
Glasses for Asher: A Picture Story

Thursday~November 5, 2009

He saw the world through new eyes,

had ice cream for a Getting Glasses Celebration,

got the wiggles out because of the sugar from the
Getting Glasses Celebration,

and then he said CHEESE a lot to appease his
Mother Who Snaps a Gazillion Photos.

Then last night as the sun set
so did his love for his glasses.

I said you get to wear them again tomorrow
and he said NO.

I put them on him this morning and he didn't seem to mind them.
PHEW, I said.

Then I turned to look at him
and he was doing this...

Yes, less than 24 hours after the Getting Glasses Celebration,
the spectacles are completely bent and no longer can be placed on the noggin.

Oh my sanity, I'll miss you.

(He's too cute. I can't even stay mad.)

76 clicked right here to comment:

C @ Kid Things said...

Oh no! I'm sorry he already broke them, but dang did he look cute! Babies and glasses, I don't know what it is, but it's adorable nonetheless.

Kelly Langner Sauer said...

Oy. There is no help for it, is there?

Heather of the EO said...

There's help for the glasses. I hope. We have to bring them back in and HOPE that the warranty will cover it.

My sanity on the other hand? No, no hope for that.

Boy Crazy (@claritychaos) said...

OH,honey. He is so ridiculously cute in those glasses. (And without, obviously). Good luck my dear.

NorahS said...

He is so stinking cute in those glasses! He'll get the hang of it eventually. But then again, he'll always be all boy, so if they offer insurance on his specs, go for it!!!

emilycrowderphotography said...

He looks so cute! His new glasses match his mommy's! Didn't you have similar glasses? He's adorable!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the warranty will cover it. :) Both my boys had glasses at age 3 and I've never taken a damaged pair in that they didn't fix for free. Even when little bro got jealous of big bro's new specs and tied them in a knot. LOL

Peanut said...

THAT is one cute boy you've got! Doesn't he know how adorable he looks in his glasses?! My JJ would probably do the same and then eat them. True story.
Good luck with the warranty. I've heard they're pretty good about that.

Kim said...

Oh yeah, you gotta love when the love for the glasses wears off. Can you get a strap or something to keep them on him? I've threatened to staple Seth's to his head before...I don't think that would work on little Asher though ;)
Here's hope for your sanity...as he gets older he'll keep them on..most of the time ;)

K and/or K said...

Too cute!

And now I will be craving Sabastian Joe's all day. Yum.

Guess who might be getting specs this weekend too? Moi!

Unknown said...

I concur...toddlers + glasses = infinite cuteness! I'm sure warranty will cover the damage. Heck. They don't look all too damaged, I bet they'll have them back like new in no time! Good luck!

The Hopeful Elephant said...

My daughter just got glasses a couple weeks ago...she had them less than a few hours before my little one broke hers.
Good thing about that warranty...!

Sabrina said...

I was thinking the same thing Kelly was!
a) Asher is so cute
B) I am craving Sebastion Joe's now too! Pavaroti! mmmmmm!!!!

Heather of the EO said...

I had the pavaroti of course! :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

SO so so cute! I remember when my son got glasses at 7 and he cried once he realized he could see the separate blades of grass!

Mama-Face said...

Those eyes... :)

Anonymous said...

I doubt he could be any cuter... and I couldn't stay mad at those eyes!

Unknown said...

Oh my. How sweet! :)

LunaMoonbeam said...

Oh no!!!!! Naughty Asher. Cute, but naughty. ;-)

Becca said...

I'm laughing, and also feeling that mama-sympathy-understanding. We have definitely had our share of mangled specs around here.

You laugh, or you cry, but either way, you wave goodbye to the sanity.

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

OH the cute. I can't even count how many times we had to go get Noah's readjusted and fixed. And replaced. :)


Stephanie said...

Oh. my. gosh. That is so cute it hurts.

And if the warranty on kid spectacles doesn't cover stuff like that, well, then, they clearly don't know their audience.

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

He is the cutest. kid. ever. in glasses!!!! Oh my word! The glasses don't stand a chance, but DANG he's cute in them!

Seriously, I have to go look at the pics again...adorable.

Liz Mays said...

Can I have him?

Mrs. Cox said...

He is so stinkin' cute in them! Looks like a little Ralph Lauren model. I have a connect to a great kids eye doc here in town if you need. Hope they get fixed soon!

Jo said...

Those blue eyes!! (Please pause while I melt).
Also, sanity is overrated. It's time to make peace with the crazy, my friend.

Kori said...

He is absolutely adorable! Though I will say that I am surprised the eye place gave him frames that don't bend; even Sam, who is 10, has frames that actually have extra hinges on the side so they bed two different directions-just in case.

Anyway, something to look into, and again, can I say how sweet he looks? Sigh....

jen@odbt said...

He is so handsome. A mini professor. He'll get the hang of it. In the meantime, maybe a pair of glasses that can bend all sorts of ways and bounce back?

Nili said...

holy. shmoly he is too cute...sorry about the bent up glasses...I started wearing glasses around 4 years old and can not tell you (although I am sure my mother can) how many I broke, bent, hid or otherwise made completely unwearable...but he's A-dor-Able for sure!

happygeek said...

Oh the cuteness.
I don't know if the warranty will cover them or not, but if it doesn't my parents used to buy insurance for our glasses that covered any breakage (right from the glasses place)
Between my brother and I we used it 5 times one year. (and we were teens.)
Best 15 bucks they ever ever spent.

Heather of the EO said...

They really are quite bendy...but um...you shoulda seen the way he was cranking on them, like a twisty-tie thingy. They had no chance.

Anonymous said...

I can't blame him. I hate my glasses too. For your sake, I hope you can exchange them under warrantee because glasses=not cheap.

Heather of the EO said...

Oh! And thank you guys for the insurance advice. GOOD idea.

Mendie said...

Oh no! he looked so cute in them too! hope the next set lasts a few more days!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

It's amazing what a good optician can fix...

But aw heck...it's rough that the novelty wore off so dang soon!

Carrie said...

Oh, dear - that is SO what my son would do - it would only be ONE hour, though, for him!!! I'm sorry - I hope he will keep them on soon!!!

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Those are adorable! Pre-destruction of course... I love them. And how about those blue eyes in picture #2? Reminds me of Dune.

Carrie said...

Love the new spectacles for Asher.

I can relate to the broken frames. My 8 year old son wears glasses but didn't get them until age 6. We suspect he needed them much earlier but we had NO IDEA he had such poor vision in his left eye until 1st grade (poor guy). Hopefully Asher will get used to them even though he's a bit young to understand why he needs them. My son struggled a bit at first but now he can't stand being without them. Perhaps you could read one of the many children's books to him about getting glasses. There's basically one for every popular TV or book character.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I was getting all ready to comment on how cute he was looking and how I see more and more of his mama in him as he gets older, and then...the broken glasses. I'm sorry--that's no fun!

Sande said...

That is just so cute. And how did he even keep them on for that long ...?

jmt said...

Aaahhhh. :)

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

He's adorable!!! K started wearing glasses when he was 2. It took some adjustment, and yes we've gone through a few pair... :) But he loves them so much now because of how much they help him. He asks for them right when he wakes up every morning now. :)

Jen said...

He is just so cute but keeping that glasses on him, is must seem like a loosing battle. Good luck.

Corinne Cunningham said...

There's a reason why kids are so cute :) LOL!
But seriously, he might just be the cutest kid with glasses!! (and good luck... I can't imagine trying to keep glasses bent free with a toddler!)

Dave said...

i love your little man. it takes a special talent to get the glasses going like that :-)

Dedee said...

He's darling!

Have you seen the bendable ones? They cost a mint, but they last longer than the regular ones.

That Girl said...


Yeah. I couldn't stay mad either.

Heather of the EO said...

Yes, we were going for the bendable ones, but Asher's noggin is quite large for his age, so they pressed into his face too much. If that makes sense...


Heidi said...

Those baby blues are still just as bright!

april said...

Oh my goodness he is SO SO cute!!

Christy M. said...

OHMYGOODNESS. He is so adorable. He looks JUST LIKE YOU, Heather. So sweet.

I'm sorry they didn't last longer :( Hopefully they can be fixed.

Tina Dee Books said...

Oh no! Aw, he is so cute. Maybe they can be bent back, or...maybe he's doing this for another ice cream celebration!?? Well, with glasses or without, he's adorable!

Muthering Heights said...

He looks SO ADORABLE!!!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

Dang, he's cute.

Dang, those are twisted.

We have some tiny sunglasses made out of rubber. Maybe they make real glasses out of rubber?

(Alternatively, three words: Lasik for Toddlers.)

Melissa Stover said...

he looked so precious! i can't tell you how many times we've had to replace glasses around here.

Laurie said...

He looks so adorable - and wow do those glasses make his big blue eyes even bigger!!

wendy said...

I can SEE why you took alot of photos. He is just to dang cute.
I imagine it will be a chore to keep those glasses in good repair.

Jamie said...

Unbelievably adorable! Seriously, I haven't seen anything cuter. We've gone through many a pair of glasses here at our house with our boy. My only suggestion...try to always have a back-up pair.

Annette Lyon said...

They looked so cute on him too!

Better pay out the big bucks for the super bendy kind, I guess!

Colleen said...

Oh my goodness, he is just precious. And although it's not funny for you since they're already broken, it was so funny how you told the story with the pictures.

Maybe the next celebration should be for Keeping Glasses in One Piece??

Unknown said...

Oh no! Those little boys can be such boogers! Hope they can fix them for you!

Obviously he doesn't realize how adorable he is in his glasses!

Heather said...

thankfully our eye doctor has a $5 replacement policy on broken lenses-when The Chicken first got hers when she was in preschool we were there every single week having them adjust her glasses as little kids are so rough on them, no matter if they never take them off their face.

maybe a reward chart for each day he wears his glasses on his face with a (small) prize for filling it up.

good luck!

Keyona said...

Oh he is precious in those glasses, even if it only lasted a few hours. Good luck with the next pair...or few. :o)

Susan Berlien said...

Yes he is ADORABLE in the glasses!! (and without too). Sorry to hear. about the struggle. I hope soon he learns to love them! :)

Heather Sunseri said...

I'm sorry the glasses are broken, but he is the biggest cutie EVER! Those eyes are beautiful!

Michelle at Graceful said...

Totally cool, funky glasses -- hopefully the second pair will be, too! :)

Angie @ Just Like The Number said...

It's too bad they don't make toddler glasses out of the same stuff they use to make those Julbo sunglasses. My 2 y/o bends those things inside out and they are indestructible! I know what you mean about toddlers - yes, your sanity is shot, but you still find yourself smiling all the time. They are just too stinkin' cute. Especially your little guy!

* said...

His eyes are soooo blue. Love the glasses, love the ice cream. Sweet, sweet boy. Enjoy him, I know you do. I'm off to snuggle with my little guy now, all of his two-year-old blonde goodness.

Anonymous said...

He is so cute! The glasses are very cool, I hope you were able to straighten them!

CC said...

You tried SO hard! And he looks adorable!!! I know I was older when I got my glasses, but I loved being able to see so much, that I can't imagine not wanting to wear them :(

I guess it's time to look at those cool rubber frames I see on a lot of kids.

Mozi Esme said...

He looks adorable in them! But then, I can't imagine them lasting more than a few moments on my daughter's head before getting bent, so I think you did good! At least there was nothing vindictive, like flushing it down the toilet...

Aidan Donnelley Rowley said...

He looks adorable and the photos are fantastic. Love the idea that as his vision gets fixed, yours gets more blurry with chaos and insanity. Thanks for the great post about your little guy and your slipping sanity.

Kristen@nosmallthing said...

Um, Henry has this shirt that says the following: "I'm kind of a big deal." And I'm just thinking that Asher might need the shirt. Because seriously, it would be awesome paired with those glasses. SO stinking cute.

He'll get used to them. May take time, but he'll get used to them.

Debbie said...

I saved this one to go back to when I had time.
So, how is he doing now? Did you get them fixed. Bless his heart and yours. It must be so tough to be that young and have to wear them all the time. You know he will eventually accept them. But yes, your sanity may take a beating in the meantime. (Do they fix kids' glasses for free?)

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Holy cow, he is the most adorable thing in those glasses. What about kidsafe, non-breakable kinds? I recall seeing those when I got my eyes checked a couple months ago. Not sure how much they are, but I thought to myself how much I had wished they had those when I was young, and quite fond of breaking mine :)

Unknown said...

He's so precious in those glasses I can hardly take it!!

Sorry they got a little 'jacked up'! HA!

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