
child actors: a picture story

Miles and Asher played a significant role in the Christmas program at church...

They were a bored and tired shepherd and his lost and lazy sheep...

(Yes, shepherds wear black tennis shoes and sheep wear jeans...and glasses.)

They totally engaged the audience...

and sat poised and ready to sing along with their stablemates...

yeah...that sheep was having some issues...

and then at the end it was time to stand up and be clapped for, because of all of that effort...

would you just look at their hands?

just one more time...

when you feel shy and nervous and way too over-tired to play your part,
reach for your brudder's hand.

The End.

29 clicked right here to comment:

Anonymous said...

The photo with them touching hands is so precious, cherish it forever. Thanks for sharing.

Bon said...

aww. those little hands.

The Clines said...

Absolutely adorable!!!

Kristina P. said...

Haha. They look thrilled!

Unknown said...

These are the kindof pictures I love. It is not posed just natural. I really love the last one, they are so cute.

Tracie Nall said...

That is so very sweet!

Dangerous Linda said...

I love the photo of them touching hands for so many reasons (btw -- did i mention that i'm a professional photographer?) ... an image with iconic appeal!

Roxane B. Salonen said...

So sweet and precious! :)

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

So perfect. :) I Love it.

tracy said...

How sweet are they?! Love how siblings take care of each other when they aren't beating each other up.

Angie said...

This is too precious!

Unknown said...

That is just too cute! Cherish these memories.

Annette Lyon said...

That hands pic is one to frame--and keep around for the days when they're older and want to kill each other.

(so darling)

Jo said...

Ha...Annette beat me to it. I was going to say to treasure this moment and save it in your heart for when you are peeling them off of each other when they are bigger. :)

So sweet.

Unknown said...

this is enough miracle for me sometimes.

Susan Berlien said...

I love that! So sweet. Brothers.

Becky said...

This was the cutest thing EVER! Oh my word. can not stand the cuteness!

Heather of the EO said...

Don't be deceived, Annette and Jo--I am already peeling them off each other much of the time. That's why this brother moment means so much. :)

Sarah Smith-Frigerio said...

I love it! I think I did the same thing to my mom several times over in Christmas pageants...My older son also has that knack. The younger one is a ham, loves the stage, and wants to be on TV. Go figure!

Hyacynth said...

So funny and so cute! Melissa's {@pbinmyhair} little girl and my oldest are in the same preschool class ... mine was a disgruntled sheep and her little one was a shy golden star. It was pretty hilarious!

Ann Imig said...



trishatfox said...

Okay, first I burst out laughing... out loud. That shepherd's got to get a handle on that sheep. Then tears sprang to my eyes. Gosh those boys are sweet. Holding hands, oh my.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Dang it, I just got a bit choked up.

Anonymous said...

Filled me up. Love!!

Ash said...

Oh my. My heart!

I think you already have your Christmas Card picture for next year. Just Photoshop the baby into a manger at their feet.

Sharone said...

Your children are just darling. That little sheep just slays me with his eyes peeping from behind his glasses, every time.

Carrie Peterson said...

OOOOOOOOH!!! I laughed and then I cried. So precious!! I really can't imagine that each and every shepherd and sheep were totally into the real event, either, though.... human nature and all!!

rebecca @ altared spaces said...

thanks for this gift.

Unknown said...

Such brotherly love! And they are so cute in their costumes. Ben was a shepherd too but I forgot my camera so all have are some bad pics taken on the hubby's phone! Oh well...

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