
This is juuust write

Sunday~April 26, 2009


These are my new digs! And I dig them!

It's me! The same Heather, only with some work done.

But, Heather! Where did everything go???

Well, friends. It's up there, inside those buttons that say links and hits. You see, it's all really good stuff, but it's also lots and lots of stuff. So I cleaned house. I simplified. And man, it feels good. (Doesn't it, Tonggu Daddy?)

I'll be working out the kinks for a few days, adding things, removing things, and generally moving things around. You know, pressing out those fine lines and wrinkles. Sure, I really hope you like my new look, but if you don't, you are not allowed to tell me. It would hurt my new blog's feelings.

Blogging reminded me that I love to write, and then it surprised me with these genuine connections, friendships I've made that totally rock the party. It's that simple. So this new look? It's juuuust write!

(Get it? That was a play on words, in which I try to make a statement about my blogging purpose...just write...I KNOW, SO CLEVER.)

See you soon!

59 clicked right here to comment:

Lara Neves said...

Gorgeous and perfect and oh-so-springy! I love it!

Kristina P. said...

I love it! So simple and clean!

mrs boo radley said...

Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity. You're speaking my language, pretty lady!

Sheryl said...

i love it!! i'm sure you feel much better without the "clutter".

have a great Sunday.

Elizabeth said...

Heather, I love the new design! Especially the little birdie because I love little birdies:)

I especially love the new description of what you and your blog are all about. It's perfect.

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

OMG heather. HEATHER! It is FAB-U-LOUS!

Deb said...

i am all for a little plastic surgery to keep things lifted and looking youthful! i LOVE it so! although... i do miss having a photo of your lovely mug to stare at while i read your posts.

Heather of the EO said...

Deb- I'm working on getting a picture back up, but it looked HUGE in this design. I'll figure it out. That photo from before was kind of weird anyway...me just staring off into space with a half smile. I mean, I can BE crazy, but I don't need to LOOK crazy. :)

Unknown said...

Love the little birdie.

Jo said...

This is bee-yoo-tiful! It's soothing & peaceful, yet cheerful and a wee bit spunky. I'm with Deb, though, we need to see your half-smiling face again soon. So put that noggin back up, as soon as you finish up with your moving and rearranging!

p.s. You turned my day from being on the verge of frustrated, sad tears to crying actual happy, encouraged tears, with your last comment & the featured blogger deal-ee-oh. Seriously, I was having a horrible day, totally down, and your kind words encouraged me to the very core. so THANK YOU!

Becky said...

Ooh, la la! I dig it, sista. I'm all about spring cleaning - even on the blog.

Stephanie said...

Lovely! A very nice makeover; the EO's looking better than ever! :)

sara said...

you are so clever!! love the new, clean look!!!

Muthering Heights said...


It looks great around here!

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

Heather, I absolutely LOVE it! It's simple - but still edgy. In a very chic and classy way. You know - just like you.

I love it.

Did I mention how much I love?

Cause I do.

Now I want to do something like it.


Heather of the EO said...

Can anyone tell me if it takes forever to upload? I'm trying to be sure that isn't the case by removing as much as possible. So please let me know if it took a long time, mkay?


Erin said...

It took just a teensy bit longer than usual, but not an annoyingly long time or anything. It's beautiful! I love it!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

It's beautiful.

But yes, it did take a long time to load. In fact, I just came back after clicking on one of your alternate sites, and I still can't see the background. I've been waiting more than 2 minutes.

(It appears to be hanging at "transferring data from secure.us.imrworldwide.com.")

K and/or K said...

Spring cleaning!

The hibernating cabin look is out and a refreshing new look is here!

Well done.

Beck said...

It looks great - clean and simple!

...sensible of shoe said...

Love the new look! Is is easier to read and will be perfect for when you go on Oprah. Dyson says hi!

The Mom Jen said...

BEAUTIFUL!! I love when I cleaned house too!

Sue said...

I love it. It's so "clean".

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Love the new you. It's so "you."

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Wait - I forgot to ask... You mentioned that you'd have a button to go with your new look. Where can I get one?

Amanda - The Mom Job said...

Me likey likey!

Heather of the EO said...

The blog button is coming. Probably tomorrow, or maybe the next day. Thank you for wanting it :)

a Tonggu Momma said...

BwwwwaaaHaHaHa! He WILL be stopping by later tonight. And I know he will LOVE the new look!

Jen said...

Oh I love the new look. I really do! It is so peaceful and calming and your writing can really shine.

Anonymous said...

Heather of the EO said...
I would comment mre clrly, but cant sea throug th blod.

12:27 PM

Great to read your comment to MckMamma. Here's some humor for you: My three year old grandson highly approved of the movie selection, "Horton Hears a Who." He said "That's my favrit! "Hooton the Hore!" :) :)

Soooo, "Hootin the Hore" to you,

Michal Ann McAllister

immichal@yahoo.com (too elderly for a blog :)~~~~~~~~~)

Deven said...

So beautifully simple!

Sabrina said...

Love the new look! Especially those birdies... very nice!

Kim said...

I absolutely love it Heather. I am wanting to simplify mine a lot also. Working on getting some buttons so I can be like the big kids ;)
Looks fantabulous!

Stonefox said...

Love it!

Tonggu Momma Husband said...

H-EO ...
There are many sayings out there that try to describe ... "too much of a good thing." There's also "function over form" ... or "form over function" (these last two greatly depend on whether or not you are the engineer, or the architect) ... but the one I like the best is ... "less is more" ... and now ... your blog is so MUCH more.

happygeek said...

I LOVE the simplicity. It loaded right away for me. Oh crud, I spoke too soon, the rest of it just popped up. I didn't realize there was a design on the sides. I like it even more when it is fully loaded, but apparently it still does take a while.
I'm a huge fan of less is more (so of course I married a packrat) so this design rocks the party.

Ash said...

Gorgeous!! I wish I were as smart as you - every time I post something new, I'm scared to death something is going to happen to my template and poof, everything will be gone.

"Just write." See, smart!

Peanut said...

I love it! I love the simplicity, I love the colors, I love the fonts. It's perfect :)

Blessed said...

I really, really like the new look :)

charrette said...

I love the new look! But somehow I will always still think of you with that very first template you had...
the blue background with the green tree? This one kind of hearkens back to that, which makes me happy.

LisAway said...

Charrette's comment is funny because I still think of you in blue, too! I really like this A LOT, though. And it loaded about 45 times faster than your previous one did (on my dying computer). Hooray!

Mommy Mo said...

So simple and clean!

Heather, you are ONE of my favorites : ).

NorahS said...

Oooh! I likey!!! Very nice.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Very cool template! Nice and light. Did you put it together yourself?

Amy said...

It's beautiful!!

S'dizzle said...

Love the re-design. I gave up long ago on trying to figure out how to customize my blog. Kinda makes me feel incompetent since everyone seems to have a nice fancy blog.

Angie said...

Fabulous, simply fabulous! As my boys would say, "That's two thumbs AND two big toes up!"

Anonymous said...

I love the new digs and I've missed you like crazy!!! I'm so sorry I haven't been around. When lappy gets back, I'll be better. I promise!!! Loves and hugs!

Growin' With It said...

oh ho ho...now this i like! i spent WAY too much time tweeking my site this past weekend. how'd you get yours to come together so beautifully? great job!

Melanie Jacobson said...

Oooh! Pretty!

Keyona said...

You're such a cutie...oh your blog is too! :o)

Melanie said...

Very nice and clean look! I also enjoy changing things up!

Lisa said...

Simple is good. The bluebirds look as if they are coming off the page. Yay for new stuff!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, Heather! Very peaceful and clean. I love it!

Jessica Stock said...

oooooooooh. I love it!!!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

This just suits you so perfectly - I love it!

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

this is SO GORGEOUS, I LOVE IT. Put your new button up already - so, so pretty.

CC said...

It looks so awesome! At first I was like, "where am I????" ;)

jmt said...

Okay, this really threw me for a loop! It's so bright!!! :) And where is your picture? I need to look around.....

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