
I carry you

Sunday~ June 21st, 2009

I look down and my hand is doing that thing.
It's resting on my lap in a curve.

Dad, your hand was just this same way. I saw it.
I've seen it a lot. It was sitting there looking exactly like this.

Just like Grandpa. Your Dad.

The same. Curved.
The lanky fingers that grow thicker with time.
They curve on the lap and rest.

It's like the unconscious way I run my finger across my lip like Glenn when I'm nervous. Or how I grab the bottom of my shirt and rub my thumb across the fabric, like Helen. It's the way I care like Elsie and understand like Colleen.

It's the way I laugh like Sandi and cry like Kay.

Today I'm thankful that I carry you, all of you.

My family.

Today, mostly I'm thankful for you.
The man with the curved and rested hand and skin like leather
turned brown from the sun,
All the working in the sun.

The one who still says I'm the greatest
and falls in love with my boys
just the way that I do.

The man with the heart so big.

I carry my family.
I carry you.

I love you

Happy Father's Day.

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Kristina P. said...

I know I say this a lot, but this was beautiful.

Muthering Heights said...

What a precious tribute to your father!

Luisa Perkins said...

Oh, so lovely!

Liz Mays said...

That was absolutely beautiful!

Unknown said...

Beautiful as always!

carrhop said...

Beautiful, beautiful, the way family shows up in our very marrow and bones.

Your writing is just gorgeous, as always~


a Tonggu Momma said...

Sometimes I read something like this and I just feel so sad for my little Tongginator, knowing she doesn't have nor is she likely to ever have that sense of continuity the rest of us take for granted.

Angela Nazworth said...

Oh Heather, that was lovely...simply beautiful and heartfelt. You wanna hear something funny in a non ha ha way? I'm partially adopted. When I was 7, my stepfather adopted me and his mother and father became my grandparents and his sisters became my aunts. Sometimes I'll do something that reminds me so much of my Aunt Di or my Gram. I don't look a thing like them, but I still carry them. And of course I do see physical attributes in my of my mom and maternal grandparents, etc. And I love...especially on Father's Day...comparing all the similarities between my husband and our children.

Again, this was truly touching and I'm gonna pass it on.

happygeek said...

Beautiful tribute to your whole family.

That Girl said...

If he didn't cry, I did for him.

Karen Mello Burton said...

We surely are wherever we came from. Beautiful.

Jo said...

Beautiful tribute, what a perfect way to honor your Dad.

Heather of the EO said...

Angela - Thank you for saying that. I think it's more true that we repeat these things because we're around our family a lot and start emulating them. Maybe we do some things because of our genes, lots of things, I'm sure. But these small little things are so often a result of time spent. And I love that.

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

Awesome Heather. So true. I love the way we see our families in ourselves and our kids.

Anonymous said...

Super-sweet, Heather.

I love those little nuances of family that I can see in myself. Then again, sometimes I despise them. But your post was a good one, reminding me of good things.

Jen said...

what a beautiful tribute to your Dad!

charrette said...

Gorgeous. I love all those little details.

Jillene said...

What a beautiful post Heather!!

Kim said...

Beautiful Heather. I love when I notice myself doing things that my family members do.
Have a lovely day my friend!

D said...

Such a touching post.

jmt said...

What a wonderful poem. I hope your father was able to enjoy it for dad's day. I also hope that your husband had a wonderful day yesterday. Happy Monday.

Anonymous said...

This is lovely. :)

Bonnie said...

Beautifully said as always.. It made me think of my own Dad. We're so lucky to have such good Dad's, aren't we?

Anonymous said...

Heather, you always make me cry. Thank you.

Roban said...

You are so blessed to have such a wonderful father in your life all these years... and it sounds like he's blessed to have you and your boys in his! What a special tribute you've written for him!


bapa said...

you know how hard it is to draw a tear from an old baby boomer, we,re not allowed. You,re one of the few who have done it. Thank you. You are the greatest. Love You

Debbie said...

Heather, you are a wonderful woman.

Sabrina said...

That was lovely Heather!
What a nice tribute to your dad!

sara said...

I loved this....what a wonderful tribute to your dad! and your family!

Angie said...

My stars, friend! This is gorgeous. I cried the whole way through it. You have a gift. A beautiful, precious gift.

Jessica Stock said...

Aw, this is beautiful . . .

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