
Favorite Photos of 2009: Part One

Thursday~January 7, 2010

For You Capture this week, Beth's assignment was to post your favorite photos of 2009.
In my computer, there are thousands of 2009 pictures and I think I might love them all. What to do? What to do?
I guess this will be a two post kind of day.
Or maybe three or twelve.


Let's start with some favorite recent photos.

We'll call them moving house and holidays and snow photos...
because that's quite a good title for something...

Here goes nothin'!

The day we moved, I took a gazillion photos of things we saw every

day, to remember them.

Like the window with the electric candle in it over at the house

of The Best Neighbors in the Universe

And The Best Neighbors in the Universe themselves.

(Yes, that's me crying because I'm going to miss them...and I do. A lot.)

Looks like a good day for a move, no?

Scattered about...


Nanny and Bapa, we're glad we're here with you.

and closer to this guy too

(cousin Zachary)

and just because I love how peaceful he looks...

The End. For now. There may or may not be more later.
I'm currently entirely unpredictable.

23 clicked right here to comment:

tippytoe foxtrot said...

Gosh, I felt the same way. I could post for days.

Kim said...

Moving is so hard. I love your snapshots of your last moments in that home.
Love you lady.

D. said...

Moving is a total pain. The sadness of leaving a place that has memories but the excitement for the new! Hope all is going well :)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

We have neighbours much like your old ones. They're away for health reasons for the next few months and I miss them like crazy. That picture of you all together reminds me of them so much.

So much sweet mixed in with the bitter - I'm glad for this new adventure of yours!

Rach@In His Hands said...

Wonderful neighbors can be hard to come by...it's wonderful when you can call them "friend". I hope you find some lovely new ones in your groovy new home!

Liz Mays said...

Oh sweetie, that made me sad! Your neighbors will still be your friends for life though and you're near Nana and Bapa and there really are some wonderful things about the move! You're going to find your way in time! :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

I like my house, but it is my old neighbors that keep me there. You will make lots of new friends and all will be well. My heart broke seeing you crying in that photo.

Kerri said...

The picture of you with your neighbors made me cry. We just moved three months ago and I have not adjusted yet, apparently. I am not a fan of moving.

Sabrina said...

I love those pics! You captured it perfectly! Oh those wonderful neighbors... the boys adored them! I love that pic the most!

Corinne Cunningham said...

This made me cry. Maybe it was the picture of you crying, and how your neighbor looks a wee bit like an uncle of mine, ha!
Loved the photos :)

sara said...

LOVED the pictures!!

the picture with your neighbor is priceless...I can see the love in her smile!!!

Colleen said...

Awww... I hate moving! But there are some pros to go with those cons. Hope you get settled in well in 2010.

a Tonggu Momma said...

At least you hadn't yet morphed into the ugly cry in that photo. You're still looking cute and adorable. So that's something.

H-Mama said...

These pictures are perfect, Heather! Great neighbors are priceless... I pray you find even more relationships like that at your new home.

Enjoyin' some cupcakes about now? ;)

Brianna said...

I was thinkin' the same things as a Tonggu Momma. You look so adorable when you cry. Hope you are adjusting to your new home. Loved the photo of your little guy staring out the window.


MommyTime said...

Moving can be hard on everyone. I am glad that you love the new house, though, and I hope that that helps you all adjust relatively quickly. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

You're so very beautiful, Heather. In and out.

Haley said...

What wonderful moments to have caught right before moving!

Sorry you're a little sad...I'm hoping you'll fund comfort in time.

Candi said...

awesome pictures! i love the vibrant colors...your pictures look crisp and beautiful. i hope 2010 is good to you!

Alita said...

Here's to new adventures! Great moving pictures. Bright, crisp, and comforting. Enjoy your new home!

The Fritz Facts said...

I love these Heather. Your last moments together at THAT moment.

Debbie said...

Leaving behind good neighbors is always hard. I cried like a baby when we left NC.

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Loved looking at your pictures....so glad to ahve some blog reading time..

I have a fun giveaway on my blog...a $100 prize ..comments will be closed on Monday night, but today's entries get extra chances...so stop by and join in the fun.

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