!

Halftime Lessons said...

Some say that the only thing that can hold them back is US...kind of a humbling thought.

Great tribute!!


Mother Letter said...

"Somewhere along the way, most of us have a tendency to lose this deeply rooted propensity to truly LIVE."


Where along the way? I don't know. But I agree.

Karen Mello Burton said...

After living with an introspective husband for twenty-something years, I do believe introspection is way overrated. A little instinctive spontaneity is a beautiful thing!

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

And with only one sock!

3 Bay B Chicks said...

One of the very best things about having kids are the reminders that they give us daily about finding the little joys in life. It is so very easy to overlook things like this as an adult.

I am glad that Asher does this for you.


Ronda's Rants said...

Love the picture of him dancing..so my kind of guy!
I also loved the movie The Visitor!!

happygeek said...

There's something amazing about our kids eh?

Keyona said...

Wherever life takes him, I know he'll make you proud!

Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

You son is adorable. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

RosyRose said...

He is so cute that "One Sock Wonder Boy" of yours!:)

wendy said...

How wonderful, the lessons we can learn from our children. I loved that. (and I will have to go rent the Visitor)

jmt said...

And what's really important, I think, is to have someone like you...who sees this in him...tell US so that we may decide to unleash these feelings and then share and encourage this behavior in OUR children....and keep passing it along so that we all may be a bit more free.

Sheryl said...

Once again...fabulous!

That picture of Asher will never cease to crack me up!

Anonymous said...

Oh Heather - yeah. You did it again. A few chills up the spine when I read your words. And I wanna squeeze that cutie of yours...

Great post.

P.S. I'm stealing your little question idea but I'm giving you credit. On my Wed. post.....come play. :-)

Peanut said...

He sounds so much like my JJ. Living life to the fullest!

I had no idea before I had kids that I would learn so much more than I would teach.

Blessed said...

My 18 month old Sugar is that way - loving life, loving discovery, loving herself. If only I could be a little more like her... "except ye become as little children..."

Dedee said...

What a great post. I think I needed this today!

CC said...

Wonderful post and amazing tribute to your fabulous son!

charrette said...

Fabulous twist on a classic theme, here. I loved your take on this. Love the film stills from two of my favorite movies. Love that you're willing to learn from your son, including the not-easy parts. One more reason you rock!

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Perfect. Simply perfect. You've said it absolutely marvelously. Our children are our best teachers, aren't they?

Jessica Stock said...

That's so great. I love this post! It reminds me to truly live, too. You're right, kids are the best teachers!

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