This is funny stuff, people. Are ya ready?
I just checked my sitemeter and said to myself,
"Why are there so many google searches that landed people here today?"
Then I clicked on one, and another one, and another one....
The google search words?
"Heather motherhood blog"
Guess what, guys?
Heather Armstrong was on Oprah today.
You know, the Heather Armstrong of one of the best known blogs in the world?
Yeah, Dooce.
I wonder how long people will look around, confused, wishing they could understand how a blogger like me was on Oprah...
I'm sure there will be a whole lotta' confusion. Especially because I look so much like her:
Heather of the Dooce

Heather of the EO

I mean, seriously. If you photoshop my wrinkles and thin out my nose, darken the brows, straighten the hair, and stand really far away, we're totally the same person.
You can call me Dooce, for short.
55 clicked right here to comment:
Don't tell anyone this, and this might be blog blasphemy, but I think you are a much better, funnier writer than Dooce.
Dude, I'll always come here first. And don't dismiss your hottiness!
Hey, least it's getting you a lot of hits, and maybe more readers! :)
What a great way to get more readers! I don't read Dooce. I read (and love) you.
Wow, live it up during your 15 seconds of accidental fame! And FWIW, the other Heather ain't got nothing on you!!
You could be twins! :)
Hey, rock those stats for as long as you need to. Hi Oprah viewers! :)
By the way, I think you're cuter :)
I would rather read THIS heather than THAT Heather any day. Nothing against Heather of Dooce - just not my preference for how I'll spend my time reading.
But yeah. You just rock those stats.
(And I was TOTALLY confused and perplexed as to why the Oprah producers didn't put up each blogger's address or even blog name under their names today? Still scratching my head over that one.)
Hee hee! Talk about a giggle moment!
I gotta say, I like you better. Enjoy the extra traffic.
Awesome. THat is really funny...but good. And I agree with the other are a better writer...and I'm not just saying that.
As another Heather I am going to have to check my stats later for the fun of it.
LOL, that's hilarious! You're totally riding on her coattails today. Awesome!
Twins absolutely.
Only your language is much more um, PG appropriate.
I think you're both lovely (and I suspect that she has just as many wrinkles as the rest of us - I mean she is over 30!)
That is really funny though. And I think you should be impressed that YOUR blog is coming up so high on the list (there are a lot of Heathers out there you know...)
People will start following you and wonder why you're not posting any of those cute dog pictures... And no funny stories about how you pronounce cayon.
I thought of you today when I was watching Oprah. Maybe when your blog starts bringing in $40,000 a month you can have a professional take your pic like she did and the wrinkles will disappear!!
Separated at birth.
Only you're funnier.
Those people need to stay here and not even bother to go to her site. When I first thought about starting a blog, I read her daily. Why not learn from the most successful? Then, I met you and all my other lovelies and she is no longer on my reader. Haven't read her in 6 months. As Kristina said, you are better. Sometimes popular stays popular without basis:)
And why are not famous mommy bloggers named Debbie? Riddle me this.
Guess what? I stopped reading Dooce quite a while ago...she isn't uplifting in the least. But you, my dear, are VERY uplifting and I love reading what you have to say.
Although...hey, if you can capitalize on it GREAT!
I'm kind of sad I missed that Oprah because I wanted to know what Oprah had to say about mommy bloggers.
hehe - that's really funny. Enjoy the extra traffic!
I haven't watched Oprah in forever. Hope it painted bloggers in a good light.
And Dooce - yeah, she ain't got nothing on you chica.
Hey Gayle!
Um, so the other day I signed up for Twitter and I signed up for your feed. And I couldn't figure out why you had hundreds of thousands of followers until I realized that I had signed up for Heather Armstrong. Duh.
Not that you wouldn't deserve that many followers!
I have a confession to make that will probably get me kicked out of this wonderful world of blogging...I have NEVER read Dooce, never even been to her site. Is that weird?
I'm not a Dooce fan. But I AM a YOU fan, so thank goodness I've never confused the two of you!
Dooce is doing a booksigning at my local bookstore. This is just so beyond weird to me. And yet, fine. I confess. I'm TOTALLY GREEN WITH ENVY. Why isn't my blog a book? Why aren't I being paid absurd amounts of money for my ads? Hmmm? WHY?
Okay, now that that rant is over, I will sit back and laugh at how wonderfully funny you are. hahaha.
I read Dooce in the early days. Now she just doesn't dooce it for me.
I came here from a link called "Dooce on Oprah," and lucky me, I found I like you better!
Clearly we all love you, and not the other one so much! And for good reason. Blogs like yours are the ones that should get the glory, even though Oprah doesn't know what she's talking about most of the time.
Oprah is the place to get traffic thru your blog even if people were looking for someone else!
(found your blog on mormon mommy blogs)
Not to complain or anything, but "Heather motherhood blog" is SO MUCH BETTER than "Asian girls crazy."
I'm just saying...
I would rather come to yours =0)
Dooce is a machine. So green, she makes like 40K a MONTH?! Wow. But you are better to read, serious.
And all I can say is, THANK HEAVEN you're not!
I read her once, and never went back. I read you every day. Because you laugh and uplift. Huge difference. HUGE.
Perhaps the extra traffic is divine intervention....
Hi, Dooce. I saw you on Oprah today. You Rock! (wink, wink.)
That is really funny. I'm sure some people will stick around, and not because you're sticky, but because you host a nice place to be :)
I have been to Dooce's blog twice. The first time because I heard what a wonderful funny blog it was.
I was less than impressed.
Today I went again because of what is going on here, (and maybe she was having a bad week that other time).
Not so much.
I just don't like her blog, I felt assaulted by profanity.
I do however like yours. I have been following (but rarely commenting) since before Asher's surgery.
That's pretty funny. Guess their are perks to having the name Heather!
I love Dooce!!!! But I lvoe you too, and since I really know you in real life, you win.
What a cool coincidence to get her traffic, maybe Oprah has something good comeout her show once every 10years after all! :-)
I saw her on Oprah. DOn't ask me WHY i was watching Oprah yesterday. You know how I feel about Oprah.
Dooce is interesting but you are the real deal. Not just because I know you in real life, but your writing is always true and real and you are a kind soul.
Hey, maybe you should be on Oprah, she doesn't know what she's missing.
You totally look alike, well with the changes you suggested.
Ummmmmmmmm ..............
So, how exactly do you say her name? Cuz, uuuhhhhhhhh, I don't think I'm pronounciating it correctly.
Yeah. And, I don't mean the "Heather" part...
xo, crock
Well, I would have rather seen you on Oprah! :-)
Don't know about that person's blog and probably don't want to either. I'm not much into popularity— but like content instead. This is why I follow this Heather and not the other.
I've never heard of Dooce, but I'm fairly certain that when people accidentally end up here, they'll be thinking, "Dude! This place is a gold mine of knowledge, wittiness, and heartwarming goodness."
True story.
Okay, I couldn't wait. I went to her website and got the answer to my previous question... "deuce".
While there, I decided to read a little about this charming lady, and... I am certain that this is simply a byproduct of the sad truth that I am who I am, but...
I am now trying to stifle some pretty uncontrollable giggles. :p
xo, crock
How funny that Google is driving so many to you. Maybe the other Heathers photo was photoshopped? LOL.....
I don't even know who Heather of Dooce is so to me, you're more famous than her any day!
I like you much better : ).
I have never read Dooce, but I am inspired enough and challenged enough when I read you and others that I HAVE found. Thank goodness!
That was awesome Heather!!! You guys do look alike!! And you SHOULD be just as famous as her. Why the hell not?? :-)
Well you look a whole lot more approachable and easy to talk to!
I'm sure she's a great person (who's fame hasn't yet permeated deepest Oxfordshire!), but she looks like she hasn't been fed for a week!
Good on the hits though - huh?!
Once again, proof that I live in a hole, oblivious to the outside world...I've so never heard of Dooce.
You rock.
I don't even know who Dooce is. Does that make me the world's worst blogger?
I'm telling you, it's the goose. If you didn't have a goose, I wouldn't be here. I bet Dooce doesn't have a goose!
I have read Dooce's blog and so now I am saying "Wha the wah?" She was on Oprah? Oh pul-hease!
You deserve the extra traffic, and I like you better too! This is the blog that should be pulling in the stacks!
i know this reveals my total dorkiness, but i hadn't even HEARD of dooce until last week. you, i've known for a lot longer!
oprah and i are not on the best of terms lately, by the way, so i missed the show.
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