
Say What You Need To Say

Friday~August 21, 2009

We've been waiting for words. He's been waiting for words. He's still screaming and stomping, frustrated with our not reading his mind. We've been guessing and shrugging and apologizing for not knowing. We've been explaining his non-response to strangers with, "He's not quite into talking yet." We've been waiting with the doctor who said his words aren't enough, we'll see.

The words are still a bit stuck in his throat.

But he's finally trying. A little.

Scuuuse-E, he says as he tries to squeeze by.

Mmm-hummm, he agrees and UH EH, he protests.

And then just like that, he said two things that make the waiting the easiest thing I've ever done.

ASH...ER, he said as he pounded his chest and grinned. ASH...ER, spoken like two words,
two perfectly clear little brilliant words.

Then later, as I carried him to bed, nuzzling my nose in his neck.
Honey, I love you, I said.

Wub oooh, he said back.

Asher talks now.


If you're here from David's Post of the Day, thank you so much for taking the time to stop by. If you'd like to stick around and read some previous "hits," you might enjoy Layers, or maybe even my latest post, The Witching Hours. Thank you again for taking the time to hang out here.

68 clicked right here to comment:

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Ohhhhh! This is wonderful.


Amber@theRunaMuck said...

This sweetness can't be beat!

Anonymous said...

yay! that's magic.

Deb said...

whoooooo hooooo!!!!!!! no turnin' back now, lil mama! and i will concur, there are no other words like wub ooh!

Dave said...

i have 2 words for you


Unknown said...

I'm melting over here into a puddle of goo. Crazy hormones (oh and of course the sweetness of your post and your boy!) ; )

Keyona said...

And I bet all the waiting was so worth it.

Love that little guy, I mean Ash...er. :o)

Ash said...


Rach@In His Hands said...

That rocks!! And brings tears to my tears. Sweet.

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

I remember those sweet moments with my own guys and I know how wonderful it feels!!! Especially when you begin to wonder... Is every thing okay? Will he speak??
And then it happens!! :)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

It is so worth the wait, isn't it? Becca's been talking for ages now and it still throws me sometimes. Gone are the somewhat-hard-to-interpret word-like sounds, and suddenly sentences...it's staggering. I love how they use their new words to express their love.

Kim said...

Oh Heather what fantastic news. He TALKS!!! Oh, and those pictures? Fabulous. I love, love, love you.

Amy said...


Be Blessed,

Amy Honestly

Corinne Cunningham said...

So sweet! It's always well worth the wait. Fynn was a very late talker, but the more words he gets, the more thankful I am at how patient we were. In their own time...

Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

Yea!!!! Wub ooh is probably the single best thing for a mommy to hear.

Chief said...

Sweet face! Wonderful milestone!

Unknown said...

Yay! :)

Melanie Jacobson said...

Happy day!

Becca said...

Precious payment, "wub oooh" - best ever Mommy-moments, right?

a Tonggu Momma said...

Aww... so very special. The Tongginator's first word was "ga!" She said it whenever she saw a duck. Yeah. We thought it was just babbling, too... until we learned that "ga" is the Mandarin word for "quack." Heh.

Stephanie said...

Oh boy, are you in for it now!! :)

Laura Marchant said...

Both my kids were late talkers. LM is 18 months old and says 3 words. I am a little nervous but his sister was the same way. We keep working.
Awesome progress!

Angie said...

Hooooray! Oh, this just brought tears to my eyes. He is darlin'.

H-Mama said...

absolutely precious... priceless.

charrette said...

All of this melts my heart...that sense of self and sense of love and togetherness are his first two verbal expressions. And I simply adore those photos of the two of you...and the grinning Asher.

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Yay!!! I wub his little face!

Crooked Eyebrow said...

I have tears... Between those darling photos and his wonderful words from those sweet lips, I can't figure out which one tugs at a momma's heart more.

Congrats on getting to hear those words mommy!

Jo said...

awwwwww! I just WUB it!!!

Annette Lyon said...

Aw, now that just warms the cockles of any mommy's heart!

Debbie said...

Awww Heather. That makes me so very happy for you both! How wonderful.

Lindsay said...

Way to go Ash...Er!

jmt said...

Oh, I can't wait. I forget how sweet it is to hear such words like Wub ooh. OJ is now staying TO's name...."ner ner"....for Turner. I absolutely love it. Congrats. And happy Friday.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Even though Anja is pretty verbal, I sometimes have to coax her into saying "I love you" back. But when it comes naturally, oh it's so sweet!!!

Mozi Esme said...

Sounds like he's got all the basic stuff covered!

Jen said...

Oh that is so adorable. There is nothing like hearing I love you from your baby.

Cynthia said...

Yeah! I'm all misty. I'm so excited for HIM. Of course, Wub oooh is the most beautiful word in the English language. I suspect the floodgate has opened and so many more words will be pouring out!

Cynthia said...

Yeah! I'm all misty. I'm so excited for HIM. Of course, Wub oooh is the most beautiful word in the English language. I suspect the floodgate has opened and so many more words will be pouring out!

Liz Mays said...

Oh my goodness, that is so terribly sweet! And your photos...wonderful.:)

Megan @ Hold it Up to the Light said...

The sweetest words you can ever hear! What a brilliant boy....he whizzed right by the old ordinary Mama and Dada to the stuff the REALLY counts! Awesome!

Dedee said...

What a beautiful and blessed relief! He's darling.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Yay for the Ash man!

Scary Mommy said...

That totally melted me. Sweet little man!!!

Julie said...

Sounds like those words were worth the wait! (my little guy didn't say a word until he was 3!)

Unknown said...

Cute, both of my boys were slow to talk. Looks like you figured out Windows Live Write...Yeah!

Marisa said...

Yeah!!!! I know what it's like to have a "late" talker! It's so nice to hear those sweet words!

Roban said...

This is so sweet... and what a huge milestone to finally reach! I love his choice of first words.... how very precious he is!

Becky said...

I won't lie, I'm tearing up a bit here.

How exciting for him! And you. I bet the look on his face when he said his own name was worth a million bucks. This whole being a mom thing is awesome, isn't it?

Unknown said...

how very sweet! these are the days that make everything worth it.

happygeek said...

Fantastic. I had to wait a very long time for the talking too, but I tell you that hearing that voice was so wonderful that I really didn't mind all the talking once he actually got started. What might be annoying to other moms was miraculous to me.

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

*sniff sniff*

I've been in the mama shoes that are waiting . . . waiting . . . waiting for those words. When they finally happen it is MAGIC. Love it.

Kelly @ Love Well said...

Wub you.


Unknown said...

I can't leave. It is so nice here. Your babies are so cute : ) So sweet.

Kristen Howerton said...

So excited for you guys! Jafta was a late talker and I know how precious those first few words are.

Anonymous said...

Woo-hoo! He's soo cute :)

Sande said...

The power our babies words have over our hearts is immeasurable.

Anonymous said...

I'm gushing with 'I remember, I remember.' The scent of their skin, the softnest of their clutching fingers, the toothless smils that stretch a wide mile. And that first word. Ahhhh!

Congratulations on your POTD mention.

CiCi said...

Enjoy the joyous times and hear the talking and laughing and remember it all because it is over in a blink of an eye, they grow up so darn fast.
Great photos.

Brian Miller said...

cute pics and wondeerful story...having two boys of my own it took me back to those moments...with smiles.

Kathleen said...

Excellent. Post!
Congrats of POTD mention@!

Nancy@ifevolutionworks.com said...

THE BEST! Those first baby words!! And then they put them in sentences and the chatter never stops!

Enjoy him!

K said...

Typing this with tears In my eyes, tears of joy for you and Asher! Hooray!

Dorset Dispatches said...

So sweet. What a moment for him (and for you).

Here from Davids POTD, but as I also have 2 boys around the same ages as yours, I found that your blog hit a chord and shall be back.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad he's talking now. How sweet it is. Congrats on the POTD--you deserve it. You're so talented, Heather.

jay said...

Awww! How sweet is that post - and the pictures, too. Asher is adorable.

I never had the 'late talking' thing. I have no idea why it sometimes happens, but I know it does, and that people always tell you not to worry. Ha! Of course you're going to worry, we all do, about any deviations from the 'norm' when it comes to our precious children. I'm so happy for you that he's getting the idea!

Laurie said...

How wonderful! I have my first late talker and he's just finally moving into the realm of talking and it seem even more amazing than I remember with the other kiddos!

Heather said...

simply beautiful.

Heather@WoolandFlax said...

What a sweet boy. I remember being there...those words are such a treasure when they finally come. And how fun to finally hear what's been stored in their little mind all this time. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Asher! Those are wonderful words.

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