
The Wait Staff

We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned,
so as to have the life that is waiting for us.

E. M. Forster

Watcha guys doin'?

Just waitin' for Daddy...

It sure can be hard to wait.

So you might as well come up with something to do.

And have a little fun while you're at it.

Brothers are good for that.

Whatever we are waiting for - peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance - it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart.
Sarah Ban Breathnach

44 clicked right here to comment:

amber_mtmc said...

So cute.

It is usually me waiting for the Daddy--er husband. And, my antics often resemble your son's.

Lara Neves said...

This post melted my heart. I loved seeing your boys waiting for their daddy. And, as always, I loved the way you can relate it to something deeper and very true.

MommaKiss said...

absolutely adorable smiles.

Heather@WoolandFlax said...

Love the pictures (and so did my boys). I can almost hear their little giggles!

One Crafty Mother said...

OH my. This made me smile - they are SO ADORABLE!

Mama-Face said...

Loverly. :)

Kelly Miller said...

Aw! What a precious gift for Daddy to come home to.

Unknown said...

Beautiful boys!

Unknown said...

Loved this! My favorite is the foot-to-foot games they played! I totally remember playing those games with my sister, and my kids did the same when they were little. So, so sweet.

Angie said...

I love this post... completely and totally love it. The boys are adorable, and the quotes--perfect! ::)

Jen said...

My kids do this too, wait for daddy and then wrestle.

Beautiful post!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

That first picture made me sigh with contentment. I love little kids who ADORE their Daddy.

As for the waiting: Hear, hear. That last quote was hope to me.

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

Preciousness!! Brothers are awesome!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Terrific pictures of your waiting boys. And I Love the Forster quote.

Sarah said...

Oh the sweetness of boys. And the sweetness of brothers.

Anonymous said...

It amazes me how you can combine joy, wisdom, love, and harmony all in one little post.

Melanie Jacobson said...

This is exactly what my boys look like when they're playing. Love it.

Jami said...

Beautiful boys. Great pics.

Corinne Cunningham said...

They are too cute :) There's not much else as sweet as kiddos waiting for their daddy to come home!

Anonymous said...

Oh but their feet! :)

Mags said...

Wow. Art is art. That is art...and so cute.

Anonymous said...

Freakin' adorable.

Unknown said...

Oh they are so cute! Makes me want you to have more! ;-)

Ashleigh Baker said...

Love this--a common sight in our home, too.

How far apart are they? They look to be about the ages of my little men.

Catherine Anne said...

Love the blog

Lindi said...

Awesome blog. Your boys are adorable and your words are honest and true.
I accidently stumbled across your blog and the way you voice your fears and put yourself out there is so commendable.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I just got caught up on a couple weeks worth of reading. I wish I could just delete everything in my reader and start fresh - but there are blogs like yours where I worry that I'll miss something important. Anyway - I'm so happy to hear that you're doing well with your promises to yourself and your boys. Your honesty will give courage to others who need it. And your own courage inspires. Much love to you and the cuties.

Charlotte said...

Beautiful pictures. I loved that they were waiting for Daddy to get home. Adorable.

Kristen@nosmallthing said...

Waiting for Daddy...that is the cutest.

Brothers are awesome. Each other's first best friend.

H-Mama said...

Precious. Simply precious.


Mendie said...

they are so lucky to have each other...and you!

MommyPhD.org said...

The last photo is especially fun! Thank you!

Sabrina said...

The E.M. Forster quote is one of my favs!

Great pics!! Thanks for sharing!
Missing all of you...

Claudya Martinez said...

That was wonderful and put a smile on my face.

Heather said...

looks like they had a blast waiting

Stephanie said...

ohmygosh. They are so cute, Heather. The one part of being a dad that I'm jealous of is the rockstar reception they get every time they walk in the door.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness -- what a wonderful series of photographs!

Chief said...

bless their hearts.

I was waiting for the pic of the screaming kid who got kicked inadvertantly in the groin.

Either it didnt happen or it did and you are trying to make it look like it didin't


ex oh ex oh

Dagmar said...

How absolutely adorable are these pictures! Thank you for sharing.

Dagmar's momsense

Deb said...

oh those scrumptious little feet.

kanishk said...

The last photo is especially fun! Thank you!

Work from home India

Anonymous said...

Oh dude.

I'm catching up over here and there's nothing to say with this one. So why am I even writing this?

Just...thanks for that.

Anonymous said...

I love this post! I'm always telling my kids to just wait quietly instead of appreciating their ability to find fun at any time. (Fun is so noisy and messy.)

MollyinMinn said...

I love this series of photos. My boys have been doing a whole lot of waiting for daddy lately too (his work schedule has been nuts). So this made me smile.

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