
Weird: A Picture Story


Asher realizes something crazy is going on behind him,
some kind of weird, dressed up madness...

He can't quite figure out what's wrong with these people,
but he knows...there's obviously something wrong...

He thinks on it, while the strange beings eat...

And then he notices the chips beside him, so he eats instead of thinking...

While eating he takes a moment to look down...

Weird, he thinks. I'm wearing navy blue socks and green shoes...
with shorts!!! Oh my...Where's my Spiderman costume?
And um...who dressed me like this?


We've had a fun-filled day of web-shooting and laughing and adventuring with Cousin O. (If anyone can guess what the 'O' stands for...well, I'll seriously be shocked. It's a uniquely lovely name...but I bet you can't guess it.)

P.S. I promise I won't put socks with Crocs tomorrow. You're welcome.

UPDATE: Fine, I'll tell you! He's OTIS! And he rocks.

39 clicked right here to comment:

Deb said...

well, i know the answer to the O question, because i was stalking you on twitter earlier. it IS very unique, but just so happens to be my brother's nickname through college. weird, huh?

the superheroes are adorable. all three of them.

debi9kids said...

I am picturing that old Sesame Street song... one of these kids is doing his own thing... LOL

Amy said...

My son had the same spiderman costume on yesterday. He wanted to play outside in it. . .it was 90 here. . .sorry captain polyester! How refreshing are little imaginations! The pics of the boys are adorable! Oh, and the name. . .I'm sure Milo will know!

Be Blessed!

Amy Honestly

Chief said...

Oliver? Omnipitant? Oscar?

Those are probably the cutest little fists "putting up their dukes", I have ever seen!

Kristina P. said...

My nephew has one of these costumes. Too cute!

Jen said...

I loved this too funny and so cute. And don't worry, I have been known to do the sock with crocks thing too.

Liz Mays said...

All three are completely darling and don't you worry about the socks and crocs. I think it's just fine. :)

mrs boo radley said...

This is le cutest.

Jillene said...

I say Oscar because I LOVE that name.

And I loved the picture story!!

Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

I don't know what Cousins O's full name is but I do know that his spider man costume gives him some serious muscles!

jen@odbt said...

Ha - I always tell my kids no socks with crocs. Now I have that "one of these things is not like the others" song in my head. They all look very cute.

Sheryl said...

our friendship almost came to a screeching halt when i saw the crocs and socks. i am SO glad you saw the error in your ways.

love seeing pictures of your boys and your story line - terrific!

Karen Mello Burton said...

You know, you would think that with all my boys I would have had more than one Spiderman costume, but I never did. One Batman mask, one Star Wars get up.

And I only WISH there were crocs years ago when I had little guys running around.

Love your photos!

Susan Berlien said...

I know the O answer from Mile's bday party. So I won't say, but I do like the name. I guess we must have slept the only time it didn't rain (or tornado) today....hard day at our house. I'm glad you had a better day then we did.

april said...

This just screams all kinds of funny goodness. Love it.

Christy M. said...

Poor, poor boy with the crocs with socks. He looks like a tiny little old man. Bless his heart.

Love all the superheroes. Love. And the dialogue is delicious.

Orem? Orville? Oat? Hmmmm. Will you tell us?

Christy M. said...

How about Ox? Seriously, I'm not going to be able to sleep now.


Haley said...

This is a great sequence! The captions make it perfect. :-)

Kristen@nosmallthing said...

Otto. Is it Otto?

Love this little story. Especially when you point out the socks and shoes. That's hilarious. :)

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

I love the pictures!! You are so witty and fun. :)

Chele said...

What a cute story! Thanks for sharing! :)

Sabrina said...

I can't wait until Wonder Woman makes an appearance!!!!

sara said...

I really think Asher needs his own costume mom!!!! or at least his own glove that shoots out web stuff!!!

I have no idea about the name.....need to know now though!!!

Shana said...

I'm going to guess Owen or Orion. The only two 'O' names I know! I love the picture story! My son would fit in with yours very well. Only he'd be a pirate, a cowboy, a rock star, or some motorcycle riding fool wearing mardi gras beads and a hula skirt! :)

Jenny P. said...

I love a story in pictures. And those are some adorable boys. :)

Jenny P. said...

How bout Orpheus?

Keyona said...

Please. No socks. Thanks.

Oh, how about Octavious or Owen?

Or maybe Ozzie. :o)

Anonymous said...

Love this little series! I'm guessing Oien.

Debbie said...

There is nothing wrong with creative footwear! My youngest wore some yellow rain boots year round for two years. I bought the next size up when he outgrew the first pair. My theory - if they wear it without yelling, go for it!

Angie said...

Absolutely adorable... socks w/ crocs and all.

I was going to guess Opie, but then saw you had already spoiled it. ;)

Keep enjoying those boys.

Stephanie said...

Okay, I can't believe that no one else said that Otis and Miles look like TWINS except for the hair. And it's not just the costumes. They look a LOT alike.

Unknown said...

Look at those precious faces!!!

jmt said...

I love my own "O" named boy, even if he's a monster. But I have to ask....how in the world can SpidermEn climb anything with crocs and flip flops? I think we need a serious rethinking on that front. Other than that....the chips should power them through all else. :)

Mama-Face said...

OH MY GOODNESS...this is so sweet and funny. He needs a spiderman costume for sure! I think I have an old one laying around somewhere. :)

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

He is the freakin' cutest. Thing. Ever. Can I eat his face? Please???

charrette said...

I think fashion faux pas can be heinous on adults, but they're just endearing and adorable on little kids.

Elisa said...

Enjoy it! I wish my son still wanted to dress up in his super hero outfits. Makes me miss those little man days!

Dedee said...

Love this post. I love the navy socks and green crocs. Awesome.


* said...

beautiful pictures. sweet boys.

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