
If a Heather blogs in the forest, can you read it?


Look! I'm blogging on my non-blogging trip! Our friend Ben brought his fancy computer, and the fancy cabin we have the honor of staying in has wifi.

I wasn't even going to get on-line, but Ben plopped his computer on my lap just now and said, "Get your fix." So this isn't my fault. And for the record, I have NOT played Word Twist even one time.

This place is beautiful, the sun is shining, the lake is glassy, the trees are tall. It's heavenly.

The kids still get up at the very first sight of light here in the North woods, just as they do in the city. Go figure. Oh well, I suppose this means there's more time for fishing, hiking, shopping at cute little shops, hammock dozing, and s'mores. I'll have tired, puffy eyes while we do all these things, but it's still going to be a great time.

Currently, Miles and his friend Owen have locked themselves in the bedroom and then climbed to the top bunk. Owen can climb down the tricky log ladder, but he can't unlock the door. Miles can unlock the door, but he can't climb down the ladder. This is a riddle. What are we to do?

I'm off to pick a lock.

Have a good weekend! After today I really won't have access to the internet. I promise to stay on the wagon. Because I'll have no choice.

39 clicked right here to comment:

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Hope you got that lock picked!!


3 Bay B Chicks said...

Just saw your TWITTER about your non-blog post and ran my butt over to your blog.

There should be support groups for people like you and me. My husband knows not to book a vacation destination without WiFi now. It makes me more than a little nutty.

Enjoy your vacation, my friend. And don't read this comment until it is all over.


Stephanie said...

Now that's a friend. With that little fix, you may be able to survive the rest of your vacation. :)

Mama-Face said...

That sounds like a vacation out of a movie. A good old fashioned woodsy vacation. with i were there, stalking you in the trees...and shopping at cute little shops.

mmmm smores.

Mama-Face said...

yeth, I have a lithp.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Sounds great! My kids accidentally lock themselves in their rooms all the time (i.e. I lock them in on purpose). If the doorknob has a little hole in the non lock side - just stick somthing pointy (like piece of wire) in it and turn the handle. I wonder if axe murderers know this trick... I may need to rethink my escape plan if one ever traps me in my house...

mrs boo radley said...

Are the boys still in there? Hilarious.

Melanie Jacobson said...

So it's kind of like locking and alcholic in a drunk tank? You're cut off but not cured?

Kristina P. said...

I'm so glad to see you aren't blogging and are only enjoying nature!

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

how GLORIOUS! hope the trip is full of more memory-making than lock-picking. enjoy!

Growin' With It said...

so did ben see that "blog withdrawal" look in your eyes?! ☺ sounds like you are having a wonderful time!

LisAway said...

Wow! Two riddles in one post! I can only solve the first one. The answer is YES! I could totally read it!

The second one? While very funny, it's not quite so easily solved. Funny, though, the whole "he can climb down and he can unlock the door etc." bit was very funny.

I hope you have a blast!

jmt said...

Oh, I love riddles. I hope you got it solved. That sounds funny. LOL Have a great time!

Betty said...

I'm glad you still have "access"! I hopped over after I saw your tweet. Hope you have a nice little vacation!

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Have fun!!

Kristen@nosmallthing said...

I'm going on a couple of trips this summer, and I just wonder what in the world I'm going to do sans computer...I can bring it on one of the trips, but the other is in a cabin in the woods, by a glassy lake. And there is no wifi there, I can assure you. What to do...perhaps I'll enjoy life a little...

Anonymous said...

Your vacation escape sounds heavenly. Even with a little wi-fi thrown in.

Enjoy it my friend. Take a few deep breaths for me.


P.S. I finally got your link up on the affiliates page at MWOB. Not like you really care or anything but I did it and I wrote you a one-liner. It will have to do until you change it. :-)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Sounds so lovely!

And thick blanket plus staple gun = sleeping in around here. =D

Heidi said...

Oh, man, sounds like heaven! Esp the part where the boys are locked in the bedroom. As long as you can slide some food under the door, what' the problem?

Ash said...

Do you have to unlock the door? Have them pretend they're prisoners in some pirate dungeon and slip some sandwiches under the door. Owen can get thme fed.

Anonymous said...

I love that they can climb up or down the ladder but not unlock the door. How cute is that?!

Have so much fun on your vacation and know that we miss your guts like crazy!!!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

"Having a great time. Wish 2nd Cup Lid were here." Ha!

Peanut said...

Sounds wonderful. Sounds like just the vacation I need... minus the early mornings, of course. I'm glad to hear you're having a great time :)

Muthering Heights said...

LOL, best of luck with that!!!

P.S. A cabin with wifi? That sounds like MY kind of camping!

Jen said...

I am glad that you are having a good vacation.
It is sure something when you can get online when you thought you couldn't. Yeah!!!!

Unknown said...

Sounds Lovely! Have a great weekend!

Amy said...

How did the lock-picking go? I'm glad you checked in here. I need my fix reading your blog, too! Have a lovely weekend!

Sheryl said...

wow, look at all these comments that you can't read (hahahaha)

Heidi said...

This year's traditional trip to the shared family cottage will be my first since I've begun to blog. I've already been thinking about how I'm going to have to sneak off to the public library to write a post- I'll go crazy a week w/o writing- I'm sure of it!

MommyTime said...

This is great: did Owen explain how to open the lock, perhaps? Or did you have to pick it? I hope you have a fabulous, relaxing, beautiful time!

H-Mama said...

sounds heavenly. relaxing.

my initial thought is to wait 15 minutes, read a chapter in a book, then pick the lock. kidding... kind of. ;)

Karen Mello Burton said...

Sounds great! I can hear the loons on the lake right now. Ahhhh

Debbie said...

Oh no! I can't wait to hear how you solved the locked door situation!

Bonnie said...

Good luck with the lock! Enjoy your vacation!

wendy said...

I'd say, kids who can't get out of the room ---no problem there my girl (tee,hee)
just ENJOY

wendy said...

I'd say, kids who can't get out of the room ---no problem there my girl (tee,hee)
just ENJOY

wendy said...

I have no idea why that went on twice ----SERIOUSLY

JCK said...

Hope you are having an extraordinary time! Full of s'mores and clean air of the forest!

jubilee said...

We've had our share of picked locks on bedroom doors here in the jubilant household too!

Love the title of your post. And the answer to that would be a resounding, "yes!"

You blog = We read.

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