No, we'd say. I don't know...maybe a boy? Since we have two of them? I don't know?

That's why I bought the green oh-so-neutral guggy (our family's word for a blankie) for the new baby.
Then today we had our ultrasound,
and when we got our peek...

It felt blurry and surreal, just like that picture...
a little peek of PINK???

We're so happy and excited and totally and completely surprised.
(The expression on my face in that last picture about sums up my current state of shock.)
(It's a very very good kind of shock.)
There are just so many things you can't know for sure until you know for sure. Now we know for sure, and even though this is all kinds of new to us, it is so good.
(excuse me while I go stare off into space now, smiling.)
105 clicked right here to comment:
OH YEA! I'm beyond excited for you, Heather. SO! COOL!
OH MY GOSH! CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy for you!
Love you!(and your very girly acorn.)
(I think I caught Kelly's caps bug. Ahem. I'm sorry.)
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Team Pink!! Awwww. I am 23 weeks with a girl too - not sure how to work a girl, but we will figure it out! Hooray!
Woohoo!!! So excited for you!!!
Congrats to you and your family!!
YAY for a healthy baby and YAY for a healthy baby girl!!!
So excited for you!!!!!!
Princess Acorn!!!!!
SO Super excited for you! We find out in 2 weeks and I cannot wait! Yay girly girly!!
YEAH! If my not so much an acorn anymore but a huge beach ball turns out to be a boy (we find out in 15 days!) I have the cutest little girl stuff to send you!
SOSOSOSOSOSOOSo Happy for you! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!
A PINK Acorn! Yay!
Congratulations, Heather. :)
This is so exciting!! I'm just as happy as could be for you!
Yay! Congratulations!!!! xoxo
HOORAY!!!!!!!!!! :) So excited you're going to have a little girl. :D
Glory! GLory!
You get your girl. Oh oh oh.
This makes my face hurt with glad.
So happy for you. And just a teeny tiny bit jealous of the clothes you get to buy!
Got a swooshy, dreamy feeling reading this my friend. Congrats to you and your clan on the little pink acorn. Wahooo! Xo Goose
Congratulations! Girls are so awesome! Some of my favorite kids are girls. Although to be fair, the others are boys.
I am SO happy for you! I have two girls and Miles in the middle and well, I love them but it is just so much fun to have another lady around. Congratulations!!!
I love this moment.
Oh know, now I sound like Julia Roberts totally stealing Denzel's Oscar moment.
I love you. GLORIOUS NEWS!!
umm, who says glorious?
Aw - what a precious moment! Congratulations! She will be one blessed little girl!
I can't WAIT for you to have a girl and for her to be in your so very awesome family. I'm just SO elated for for you Heather!!!
p.s. You're going to spend A LOT of time on Etsy. Trust me. ;P
p.p.s. I'm still figuring out the girl thing too...
p.p.s.s. Super SQUEEEEEE!!!
That's awesome~ Yay! girls! ~CA
A girl???? A girl!!!!!!!!
Congrats a million times over to you, mama. How blessed you are!!
Wow!!! so excited you are having a girl!!!! I also have 2 boys and a girl...perfect! :)
I'm so excited to meet her! I absolutely can't wait, and I'm so tickled pink for you. I've been squealing since this morning.
How exciting!!! Congratulations! :)
so very excited for you!! Girls rock!
Woohoooooo! So excited for you and family, Heather.
That is so awesome!
Congratulations :)
There is just something so awesome about watching your older boys with their baby sister. I love it.
YIPPEEE! A GIRL! So thrilled for you!
Whoo hoo! So excited for you! I have one girl and two boys - it's a great combo!!! Acorn is a girl! Yay!
Congrats on Pink!!!
Well lookit that would ya?
A little girl to love on...CONGRATS!
Now our little families can be twins. What a fun new adventure this will be for you guys. :)
Pink is wonderful! Congrats!!
Congratulations! I am so thrilled for you all! Blessings on the second half of this pregancy
I KNEW IT!!! I just had a feeling it would be girl!! That little girly is going to be so loved by all! So happy for you guys!
Oh honey congrats. I have the opposite. Two girls and then a boy. Very cool.
YAY! I'm so happy for you! I stared off in space for months after we found out Lucy was a girl ;)
Hold on your hat, because I'm only 9 months into this girl gig and I'm telling ya...totally different.
Your boys will be such sweet big brothers.
Again, YAY! Congratulations :)
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you all!
congrat's on the pink.
I love my boys. I love, love, love my boys. But. There is something extraordinarily special about having a daughter. It isn't better or worse. One can't categorize their children in such a way. But it's different and unique and just special.
I'm so thrilled for you.
As I well know...2 of one does NOT equal 3 of one. Nor does 3 of one equal 4 of one. LOL My poor husband thought he had no chance of pink, and here he is....
I cannot WAIT to see your bundle of pink. Ah. So exciting!!!
Hurray!!! Dresses and frills and pink! What do the boys think?
woot! woot! That is the best news all day.
Many congrats and she will have some pretty amazing brothers to look after her.
So happy for you! (To clarify: I'd be happy if it were a boy, as I'm sure you would be, too!) Girls are definitely lots and lots of fun! Yay for pink!
girls are awesome because no matter how hard they try, they will never be able to pee in your mouth.
You will LOVE having a daughter. The boys will love having a sister. I am so happy for you all.
I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SQUEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I will have to start sewing for her and will be going through my girl clothes sending you lots!!!!
Yay!!!!!! You know how I feel about little girls. Yay!!!!!! Acorn and my wee one can be cyber-friends. Deal?? Yay!!!!
And, so, you know that I know just how you are feeling. There should be a club for "all boys then a girl" because I really don't know what else to say about it other than you just KNOW.
Heather, you gotta call me tomorrow, ok?
Or right now. I'm not doing anything.
Congratulations! What shiny, happy, pink-y news.
So nice meeting you and hearing you speak last week at Blissdom. :)
Yea! I'm so excited for you. To have the experience of raising boys and girls is awesome. That's exactly why I'm considering three, hoping for a girl the third time around. Of course the second isn't even born yet so I may just change my mind in 6 months.
How exciting! Boys are such a barrel of laughs and energy, but then a girl... ahhh a girl...
I really have no idea since I'm just raising two wild & crazy bambinos. Ha!
Congratulations chica! I'm so very excited for your wee family + girl acorn in the oven. :)
Welcome to the world of pink!! It's a glorious place to be. I am so tickled pink for you. (sorry for the pun!) Much luck, love and blessings sent your way! :+)
I'd be happy for you for either, but I'm so glad you'll get to experience the mother-daughter relationship. How wonderful is that!
Thank you, friends.
OH MY. Thank you so much.
oh so glad . so.
I am just sitting here with a big ole smile on my face. Yay!!!!
Happy happy, joy joy!!
So glad all is well. And pink. Though between you and Elaine, I'm feeling somewhat abandoned on the blue side of the kids clothes department ;)
How exciting! You'll have to edit your blog header to include a GIRL with your boys!
so, so, so excited for you!!!
I have two boys and I just gave birth to my third....a surprise...and we were blessed with a girl. EEEK! So excited for you. Now you have some time to let it settle. I haven' thad that time yet and still find it unbelievable that we made a girl! Bring on the tights, bows, and barbies! Who am I kidding...this little girl is going to be building legos by the time she is 1!
Woohoo! I am so happy for you!
Blessings Heather!
Congratulations! That's so exciting!
Wooohoooo! What a lucky mama! And what a lucky little girl to come into a family with two big brothers to teach and protect her. Yay!!
This post covered me in goosebumps, and I have tears in my eyes! I am so happy for you! Bailey was the first girl on my husband's side of the family in 39 years so I thought it wasn't possible for us to "make a girl" :) HA HA! So when the tech said, "Nope. It's a girl." I was in shock and happy and crying. I said "We're having a girl!" to anyone who gave me eye contact for a week!! I am so so so so happy for you and all that you must be feeling right now!!!!
A little sister for the boys…how sweet!!!!
That's awesome! So glad you're thrilled!!
Woo hoo! Congratulations!! And she will have big brothers to look after her.
A GIRL? One of those things that comes with a vagina?!
Congratulations! How exciting!!!!
Congratulations! What a lucky little girl she is to be coming into your family. Have a blast scooping up lots of fun new clothes!
I knew it! Congrats! I'm so excited for you! xo
Yay! So excited for you!
Y'know she's going to have her big brothers wrapped around her finger in NO time!
And probably you and Ryan, too!
Congratulations! Prepare for the pinkalanche.
Pink baby, white thread, a prayer for you and your hubs and all your little ones - including the acorn.
God bless.
Yay. Yay. Yay. And two older brothers to protect her. Just perfect!
Congrats! I have three boys and I know if the third's ultrasound indicated a girl, I'd be in disbelief and probably stick with the yellows, greens, and beige to be safe. Seriously though, my best friend had a girl after two boys so it does happen. (I am still in disbelief though.)
If I could actually turn a backflip I would.
Am now off to order the peep a sugar covered outfit. With a bow.
YAHOO!!!! You were killing me yesterday! I kept checking and checking and checking. (Stalker, what?) Congrats on the little girl. Bless!
I've just stumbled upon your blog here and congrats are in order!!!
CRYING with joy for you!!!
Congratulations, Heather. That is awesome! Enjoy buying pink!! Hope you are well.
A certain little birdie texted me yesterday with your incredibly good news! Yay!! :) So happy for you guys. Your boys will love having a baby sister, and she will be so lucky to have them!
Yay!!! I have a boy first, then a girl, and of course I adore my son, but I just LOVE having a girl - you will love being able to dress her all girly - so fun!!!! Congratulations!!! :)
Yeah! I'm so excited for you!!!!
So happy for you!!! Congratulations!!!
Have a great week.
Two boys and a girl, I'm not going to say that it's perfect or anything
(but it *is*, it's so completely, awesomely perfect!)
Excited for you... and that I can comment again! I had given up.
From me, the mom of 2 big boys and the little girl ;)
Yay! Girls are great! I mean, so are boys, but it will be fun to have a girlie!
Awwww YAY!!
Girls are a special kind of special (so are boys, but you already know all about them)
As you know I have three of them and oh my, sweet Heather you are in for a treat! Boys and girls are each their own kind of fabulous and I'm so glad for you that you get to experience both!
Congratulations!! I had two girls before having my first son, and I was terrified to have something different from what I already knew. :)
oh hooray - congratulations!! yay! happy day :)
We went through this exact thing exactly a year ago. Two boys, and then finding out we were pregnant with a girl.
And what a delight she is. You are going to love every minute!
Congrats! And green is still a grounding color for anyone. And... it goes great with purple!
a girl!!! A GIRL!!! fun fun fun!! congrats!
WAY late to this...cause that is how I roll these days. And it seems I am literally number 100 to come and express my excitement for you! That rocks.
SO SO SO SO SO excited for you.
P.S. I haven't forgotten that I owe you a present. It's coming I PROMISE. I'm just really bad with actually mailing things. You know, the old fashioned way.
I'm late, too, but OMG YA YA YA YAAYYY!
As the mom of four boys and one girl--the last--I totally understand that unreal, "holy cow is this happening?" feeling. When I had my ultrasound for #5, my one daughter, I actually thought something along the lines of "Is that his penis? It looks kind of messed up" before the tech finally told me that, actually, she was a girl.
And then I sat there dumbfounded. But so excited. So, so excited. I love my boys, love them dearly, and would be totally happy with a house full of them. But there is something so special about this mother-daughter thing. I'm so happy for you!
You sure don't need me to add to this list of commenters, but I wanted to say congratulations! Wonderful news. Love the girls. Boys too, but love the girls.
eeeeeeee! YAY! GIRL! Woohoo! Grow Acorn Grow!
a girl!!! CONGRATS!! so happy for you and your beautiful family!!
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