
Cupcakes, anyone?


She'll make you laugh over and over and then give you a peek at her very large heart.

They will leave you wanting to gobble more words, astounded at the way those words are strung together, making you feel totally understood right through your computer screen.

Short and sweet, she will have you giggling and then wondering what it's like to be in her creative mind, full of silly analogies and hilarious stories.

She will tell her past stories in a way that makes you feel like you were there, and then she'll bring with those stories what she's learned and tell you how she loves. It's beautiful.

You'll feel her heart by looking at her pictures and relating to her while she weaves together words in a way that's her very amazing kind of own.

I could go on and on....

I just want to sit and talk with them in person. It's a strange kind of strong wish, to want so badly to be around all of you strangers/friends.

Recently a good friend said I don't get it. I thought blogging was just updating your family. I just don't get it. Yeah, it's hard to explain, so I don't really try anymore. I say something about how you just have to be a part of it to understand. You have to read blogs even if you don't write your own to start to learn that there is true connection in it. It's just really hard to explain.

Anyway, so many of my blogging pals live far, but not too far, and so we've been in talks about getting together, meeting half-way and all that. This idea started to take over my imagination and then, thanks to the power of Twitter (and my thinking out loud on Twitter), this idea seems to be becoming a reality.

I couldn't be more excited!

So, if you're a blogger that lives in the Midwest, how serious would you be about a road trip and a weekend away with fellow bloggers?

(A very laid back weekend that's all about simply hanging out, preferrably around a big fire place in a very large room, talking and eating cupcakes and telling our stories and then eating more cupcakes.)

Why all the cupcakes, you ask? Well, I'll tell you more about that later.

And no, this is not limited to Midwesterners. I'm all for our far away friends asking for plane tickets for Christmas.

Cause the plans are pretty much in the works, so I kinda need to know if anyone is going to show up.

Any questions?

(And no, I won't be planning this all by myself. I need to move and stuff, and it looks like it may happen in January, like, right after we move. So yeah, there will be help! And the location will most likely be Wisconsin-ish. Just so you know.)

69 clicked right here to comment:

The Murray Crew said...

I desperately would like to come! Especially if it's drivable. Indianapolis has some thrilling cupcake shops...just saying.
Love the idea!

MamaBear said...

Just what this parched soul needs - cupcakes and girlfriends!

Also wanted to throw out the Dells as a possibility - My high school girlfriends and I have rented a cabin there before in the middle of winter.

Mommy Mo said...

I'm a Texas girl in love with all the Midwest bloggers, ha ha. So yeah, count me in. I could even MAKE the cupcakes for you guys!!!!!!!!!!!

Erin said...

Listen, I will drive to MARS for cupcakes, so you know I'm in. And not only would I drive to Mars, but if said cupcakes were stored in a trash can, I'd still eat them. That's how serious I am about cupcakes.
Oh, and of course, the whole prospect of meeting people, since I missed BlogHer due to being six days PP!

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

You know I'm there. :)


~michelle pendergrass said...

I'm in as long as it's not the weekend of the 23rd. I'll be in Houston then.

katdish said...

It's amazing how close you can become with people you've never met in person. I've actually met a couple of my "bloggy gal pals", (Steph for one) and we plan on having a big meeting sometime in the near future.

AllisonO said...

Yes yes and yes. Heather, let me know how I can help!

Life Laugh Latte said...

First, just so you know...I literally can't wait to read your words. I get so excited when I see that you have posted. So, thanks for all the hard work you put into creating wonderful posts.

Second, most of my family lives in Missouri. I usually go there every Summer for two weeks. This year we are not doing that trip in order to take our kids on a backpacking trip to Europe. You know...like college days...backpacks...hopping trains...staying in hostels. It makes me soooo happy just to think of it! But, the following year I'll be back in Missouri...and I'd love to find a way to meet up.

Third, I too struggle to explain why I blog. I may just memorize what you wrote and make them sit thru the explanation...because the feeling I get is that they feel it is a waste of time. That just makes me giggle...because I've paid my dues with 12 years of parenting where my every moment was about taking care of my kids & volunteering. Decided that this year would be my time to gain new perspective. Not get on the same treadmill and do what I've always done. That makes people around me uncomfortable. But, hubs is so supportive. I feel like if I do what I've always done...I might never know what else I was meant to do.

Oh...do I win longest post of the day. Please...choose me!:) Holly at LLL

Life Laugh Latte said...

All of that and I forgot to say something:) Yes...I did wear Nacho in a sling when he was a puppy and didn't have his shots! That was pretty funny...I felt like crazy dog lady. Holly

Love said...

i don't know when/how this would work for my family right now....but i would do everything i could to make it work! sounds wonderful.

Lindsey said...

I totally know this feeling!
And wish I lived in the Midwest!

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...



Ilivetoofar,Ilivetoofar,Ilivetoofar,Ilivetoofar.. {pout}

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

*sniff sniff*

If only . . .


someday . . .

Shana said...

This is a fabulous idea! I wish NY didn't feel like the other end of the world...with two small children at home I don't see it happening or I'd totally be there!

Boy Crazy (@claritychaos) said...

You.... :)

Thanks for the link and the sweet words, my friend. Location and timing depending, I will do my bestest to be there. I'll bring the tattoo artist.;)

Michelle DeRusha said...

Hi Heather -- thanks for that link to Christmas Change in my comments today! Totally cool. I'm going to be writing quite a bit on this topic in the coming weeks...I will link back to Christmas Change in one of my upcoming posts. Thanks!

Jo said...

So I was just thinking how I wish I could just go to a place where all my favorite bloggy friends would be, but that wasn't a blog conference. Because I don't want seminars, just cupcakes and stories and laughing until I almost pee my pants. (I said ALMOST).
I'm putting the plane ticket on my Christmas list. We'll see....

Life Laugh Latte said...

What...3 posts in one day! You'd think i was gunning for a giveaway (which...just so you know...I NEVER am). Come by our blog Sunday for a little bling for your blog. Not sure you post your bling...but want to give it to you...cuz we luv ya! Holly

Lara Neves said...

Wisconsin-ish? If that is the case I will do my very best to be there. I'm 4 hours out of Green Bay.

Sounds wonderful! You're wonderful!

KatBouska said...

Oh cell phone girl, I love this idea! Who needs a blog conference when really all we want to do is hang out and eat cupcakes and talk...and in my case drink large quantities of froo froo drinks together? Love it.

Kelly @ Love Well said...

So much depends on timing for me and my family. But you know my heart is there! Keep me on the list!

Kristen@nosmallthing said...

Boo! I want you to come to the East coast.

Who out there is on the East coast? Anyone?

If there is some quiet, some chocolate and some wine, I need to be involved. Thank you.

Marketing Mama said...

I love the idea of a midwest gathering, and Wisconsin is not too far from Minnesota. :)

I don't know a lot of the chicks here, though, and might feel awfully intimidated --- maybe between now and then I can start stalking all of their blogs and become friends so I have someone to talk to? :)


Anonymous said...

I wish I could come but alas, too far for me. =[
Have a great time and I know there will be tons of laughs and cupcakes. =]

Susan Berlien said...

Yeah! I'm up for it. I'll bring some cupcakes!! :) Just let me know when and where!!

K and/or K said...

Wisconsin, eh? Will there be cheese too? I will travel far for cheese. Is Sabrina making the cupcakes? :-)

Anonymous said...

Sounds lovely, except for that whole "having a baby" thing I have going on in January... ;)

Unknown said...

Aw man I want a cupcake! Can I be there on skype ;)

Mama-Face said...

I get it. I totally get it. Wish I knew how to make the magic you do with your words.

And now more blogs to follow. YAY!

wendy said...

A bloggy reunion ---how fun!!
I too would love to meet all these people I visit on their blogs.
Blogging is a unique world and a blessing for me right now that I am in a new place and away from my kids.
It makes me feel like I still have people I can talk to.
and I like to learn "things" and "experiences" from other people.

good luck with the moving and all

wendy said...

Oh and p.s.
Did I ever tell you how cute your photo of you is

kirsten said...

Hey Kristen @ NoSmallThing - I'm East Coast! I'm Baltimore - you anywhere close? We could have an Extraordinary Ordinary Fan Club meeting in January. ;) Or, find out the weekend they do their meet up, and do our own, and cry into our cupcakes that we're not in Wisconsinish.

Aidan Donnelley Rowley said...

Love this. I am a NYC girl, but wishing I lived in the Midwest! I get it though. How we read each other's words and marvel at the differences and the dichotomies, but more often than that - the sameness. Because we are parents and people and our language transcends geographical distance and cultural divides. At bottom, our struggles and questions and longings are very much the same. Love your blog. Your voice. Your words. (As always.)

Carrie said...

Aw, this sounds like so much fun! I ALMOST wish I wasn't having a baby in December...almost... :) NOT! :) But I wish I could come, though! :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

Oh, man....

Is Utah the midwest? :(

ellethenovice said...

Sounds fun!! If I can work it with kiddo coverage, I'm totally there.

Liz Mays said...

I would really love to go! It'll all depend on the exacts: where, when, weather.

The Rambler said...

I would so LOVE to go!!

Sigh...Creative financing would have to be my middle name to accomplish this (preschool, rent, bills....damn real sometimes) and it's kind of not.

Funny you said that about your friend saying they don't get it about blogging. A friend looked at me and couldn't understand why I would write for strangers? I just smiled...and told her cause it was like having my diary answer back!

Man...what I wouldn't give to be one of them gals kicking it (trying to be cool...that work?) around the fireplace, eating cupcakes...YUM.


P.S. I heart Mammatalk. Glad you included her in your bunch of recommends.

Unknown said...

Heather! I was thinking the same thing just the other day. Unfortunately I believe Wisconsin to be a bit too far in the opposite direction. I know whatever you plan will be very successful!

Kim said...

I love the idea and want to hear more! And, let's go to iblog next year, provided there is a next year. I didn't know about it until it was too late, but love the idea of an alternative to BlogHer, which I surely can't afford.

ZDub said...

You're the best, count me in.

*leaves to Google where Wisconsin is*

P.S. I totally agree, it's so hard to explain blogging and what it means.

Jen said...

This is a great idea. And I just happen to be a mid west girl. :)

S'dizzle said...

I'd go!

Traci Michele said...

(sad face) I live in the northeast; otherwise, I would totally be there.

I know exactly what you mean... and a lot of my friends, look at me in puzzled amazement regarding the whole "blogging world".

I understand. I totally get it. It's awesome.


Kori said...

Where I come from, Wisconsin is back east, not mid-west-so sadly, there is no way I could make it. But it would sure be fun, right?

Mammatalk said...

I think there's some linky love going on around here. Thanks for the shout out! You, my friend, are oozing with talent. Love to join, but West coast in the house over here! Ya got my wheels a turnin' , however.

Mammatalk said...

I'm back. Had to make hubby read your post. Will repeat with mom and anyone else I can drag over to my laptop.

Thanks again for the kind words. Think ya made my day!

becca said...

I seriously just got tears in my eyes. After not being on line for most of the weekend, I saw that a very large number of visitors were coming from your blog, so I came to take a look. And I see that you've mentioned me. Wow. Thank you.

I could not agree more that people Just. Don't. Get It. The whole blogging thing that is. Unless they do it. I'm so tired of explaining it even to my husband. I love being a part of this. Meeting such wonderful people who can relate, empathize and laugh right along with me.

I so wish it was a possibility for me to join you for this. Just not in the cards this year. It would be amazing to put faces and voices to the words. I can't wait to hear how it is, if it happens and then next time, hopefully I'll be in!

Crooked Eyebrow said...

um a weekend to spend with all the lovely bloggers?

oh yeah,sign me up!

Carrie said...

I could possibly make it once I find out more details. Great idea.

Saj said...

Wisconsin-ish, huh? I'm born, raised, and raising my own here in Wisconsin! This could be fun! I'm sort of new to your blog, but enjoy it so much!

Blessed said...

I'd love to come to something like that! For me though it would have to be Kansas Cityish... sigh. All I ask is that you take pictures and share them okay! :)

Mayhem and Moxie said...

It is incredibly tough to describe why one blogs. I have continually tried to quit, but I always come back.

You're right. You really do need to live in this little world to truly understand it and why on earth we would be motivated to meet one another.

Your cupcake meet and greet sounds wonderful, Heather.

Growin' With It said...

what a great post! i loved reading new blogs too.

Jen said...

Oh, I wish we could come out to the Midwest and join you. I'd even help you unpack. (I get all kinds of thrills out of helping others organize their homes.)
And thanks so much for including us with such an esteemed group of ladies. We (not just me and my multiple personalities, but me and Sarah) are honored. Truly.

Dave said...

i'd love to send nat. keep us updated.

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

I think this sounds like a wonderful idea. Just a cozy weekend with cupcakes and good friends. Wish I could go, but we'll also be moving - and starting new jobs - soon. Blah. Cupcakes and friends... sounds so much more interesting!

Unknown said...

Oh that sounds like so much fun! And Michigan isn't that far from Wisconsin (a bit of a drive, but do-able). But, for finincial and childcare issues I won't be able to join in adventure. :(
No cupcakes for me.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Where are you?

Anti-Supermom said...

I'm so in - way better than BlogHer! I'm with Missy though, she and I will know each other and that's about it.

Well... I guess that will not be any different than BlogHer.

Love it!

Sarah said...

The way you wrote about our words is exactly the way I feel about your own. And is exactly why we feel drawn to meet other bloggers out there. To have a conversation that isn't shortened because of time, because our hands are so tired from doing all the typing, because of distance.

I would so very much love love love to join you. Tell me the time and the place and maybe by some miracle I could fly to you...oh dreams are needed, yes they are...and I think it'd take some warming up with a glass of wine (or two) but then we'd all be quite comfortable to talk and gab and eat and laugh just like we ought to be able to do.

Sabrina said...

FUn! And yes Kelly, I could make some cupcakes!!! :)

Lee said...

Well, she sent me over here, and I agree with you!! Love your blog...new follower!

Mariah said...

SITSta, cupackes anytime sounds good! Too bad I live in another country...Texas. I don't think I could get my Visa in time:)

But to more pressing issues. I'm here to buy the 4 yr and willing to give him back tomorrow after 8am! Do you have Paypal!

Unknown said...

So how far is Wisconsin from atlanta???? i would love to come if not so far! and i also have a hard time explaing blogging...i act7ually just recently started telling my family i was even doing it lol

Debbie said...

Why do you live so far away? And why is the south not in the midwest? Jealousy is rearing its ugly head over here again.
And I'm off to meet some new friends through your links.

Corine (@ComplicatedMama) said...

theres nothing better than simplicity! :)

Its great to slow down & enjoy it.

your son is adorable! ...and Im so jealous of the apple tree in your new house... it looks beautiful!

FranticMommy said...

Popping over from Mammatalk. She was right. You ARE good! yeah, I don't try ot explain blogging anymore. It's a beautiful, fastinating, and fun world that the other 99.9% of my community is missing out on. I love it, I cherish it, and wish I had more time to do it.
The world doesn't know what it's missing! :)

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