
An Asher video for your Friday. You're welcome.

AsherChickenStory_0001, originally uploaded by Heather of the EO.

I'm so terribly in love with him.

Have a good weekend, friends.

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Cameron said...

Ha! He is adorable!

Ann Imig said...

Four and I watched. Twice.

Patois42 said...

Fabulous! Lemons hurt my tongue, too, Heather.

Amber@theRunaMuck said...


jaime said...

Oh my. How adorable!! :)

Alita said...

Dominic NOW wants glasses. :)))

"I want glasses like Asher Mwicahl, and like you mommmeee"


Asher is a trendsetter. Happy Weekend!

Rach@In His Hands said...

Be still my heart. He is SO precious! This made my day.

Anonymous said...

He is so funny. And adorable. My daughter loved watching him. Although she thought it was her big brother. Blond hair, glasses-- the five year age gap makes no difference in her little mind apparently. ;)

Becca said...

I love the way his face lights up when he sees himself in the viewfinder. I wish I reacted like that when I saw my reflection. I should try it and see if it sticks.

Kaycee said...

OhmygoshIlovethis! He is beyond adorable. I don't have words for the level of adorable-ness!

Liz said...

He's so adorable! I love his glasses, too!

It's so funny when kids calls their parents by their first names. :)

danielle @ take heart said...

so CUTE. cannot deal.

Kelly Miller said...

Oh, Header. The little giggle? The jumbly syntax? The adorable accent? He is just too much!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness...I love him too! And he's right...lemons do hurt the tongue. Cute little snuggly mister adorable smartypants!

Kim said...

Dang he is cute. Libby made up a joke today about a chicken and a lemon. What is with these kids?


Oh! And I love that he called you Heather. That was darling.

Angie said...

Oh he is just too darling! :) Have your boys gotten into knock-knock jokes yet? I love how they think they are so funny, but they're not, but they ARE. Happy Friday, friend.

jubilee said...


Sherry said...

HA! He called you "head-er", sooooo friggin cute!!! What a sweetie pie! I seriously had a smile on my face so big the entire time I watched this video. He reminds me of my own little one.

Thanks for sharing this!

Erin said...

What a cute little sweetheart! I love the story about the chicken and the lemon.

Tracie Nall said...

Oh my gosh...the CUTENESS!!!!

Major cuteness!

Michelle Ogdahl said...

Honestly, COULD he be any more adorable??? What a blessing Heather ;) Love this guy!!

Edie Mindell said...

What a cutie. He is so adorable and cute. I like listening to his voice. I love him already. You are one proud mom. Made me miss my sons too.:-)

Kate Coveny Hood said...

That just made my morning.

LisAway said...

That killed me.

I am dead.

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