
Gifts for Life: giveaway winners!


Thank you to everyone who donated items for this Gifts for Life extravaganza, and to each of you who took the time to learn more about these gifts that give back!

Now for what you really want to know...(please read all the way through because even if you did not win, there are discount and donation codes being offered from the providers of the giveaways!)

And the winners are....

Winner #1 - Amber (#6)
Winner #2 -
happygeek (#58)
Winner #3 - Becky (#2)
Winner #4 - Tate and Abby (#48)
Winner #5 - Suzanne (#22)

Congratulations to all of you! You've won yourself $25 to Paper Culture!

**Paper Culture is also generously donating 20% of any order you make to Bead for Life! Just use code: BEADS at checkout**

Winner #1 - Pamela (#22)
Winner #2 -

Congratulations to you both! You've each won a $25 credit to The Artist's House!

**Angela is offering a 20% off code for each and every one of you. Just enter code: heatherrocks at the Artist's House checkout to receive your discount! (She chose the code, I did not. She is the one that rocks, yo.)**


Shining Stones

Winner: Shaina (#43)

Congratulations! You've won the Black Raspberry Pearl set from Shining Stones!

(and remember friends, if you saw something you loved at Shining Stones, Ellie is also donating
20% to Bead for Life with every order that includes the code BEADFORLIFE at checkout. Thank you, Ellie!)


Winner: Celeste (#23)

Congratulations! You've won a $25 credit to the {So}Sartina shop on Etsy!


Butters and Beans and Playful Planet

Winner: Jolene (#11)

Congrats! You've won the beautiful set of organic baby clothing with a bib, blanket and burp cloth from Butters and Beans and the Storyland Yoga DVD and t-shirt!


{sweeter than me} designs

Winner: Sara Sophia (#19)

Congrats! You've won TWO items of your choice from {sweeter than me} designs!



winner: transplantedx3


  • If I don't hear from and/or am unable to contact any winner by Friday Dec. 10th, a new winner will be chosen.
  • Thank you, thank you, thank you all! I heard so many exciting things about donations and purchases to support Bead for Life. That was the goal, friends, and I can't thank you enough. Please keep Bead for Life in mind for gifts, bead parties, and charitable donations. What an amazing organization! It's been a pleasure to shout Bead for Life from the rooftops!

9 clicked right here to comment:

Becky said...

I WON! How cool! Thanks Hedder!

Robin said...

How fun for you to be able to post a week's worth of winners! Thanks again for doing this. It was awesome to follow along and learn along the way.

Angie said...

This whole week was just amazing. I love that you did this. I just ordered a bunch of beads for life for my friends for Christmas. :)

MollyinMinn said...

Thank you Heather! As I said on Twitter, I am thrilled, not to just have won (cause of course that is fun) but for what you are doing to do something for good.

Celeste said...

Wow, I never win anything (I know everyone says that). This is awesome and just the icing on the cake. Had a great time buying things from Beadforlife. Love what your doing, Heather. THANK YOU!

Now, how exactly does this work? You know, like, how do I take advantage of this awesomeness that is the gift cert. to So Sartina?

trishatfox said...

Congratulations to all the winners. And rats! I just placed a huge order for Christmas cards with Paper Culture because their stuff was so cute. I found them thanks to this giveaway but I totally forgot to but the code BEADS in order. Oh well, I'm going to love the cards anyway.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Congrats to your winners! That is some nice loot!

Lee said...

I can not believe you did not rig that Bead for Life giveaway so I would win.


Shaina said...

All of these giveaways were fantastic, Heather, and thank you for hosting! I'm really excited to have won something.

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