Her profile is so much like her oldest brother's profile. I wonder if she'll be more like him, or more like Asher? Or just plain different than all of us? For now all we know is that her profile is a lot like her oldest brother's profile, a boy who will turn six the week after she is born.
Ryan and I walked through aisles yesterday and we talked about six years ago. We carried that registering-for-baby-things-gun that beeps. (Yes, we created a registry for a third baby. We did. For moms and grandmas to know what we need, since we did that thing where we got rid of everything somewhere between colic and hydrocephalus...or maybe that was after...whenever it was it was obviously too soon, but we thought we knew we were done. Stress will do that to you...until time passes...I think I'm rambling like this because registering feels greedy even if it's really not...)
It's funny how we realize now how little we need compared to what we thought we needed those six years ago. Back then, when Miles was coming, I think we beeped everything in every aisle. This time we beeped one or two things here and there and kept in mind that we really don't need much. People would stop us to try to give us advice, assuming that this was our first baby, and we wouldn't correct them, we'd just smile and say thank you.
Because just as much as this isn't new to us, every new person is new. She is new.
I can't wait to see what she'll be like.
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People will want to celebrate this new baby with you, and they will buy gifts regardless. It's better to give them some direction on what baby girl will use most. :)
How exciting. She.
I don't think it's greedy at all, given that you have two boys already. Even if you had saved everything from before, there's still a whole world of little girl things that you're going to need.
I hope someone is planning a shower!
There is nothing greedy about registering. You will get gifts either way, this way the people giving you those gifts will know what you need.
No matter if she is more like Miles or more like Asher one thing is for sure, she'll be beautiful and sweet and perfect.
My heart is smiling. Can't wait to meet her!
I am so in love with that belly picture. It's beautiful.
And a registry for a third baby, and the first baby GIRL? I think is a must. An absolute must to celebrate this sweet little acorn growing inside of you.
It is so exciting to think about who that sweet baby girl will be. That this acorn is growing inside of you, and will be a person with a personality all her own, even if she is more like Miles or Asher, or all of you. :)
Your bellybutton makes me want jellybeans.
I'm right there with you, there's so much calm walking down those aisles knowing what you actually need and much of it is just...kind of stupid.
So sweet. Love playing with those price guns, but you are so right about needing less and less. I think getting a bunch of stuff for the first one makes us feel more secure about the new endeavor. We generally don't sweat much of the small stuff that troubled us in the older kids.
Every baby is a celebration. I love how much you're treasuring and embracing the new (and the old).
I am so excited for you! You and me, we've got a few things in common, huh? My girl arrived in August!
No no no, not greedy at all. Not even a little. Just smart.
Happy, happy times :) yay :)
oh, she.
and 2 big brothers.
i love it.
i'm so happy for you all. what gifts.
Enjoy your she!
mrs boo radical
What a wonderful celebration. She will be so blessed.
So very exciting - exciting that you are getting a "she". I had one of those 3-D ultrasounds with my third and his picture looked exactly like his older brother. They still look exactly alike, but the personalities differ quite a bit! Enjoy and hope you get what you need.
It's so amazing to me to sit there and think about our babies before we even meet them and what they will be like, etc. And then they are here and it's even more amazing, of course. And now that I'm 16+ months in with a girl after two boys it's still amazing.
SHE. will be so awesome. I can't wait for you!!
How exciting!! I would love to start with fresh baby stuff. And a fresh baby...
Every baby deserves a celebration! And so do you.
So beautiful and so exciting! I'm just thrilled for you and all your boys!
Oh it's gonna be so good. So so so good.
Six years later - everything IS different! I would need advice since I've forgotten pretty much everything about babies...
I can't wait to see pictures of her - whomever she looks like.
Happy Valentines day!
love that pic of Asher and your bellah!
People gave you advice? People just told me about their episiotomies. I think people hate me! I hope everything you registered for is so freaking PINK!
We have also needed less with each kid, although that has led us to go for some of the luxury items, so to speak, with each new child. We borrow a lot too though. Like I said in an earlier post, I indulged (still do) some desires for less-practical things for my third daughter. Mostly clothes. I'm a sucker. ;)
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