
Work (In which I'm terribly random and weird)

This week's You Capture assignment was Work.

I do so much work, there are just simply an endless amount of pictures to choose from-me scrubbing the kitchen floor, me shoveling the driveway, me lugging laundry baskets...
but I think I'll go with this one, for Beth...

OK fine. I don't actually have any pictures of that other stuff.

Now back to the weird picture...

First of all, it is a whole lot of work getting your mouth puckered like that. Just enough to look very serious about cleaning the bathroom, which is what I was about to do. (Which is the epitome of work, is it not? The bathroom? Gross.) Also, it's kind of a work of art, getting the pucker to create jowls like that.

(I even edited some of the jowl/wrinkles, no lie.)

Let me guess what your questions are.

Heather, how do we know you were working in this picture? Why are you always wearing that sweater? Why are you crazy?

Well, those are good questions, friends. First of all, I think it's pretty obvious that I was working, look at that sweater tie sweat band on my head. Cleaning the bathroom is terribly sweat-producing with all that scrubbing and of course, being timed.

Yes. I said being timed. You don't time yourself while cleaning the bathroom? Well, I suggest you try it. You see, Beth and I have been doing this thing on Twitter in which we give each other a certain amount of time to get something done, a Beat The Clock sort of game.

And it works! We get stuff done! (But this isn't Works-For-Me Wednesday, so who cares.)

Nextly, I'm always wearing that sweater because my husband shrinks the delicates all the time, so it's pretty much the only one I have left. I'm not saying that behind his back, I say it to his face, too. I still love him, at least he attempts the laundry. (But I kinda wish he'd stop and I think that was his plan all along, to wreck stuff so I'd tell him to quit helping.) (Don't worry, I've accused him of that, too. Right to his face. It's good to just get it out, rather than being passive-aggressive.) (But sometimes I'm passive-aggressive, too. Just ask him. Or my dog.) (What?)

As for your last question, about when I totally lost it, I don't know. I just did. Perhaps it was that time when I was a child and I was running in my sleeping bag and fell and hit my head on the corner of the TV? That could have been it because WOW was that ever messy. I would point out the scar on my forehead in the picture, but it's covered by my sweater tie sweatband.

Is sweatband/sweat band one word or two?

I have so many grammar questions, but that's work for another day.

You can find more civilized You Capture posts at I Should Be Folding Laundry (Folding laundry is work, so that's why it's a should.) (And also, I should be folding laundry too, but I don't have to because my husband shrunk it all.)

(I don't know why I'm suddenly using so many parentheses for no reason.)


OH! And did you enter my giveaway of the coolest jewelry you've ever seen? There's still time!


53 clicked right here to comment:

Becky said...

Words can't express how much I heart you. You rock! Rock the headband! Bo Brady would be one proud mo fo!

Stephanie Wetzel said...

That was delightfully random and crazy. I love it.

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

You are made of awesome. I love you. That is all. Rock it sister!

katdish said...

That should be your twitter profile pic. Awesomesauce.

And I didn't find that particularly random, I followed right along. Hmmm....

Liz Mays said...

Bathrooms require ninja apparel and ninja attitudes. Get those germs!

Unknown said...

You are HILARIOUS!!!

Lisa Page Rosenberg said...

That bathroom never stood a chance against the sweater-tie-headband-warrior.

Elizabeth @claritychaos said...

You are so cute and I adore you.

nicole said...

My husband has refused to do my laundry for day one with that same excuse--he is afraid he'll ruin something. I keep trying to tell him that anything that needed special care wouldn't go in the laundry basket and that I rarely buy/wear anything that can't be washed with everything else anyway. But he is standing firm.

Christy said...

You are funny. are you doing better? You are in my prayers. Good idea on timing little annoying jobs. (I use parenthesis all the time, and commas way too much.) It's a sickness, or something.

Robin Arnold said...

I have beg beg begged my husband to never do laundry again. He can't help himself. I have taken to hiding my laundry.

You are a blessing!

Anonymous said...

To use a phrase common to someone I know..."You rock the party." ;)

Chocolate Girl said...

Hubby was banned from doing laundry long ago. It's just better that way.

Melissa said...

My husband has finally learned not to touch my laundry.

If I don't time myself, I don't get anything done.

The mad woman behind the blog said...

Don't we all look like this when we clean? Gotta get our warrior faces on. Rock on w/ your bad self.

Stephanie said...

Wow, my cleaning the bathroom face looks way more bewildered.

And I have a lot of old sweaters that I'd love to replace. Maybe I'll ask Matt to do the laundry.

Unknown said...

LOLOLOL oh Heather YOU complete me!!! You can so rock a sweatband!

swonderful said...

And this is why I love you so much.

LunaMoonbeam said...

*snort* I still can't get over the sweat band. I thought you and the boys were playing Indians when you snapped this photo. LOL

Zakary said...

My husband shrinks my jeans all the time. I am too tall to dry them in the dryer and he just loads them up and blasts them with high heat.

I feel your pain.

Very cute post.

Alita said...

I am going to try the timer method to cleaning. It may just be the trick to get me to clean my bathroom and dust the fan in a timely fashion. However I do laundry (and that is timed) yet I don't feel compelled to run the minute I hear the ***d-i-n-g***

I guess that is something I must "work" on.

FUN POST! Thanks :)

Unknown said...

i love it. go with the random. it suits you. and i mean that as a higher than high compliment.

Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry said...

This? Is priceless.

Your photo? Awesome. (and frightening but only a little bit)

You? Rock my world. EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.


Unknown said...

Beat the Clock for chores! Brilliant! You and Beth are welcome any time you want to race over and do my household chores.

Unknown said...

You're a nerd, but a really cute and funny one and I love ya! :D

P.S. That's a HAWT look for you girl!!

Brianna said...

You make me laugh. So hard. I heart you, friend.

One Crafty Mother said...

I am so timing myself next time I clean the bathroom. I guess that means I'll have to, er, clean the bathroom.

Love the pic. I'd pay a lot of money to see you forget you were wearing that and answer the door - but it's the expression on your face that really makes it. Like "DIE, BATHROOM!"

So, what do you get if you beat the time clock? Or what happens if you go OVER?? I need a carrot and a stick, here. Help a girl out.

Bina said...

At least you got ready! I walked into the kitchen to do the dishes...saw them all floating so nicely together that I let them play in the water for another hour or so. Who am I to break up a quiet bathtime???

:) Bina

Angie said...

I heart you and your crazed Rambo eyes... just sayin'.

Unknown said...

I am TOTALLY going to time myself cleaning the bathroom from now on. That is a full-on stroke of GENIUS.

Dave said...

My grammar question is

"Nextly" ????


Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Loved this post and always love your blog.....Totally a fun stop

Erin said...

I could answer your grammar questions, but man, that's the work I do ALL DAY. So unless you want to come over and clean my house, I'm just going to let you go on with your bad grammar.

Just kidding. It's not bad. (OR IS IT?)

Cathy said...

Funniest, most entertaining post I've read today! Love the headband too! :)

Sara said...

I'm pretty sure my boyfriend and your husband met and schemed up a way to get out of laundry. Because that's what he does too. GENIUS on their part. It works.

Corinne Cunningham said...

You've got me cracking up with this :)
Thank you!

Rebecca said...

Laughing out loud for real!
Love the headband or head band or head-band or whatever.

Unknown said...

the bathroom is such work. You need the sweatband/sweat band to make sure you get the job done right.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that picture of you! You look awesome, Heather. And you totally rock the sweater.

As for sweatbands, I totally get it when cleaning the bathroom. I hurry to get it over with too!

Upstatemamma said...

That is an incredible picture of you!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

You are soooo cool with your headband and all.

Jamie said...

You, my friend, are a total crack-up!!! By the way, I totally time myself when I clean the bathroom. I play all sorts of chore games to help me get more accomplished.

Mrs. Dunbar said...

Random and funny as always.

Girl, I haven't been over here in a while. Don't know why, you're on my blogroll. But you are even more amazing and strong this year than last.

Shouldn't we all be doing the never ending cycle of laundry?

Kristen@nosmallthing said...

I cleaned the bathroom yesterday. However, I didn't look as serious about it as you did...maybe it's the sweatband...I need one of those.

P.S. My husband has mentioned that he messes everything up on purpose so that he doesn't have to help. I'm not sure if he is joking...or not...

Anonymous said...

I've seen your cleaning Tweets (that sounds dirty), but I thought "HA! I laugh in the face of clean!"

And you need to even out all those parentheticals (I also love parentheses) with a healthy dose of ellipsis...

You can never have too many ellipsis...

Mrs. Cox said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate Coveny Hood said...

"Why are you always wearing that sweater" made me LAUGH!

Rebecca Blevins said...

Hee hee. I need a friend to do the timer with.

And I think you might have gotten your parentheses problem from me. ;)

Claudya Martinez said...

I hate cleaning, it sucks. I bribe myself into doing it by setting time limits. I turn on the timer on the stove for 20 minutes and then clean whatever I can in that amount of time. When the timer goes off I'm done. It turns out I can get a lot of cleaning done in 20 minute.

Thanks for following me on Twitter because it led me to your blog and I dig it. I really dig it. I am now your devoted follower. I look forward to more pictures of you intently cleaning. Although I do not buy that sweatband. I think that was a hastily thrown on addition. Rubber gloves would have been more convincing.

Claudya Martinez said...

I linked to this post today.

Annette Lyon said...

That's it. After this, I cannot WAIT to meet you in person come May!

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Did I ever comment on this one? Because I meant to, but I don't think I did. And now it wouldn't matter, but this post is a lot of the reason why I love you.


Dedee said...

There's no way not to love this post!

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