
Two looks good on you

Thursday~July 16th, 2009

Yesterday we made another trip to the doctor. Boy, you've spent a lot of the last two years in that place. This time, we were checking for a broken nose. You fall so much, child. I'm pretty sure the doctor is starting to wonder about us. So you'll have an x-ray on Monday because it's likely there's a fracture in there. You poor thing. For your birthday? A broken nose?

But you know what? You're just so happy and strong, you don't seem to mind a bit. The doctors and nurses love seeing you. They say there's just something special about your happiness. They can't believe how calm and peaceful you seem. They poke and prod and you quietly sit with me. They push on your shunt and feel all around your head and you kick your feet and snuggle me.

You're such a busy little guy, always climbing and exploring. (Hence, the possible broken nose.) You love gum, being outside, mud, music, Wall-E, and most of all, people. You grin and hop and run to visitors. You are joyful, kind, and so good to have around.

You were born around this time two years ago today. I type that with a lump in my throat that I can't fight because I love you, and I'm so glad we got to keep you. Asher, your life has not been a bowl of cherries. And yet, in many ways you seem undaunted. I think you're probably wiser than I will ever be. From the start, things have just been hard for you. We've felt helpless and scared, and we've wanted health and life free of pain for you. That's not possible, I suppose. But I'm more thankful than words can say today, on your 2nd birthday, that you've finally hit your longest stride of smooth sailing.

Well, aside from that whole broken nose thing.

Happy Birthday, my sweet boy. I love you.

(If you'd like to learn more about Asher's condition, hydrocephalus, you can click on The Noggin under Browse by Category in the sidebar.)

51 clicked right here to comment:

Keyona said...

Happy Birthday Asher! We all love you dearly!!

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

Oh no! the poor baby! Okay, the poor toddler! Many wishes for speedy healing and happy birthday-ing.

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

Oh goodness, Happy Birthday and hope that nose is all better soon!

Elisa said...

That nose is the cutest nose I have ever seen. Well, except for Moxies. :0>

Anonymous said...

Nothing says "happy birthday" like a broken nose! Seriously, happy birthday to your sweet little man.

Elizabeth said...

What a way to celebrate such an important birthday! Two is great-just don't have too much fun.

Kristen@nosmallthing said...

Happy birthday to that precious little miracle! Hope the nose feels better!

a Tonggu Momma said...

Happy Birthday, sweet Asher! And how wonderful that you are here to really LIVE it. (Because you live life in a big way.)

Carrie said...

Awww...two years!!! It goes so fast! :) Hope Asher has a good birthday & his nose doesn't hurt him too bad!!! :)

Nina said...

That was so sweet... They turn two way to fast. My youngest is on his way and I don't know where the time has gone.

sara said...

Happy Birthday Asher!!!!

Praying that he and you will enjoy the fullness of being two!!!

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

Sweet, sweet little boy! So sorry to hear about the nose... but of course being the mom to 3 extremely active little guys myself I totally understand how that is possible. :)

Happy 2!! It's such a fun age to watch.

Dave said...

I love these love notes to kids. incredibly sweet

Jen said...

Happy Birthday, Asher. Broken nose and all.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Asher! What a sweet little guy you are!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to that lover boy of yours!!! What a cutie! I'm just waiting for mine to break something....he's on his way....

See you SOOOON!!


Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

Happy Birthday little guy!

Heidi said...

You are seeming pretty strong, peaceful and undaunted yourself. We owe our special kids so much for what they do for us. (Totally adorable photos, btw!)

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

I hope he's getting along just fine on his birthday. We can be in the broken nose club. I broke mine before!


jmt said...

Doesn't the broken nose initiate him into boyhood? I think it's fitting. I know they still claim 3 year olds as toddlers, but really....once they hit two, things go so quickly and HE goes so quickly, he's all boy and less baby. :) So the nose is fitting. Happy birthday Asher!

jen@odbt said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet boy!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I love the photo of him behind the exam table! I feel like doing that too.

Wouldn't it be nice if he had a special little tune as a gift for his bday? hmmmmm

Mama-Face said...

Happy Birthday to the both of you!


I got a lump in my throat reading this. Beautiful, Heather. Happy Birthday Asher!


LisAway said...

Oh! Happy Birthday to Asher! Wow. Two years. You've done well, all of you. Congratulations. What a sweetie.

Christy said...

What a touching birthday post to your dear son. I hope he has a wonderful year ahead!

Sara@iSass said...

AH, who would have thought a post about broken noses could be so sweet and touching.
Happy Birthday Asher!
Those little boys are so tough aren't they?

Chele said...

OH a big Happy Birthday to that adorable guy! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Asher! Good luck with the nose--clearly you've already had good luck in who you got for parents!

Anonymous said...

Happy, Happy Birthday Asher Dear!
Happy days will come to you all year!
If I had a wish then it would be,
a Happy, Happy Birthday to you from me!

Happy Birthday to darling lil' Asher. I'm so sorry about the possibly-broken nose. Give him a squeeze from me and a love for you. Prayin' for your both!

Growin' With It said...

well the superman shirt got me laughin'...of course nothin's broken! ☺ i love how you said he was wiser. i wonder if that is also a part of being child-like & having child-like faith? beautiful post & happy birfday little guy!

Roban said...

What a precious little boy Asher is! I'm glad he had a great birthday (other than that whole nose thingy) and has brought so much love into your life. Happy, happy birthday!


Liz Mays said...

Well, I guess he lives hard and plays hard! The poor little guy!

swonderful said...

Happy second birthday! Year three is such a hoot-- can't wait to read about the adventure of it all.

happygeek said...

There is something VERY special about a boy born on July 16th.
Happy Birthay Asher!

K said...

Oh happy, happy birthday to your little sweet one. My little one will be two in less than a month. He, too, runs through life without fear. I guess he figures he's already proven he's a tough cookie. From what you've written, Asher's a tough cookie,too. I always remind myself, what doesn't break you, makes you stronger. I think you and your family are strong!

Debbie said...

I hope you all are having a great birthday celebration! You deserve it:)

Kelly @ Love Well said...

I hope the day was as fun as ... well, MORE fun than a broken nose.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to Asher! What a little cutey!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Such a sweet tribute - hope it was a fabulous day!

Julie said...

What a sweetheart...hope he had a happy day! (and injury free!)

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

A broken nose on his birthday? Nooo :( Happy birthday little dude!

Muthering Heights said...

Happy birthday to him! I hope his nose feels better soon!

Cynthia said...

Happy Birthday little guy! Everyone in Blogland has fallen for you and your eternal awesomeness. TRY to get through the day in one piece for your Mother's sake!

Sabrina said...

Happy Birthday Asher! You Rock!

Kim said...

I'm a couple of days late, but happy birthday sweet boy. So glad you're still here, broken nose and all!

Melissa B. said...

Happy Birthday to the Tough Guy...he looks like he's strong enough to take it, and then some...

Kate said...

So tough when life starts out at struggle. Hope he continues to do well!

Jo said...

Popping by to say hi. Wasn't the MckBrunch AWESOME??

Dedee said...

Happy Birthday to Asher and I hope that his nose is fashionably crooked for the rest of his life so that he can sort of subtly brag to girls about his broken nose once when he was two and get oohs and ahs of cuteness. . .

Radioactive Tori said...

Happy Birthday to your little man. He sure is adorable! And growing up way too fast.

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