
A Cautionary Picture Story

Friday~July 10, 2009

He asked (with his eyes) if he could come outside...

His brother was out, and Daddy was grilling, so we said...SURE, join the fam...

Then right before dinner, we looked out our door to discover this...

We laughed, we grabbed the video camera, we took photos (obviously)...
...and then of course, he wanted back in...

At least now we know what he'll look like with hair.

Beware the unattended children with hose and soil.

I hope your weekend is full of sun, laughter, and very little mud.

40 clicked right here to comment:

Unknown said...

My boys did the exact same thing..boys and dirt!

Chele said...

Boys will be boys! LOL. Too cute. Thanks for sharing!

Kristina P. said...

This made me smile this morning. I love your boys.

Annette Lyon said...

But you couldn't say no to that face!

Kate Coveny Hood said...

A very familiar scene...

Jillene said...

Boys + hose + dirt = mess every time!!

Your boys are so ADORABLE!!

Unknown said...

Little boys can be such dirtballs! Mine seem to find every mud puddle and muck hole on our property!

jmt said...

Take your caution and throw it out the window!! :) He did exactly as he was supposed to do. And I love it. Happy Friday.

Angie said...

I love it! Absolutely love it! I know God was smiling. :)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Some moments just need to be captured!

Anonymous said...

I love your picture-book posts!!!!!

Heidi said...

What's with the kids who want out and then they want it? Whilst wet? And muddy? (Those eyes! I'll bet you let him in, anyway, huh?)

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

And could it be that we posted pictures of boys + mud just a day apart?? I think it is so.

Plus we each have discussed our compulsion to possibly eat cute little shoes recently... :)

Jackie said...

When we were growing up, my mom NEVER let us play in the mud or get dirty. So when I had my daughter I decided that I was going to REALLY go crazy and let her play in the dirt all she wanted. (I know....whoa, look out).

Yep, it's messy. But their little smiles, and just seeing them be kids, is so worth it.

He is adorable. And your comment about seeing what he'll look like with hair cracked me up.

Karen Mello Burton said...

LOL I always have plenty of mud around!

Muthering Heights said...

LOL, that is soooooo funny!

Roban said...

Who could say "no" to those eyes! Have a great weekend, too. I can't believe it's Friday evening already.


mrs boo radley said...

I, too, am cracking up over "...what he'll look like with hair.."

Amy said...

Hilarious photo. I love it.

Jen said...

people pay good money for a mud bath....
and look he got one for free.

too cute.

Debbie said...

Now you know that is just good, clean fun!

MommyTime said...

I love it! I have always said that there is little more dangerous than a quiet, happy toddler in a place where you can't see him/her. At least this is cute. ;)

Laura Marchant said...

lol, that made me giggle but I was wondering what the heck it was. Thank you for telling us, lol

Elizabeth said...

Classic! I love pictures of little boys and dirt. They never outgrow it.

jen@odbt said...

Boys and dirt go together like pb & j. I bet he had a lot of fun!

a Tonggu Momma said...

I was hoping for a worm or two inching around on top of that cute head.

sara said...

oh this cracks me up! And reminds me of a time when my daughter was about 3. I had friends picking her up for church (her brother was sick) and she asked to go in the back yard for the few minutes of waiting. When they got there, I went out to find her and found her sitting in the freshly tilled dirt for our garden...covered head to toe in dirt....but smiling like crazy!!!!

Dedee said...

Is it bad that I started laughing my head off. Especially at the hair line.

You're awesome!

D said...

That's hilarious. I thought it was the au jus.

Melanie said...

It sounds (and looks) so funny when it happens to OTHER people's kids...

happygeek said...

well, his shirt did say to dig it! So he really really did.
Love his 'do.

Maggie May said...

Top Gun! Sorry, I recognize your comment blurb, we quote Top Gun around here a lot :)

carrhop said...

Nice! I'm sure it has some kind of benefit to the scalp and hair....


LisAway said...

Okay that is funny. Especially the comment about the hair. So cute.

jubilee said...

LOL. Seems like this was one of those occasions where you just have to laugh! Oh that we have more of these! So glad you captured it on film.

Mary @ Parenthood said...

Is mud hard to get out in the laundry? Inquiring minds want to know...

CC said...

He hee! Thanks for the cautions. If my kids weren't scared of dirt I'd post this to my door!

Kristen@nosmallthing said...

That's great! You're so right...beware the children with hose and soil. And they are like magnets, unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

Mud! Did he make pies?

Radioactive Tori said...

I love that you laughed and got the camera instead of getting angry. How adorable!

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