
It's that time...

Saturday~ August 8, 2009

There's a possibility that my friend Susan thinks my house is some kind of catastrophe-inducing vortex. She and her two boys were over last night, both of our husbands were busy, so we decided to have a movie night together. Of course, four boys under 5 years of age don't actually just sit and watch a movie. But it was Friday and Susan and I were tired, so we had high hopes for an opportunity to sit at the table, eat, have some wine and talk. We were making the mistake of desperately hoping that our four small boys would sit quietly and watch a movie. You know, for two full hours or so.

But it wasn't to be. I know, shocking.

We tried, we really tried. We would start a conversation, standing in the kitchen and peeking in on the boys, wherever they had roamed, every few minutes. Pretty much every time we checked they were perfectly fine, playing nicely in the backyard or making up an imaginary game as they ran from room to room inside.

Funny how when you check, everything is fine, but when you get into a conversation, distracted for up to three minutes, something is always going on that shouldn't. Like the time I suddenly realized there was a soft thump repeating itself somewhere in the distance. I had just checked on the two older boys, but once I headed back inside, they took the opportunity to throw mud at the house. Three minutes of mud throwing = a lot of mud, just so you know. What a fun game. It wasn't until this morning that I realized that much of the mud had come through the screen and landed on the floor in our bedroom. Miles and I had a little talk about mud and houses. It ended with, "Why, Mommy?"


Or there was that other time that we left the two small guys, ages one and two, in the "hideout," which is the large and deep space in the bottom of the bathroom closet. They were happily playing on piles of blankets with books and stuffed animals one moment, and then the next moment we heard maniacal laughing, so we abruptly stopped our conversation and came to find the two of them splashing like crazy in the toilet. With wads and wads and wads of toilet paper and a toilet cleaning brush. What fun. Water, urine, water everywhere.

Now before you go thinking we're totally neglectful, I must remind you that these are FOUR energetic BOYS. They were over-tired and totally losing their little minds. Which is why our little party came to an abrupt end when Susan's poor five-year-old climbed in the bottom shelf of my closet and had the whole thing fall over on himself. Ouch.

Yes, it was that time. Maybe you know the one. The time that hits most play dates like a ball to a bat. It's like the clock is chiming midnight and everyone involved has promptly turned into a pumpkin. That time. The time that forces you to end all playing and conversating no matter how unfinished, to rush for the door. The Guest Mom usually has at least one crying and clawing small person dangling from her shirt, shouting, "I don't want to goooooo!!!" And The Host Mom, eyes glassed over and apologetic, follows The Guest Mom around, softly repeating, "Can I help you with anything?" Yes, it's that time that causes The Guest Mom to throw only the belongings within three feet into her diaper bag while apologizing for the tears and tantrums, and then The Host Mom says "No worries, no worries..." Yes, it is the inevitable hitting of that wall, at that time.

Or maybe that's just us.

In this particular case, The Guest Mom, my lovely friend Susan, even left with absolutely no shoes on anyone, including herself. It's OK, lady. That's what happens when it's that time.

P.S. When I returned the shoes this morning, since we live only blocks away, Susan came to the door and said that their basement flooded last night. So after leaving the chaos-inducing vortex that is my house, the rain poured down and into their home. DANG. Susan just started her own blog, and she's loving it. Maybe you could go welcome her to blog world and brighten her soggy day? It's dry here.

37 clicked right here to comment:

Laura Marchant said...

I am sorry but I kinda giggled when he asked why mud couldn't go through the screen into the bedroom. What an eventful night but one to remember and hopefully not repeat :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow. Maybe I'm glad Anja has no friends...especially of the male variety. :)

When she has melt-downs, I often can be heard saying, "Someone's about to turn into a pumpkin," so I thought it was interesting that you used that phrase.

Dave said...


Are you implying that play dates sometimes don't end in disaster?

And mud on houses seems perfectly fine. That's what stucco is, right?

Kerri said...

Oh man, what a perfect description of the typical boy playdate. Girl playdates end much the same way, but they have less physical destruction and more tears and whining along the way. Or maybe that's just me.

My favorite boy playdate was when my three year old and his buddy unwrapped ALL of the wrapped Christmas gifts under the tree. In two minutes. Then they snuck outside to play in the snow and turned on the water faucet to drench themselves. In two minutes. That one ended the same way as yours...

Jo said...

I know "that time" so very well. Had a little chuckle at the mud-slinging Miles. It's always funnier when you're not the one cleaning up. :-)

Ash said...

Oh thank the Lord, I thought it was only me and my friends.

I too have left shoes. I figure it's all good as long as no child gets left.

Then again...

Anonymous said...

I love those days. The days where padded walls look awfully nice. =]
I'm off to welcome Susan!

Rachel said...

I've heard tell that once you have three boys of your own and the youngest is about 10, you can handle just about anything and hardly anything phases you.

I shall see in about 10.5 years.

LunaMoonbeam said...

Oh, THAT time. Yes, we know THAT time well. With girls, it's usually the point where both girls end up with their faces 3" from each other, screaming as loud as they can.

THAT time. Ack.

Susan Berlien said...

I definitly do NOT think your house is a catastrophe-inducing vortex. We had a wonderful time...all three of us. I'm sorry about the mud, and the mess in your closet and the bathroom and the saran wrap all over and....I could go on and on, but you are so easy-going and laid back, you make me feel like it's okay (well not okay,but you know what I mean) We left in a rush..that's for sure, but we'll do another playdate, this time at my house :). Thank you, Heather, you inspired me to write a blog and you are helping me and your friendship is so fun. You have a good heart.

The Three 22nds said...

Oh, I know that time too...

And Rachel, I have 3 boys and my youngest is 2. I am pretty sure that in 8 years there is nothing that will phase me. I am already close...

Liz Mays said...

That time is not a good time.

KK said...

WHat a night, I'll go welcome her!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Oh yeah. The kids get crazed looks on their faces. The moms have to yell to hear each other. I remember those days, fondly now that they are so far in my distant past.

You are a good friend.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh how often I've felt THAT pain. It's why I host more often than I visit. I'd rather clean up the mess than be the one whose kids trashed someone else's house. Rather smile sympathetically over the child crying "I don't want to goooo!" than be the one wrestling with them. I'm selfish like that.

MoJo said...

Boy do I know those dates! It DOES get better though, I promise! Pretty soon it will be the other way around! My kids sometimes think we take TOO long saying goodbye!!

Randi said...

I remember those days.
I also remember playdates at the park becoming increasingly attractive the more rambunctious my kids got.
...and if you do that, you don't even have to hose down your house afterward!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

I have been on the giving and receiving end of "that time." The best friends are the ones who call you 30 minutes after you get home to make sure everything is OK and then proceed to talk for another 45 minutes about how horrible the playdate went -- while the kids continue to create chaos in their own houses.

Christy M. said...

I think this kinda stuff happens every.single.day at my house. For real. Girls are just as bad. Trust me. Especailly girls who've learned to climb on TOP of kitchen tables. I pretty much want to drink copious amounts of either coffee or liquor all day.

That totally sucks that Susan's basement flooded. Poor girl. I'll go over and give her some hooker love. ;) (it's okay if I say hooker, here, right?!)

Anonymous said...

this reminded me so much of my occasional dinner time playdates with my girlfriend here in town when our husbands are traveling. i am SO familiar with That Time. i will have to link her...

Mammatalk said...

Yep. I know all about that time. Before kids, I had absolutely nooooo idea! What a blissfully ignorant person I was then.

Mama-Face said...

When the grass starts to die in your yard, be suspicious. Little boys (big boys too?) would much rather take care of business while playing rather than coming inside to do so properly.

It's still makes me laugh when I think about the time I found my boy peeing on the side of the house; and he told me that's where he always peed when he was outside.

duh, mom.

Mama-Face said...

Oh yeah, I miss the days of hanging out with my girl friends while the kids played. Even if it did often end in chaos. One more example of not knowing how good things are until they are gone.

But a flooded basement is never fun. Sorry.

InkMom said...

We call those energy bursts just before bedtime "sleep throes" -- it's like, if they stop moving, they might fall asleep, and God forbid, that CANNOT happen!

Jack Steiner said...

You just described half the playdates of my childhood.

Kim said...

Oh do I know those days. For that reason I have instituted the no clean up rule at my house. When it is time to go the guest kids don't have to clean up. It is hard enough to get them out the door much less making them clean. No way man.

I heard something once that I think of anytime I have a friend over and lots of kids -- It's been great starting a hundred conversations with you today.

Off to welcome the newest blogger to the craziness!

april said...

Totally reminds me of my cousins. All boys. The things they would come up with!

That really stinks about the basement. Boo.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

We've had to fish the twins out of the toilet so many times... And Oliver finds dirt everywhere. I call him Pig Pen since he pretty much wald around in a cloud of dirt. After the day I had with the kids, I found this exhausting to read. Hilarious - but exhausting.

Haley said...

My 2 year old is forever in the toilet. So, I bought a $10 latch to keep him out and it doesn't work.

Story of my life. :-)

Jen said...

Been there, done that, now have a teen, so things are a bit easier (really). ;-)

So sorry about your friend Susan's flood, etc.

This is such a wonderfully-told resonant post for so many of us!

I came here to say hi from Luisa's Novembrance.

Debbie said...

I do remember that time. When I would always wish I had ended the playdate just 5 minutes sooner. Oh well. If no one ended up at the ER, it was still a good time.

Chele said...

You definitely just spoke about any playdate! Thanks for sharing, it was kind of funny... I can say that because I've been there! LOL.

Unknown said...

Why can't they just sit still like they're supposed to? GAH!!!


Hope you and your friend got a wee bit of quality time....

charrette said...

Oh my gosh, we've hit THAT TIME so many times...
Thank you for helping me laugh about it today!

Kristen@nosmallthing said...

The mud on the house thing cracked me up. You're just cracking me up these days.

I thought my kids were the only ones that hit that time. Good to know I'm not alone.

Carrie said...

Oh, yes, I know all about THAT time. It's why nothing ever gets properly filed b/c I take my son to work with me, and when it's THAT time, it's just time to go. :)

jmt said...

Oh what a fun play date. :) I just can't imagine how fun that is. I'm so anal, I'd have all the doors closed except one bedroom I was willing to clean after kids visited. LOL I'll go send a hello right now. Happy Tuesday.

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