
In Your Eyes

Monday~August 3rd, 2009

Sometimes I don't know how to keep up with his incessant questions, his intensity, or his volume. But most of the time, I revel in his imagination and innocence. This weekend, we played I Spy on the way to a movie, and then we car danced. One good song after another flooded the speakers above our four wheels, so we took turns calling out body parts in which to shake...

Shoulder dance!
(shimmy shoulders to the beat.) Finger dance! (wiggle fingers to the beat.) Elbow dance! (flap your elbows to the beat, like a chicken dance!).......

We watched the movie in 3-D, and we jumped when animation sprung itself at our special glasses. Then we had ice cream. On the way home, at a light, I turned to look at him and saw his wind-blown and sandy hair, his big and happy blue eyes. They are so bright, those eyes. You can see his heart and mind in them, always so wide with interest, concern, and life.

Right at that moment, In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel filled the car. The light turned green and I turned the radio up loud as we picked up speed. I belted out the words...

in your eyes
the light the heat
in your eyes
I am complete
in your eyes
I see the doorway to a thousand churches
in your eyes
the resolution of all the fruitless searches
in your eyes

I see the light and the heat
in your eyes

In your eeeeeyyyeeees, ya da da, ya da da da da da, In your eeeyyyeees...

I'm a horrible singer, but Miles doesn't mind.

I love the car and it's songs, and I love my moments with Miles.

35 clicked right here to comment:

Sheryl said...

dang you're cute and i LOVE that song. how will i ever get to sleep now with that going through my head??

Angie said...

You've done it again with another remarkable post that captures your heart and your love for your family so well. Miles is blessed to have you for his mommy. :)

Sarah Viola said...

That song always gives me goosebumps. You are such an amazing writer, so vivid, I can't wait to experience moments like this with Asher.

Haley said...

Very sweet moment. Thanks for sharing. :-)

Kristina P. said...

I have always loved this song, and I love that you applied it to your child.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Man, those one-on-ones with the kids are so so crucial. I am glad you and Miles had a nice date!

Kate Coveny Hood said...

He's a doll. I love singing in the car too. My voice is actually not that bad - but my children scream when I sing. No idea why - maybe I'm worse than I thought?

BaronessBlack said...

Yay! Lovely post!

I'm no slouch on the steering-wheel bongos myself, and my dashboard keyboard playing gives much amusement when stopped at traffic lights!

Mike said...

To kids, anyway their moms sing, it's always beautiful. When I sing, my kids say I should stick to photography.


Twitter: AboutParenting

Ash said...

How I love those moments! One of my favorite songs.

Love the picture of you two, but next time, I want to see you with a boombox over your head ;-)

Liz Mays said...

That gave me goose bumps!

Susan B. said...

Great post! Makes me want to hang out with my Weston for some alone time. You have a wonderful way of expressing your feelings and mood of the moment. Thank you!

Chele said...

Okay that's it! I think you are my long lost twin sister! Haha! We have those moments a lot. Music heals and brings together! :)

Cynthia said...

I have always loved that song!

And glad to know I'm not the only crazy car dancing Mom out there! My kids are pretty confident that other Moms don't humilate their kids with jazz hands and swaying to the beat. Can't wait to show them the 'evidence' that it's a conspiracy by Moms everywhere!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

That last picture made me swoon.

And we car dance all the time. Newsboys is our favorite. "Hands up, holler back here, let's throw this party in gear, we're giving God all that's, wherever we go that's where the party's at." Rockin' the minivan.

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Aww, what a lovely moment to share with one another and I love the capture of you two. So adorable!

Jen said...

Wow, that couldn't have been a more perfect moment if you planned it.

Great post!

Dave said...

sounds like a pretty awesome date. who drove?

Chief said...

I haven't heard that song in a few years it seems and I forgot how much I loved it!

What a fun mom!

Unknown said...

I'm with Sheryl! Love that picture of you and Miles, Your both adorable. Also have to agree with the song...one of my favorites!

Kim said...

That is awesome! Are those the new 3D glasses? I was picturing the ones that they had when we were kids. If they are like that, I just might take my kids to see a movie with them!
Glad you had such a fun time, you deserve it :)

Anonymous said...

I love that song and I love this post.

And I love you the most.

Debbie said...

What a great photo of you two! Love it.
Don't you just get goose bumps when something incredible happens like that song coming on at that very moment! And aren't you glad you are the kind of mom that takes the time to look into those eyes? I pity the kids whose moms are always on the phone or yelling as they drive.

Muthering Heights said...

I'm sure he enjoys them equally!

* said...

"In your eyes" -- that has & always will be one of my all time favorite songs. Sweet to share it with your little one.

Jamie said...

Love this! Great song and an even better picture...so cute!

jubilee said...

What a special day - for you both. Love that it's the simple things that make such sweet memories.

I am so glad that my youngest doesn't mind my singing. He even asks for it now and again.

Keyona said...

Don't yall look cute in those glasses!

Roban said...

That's what I call one of those wonderfully serendipitous moments in life! How fun... and how special to hear just the right song at just the right time....

a Tonggu Momma said...

What I want to know is... what does the rear end dance look like????

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

I am ridiculously in love with that song, you have no idea. I literally feel my heart skipping at the mere thought of it right now.

Julie said...

Those are the moments that make motherhood worth... absolutely everything! Thanks for sharing. And great connecting with you and the boys again.


Here I am holding up a boom box for you both. LOVE this.


jmt said...

Love the shades.

Blessed said...

Now I have a name for all that stuff we do in the car - "car dancing"! Moments like these you are describing are the reason I'm so thankful I was given the opportunity to be a mother - I love my children and the moments we get to share.

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