Then we came in the house for dinner. Miles said, "tell me up a story, daddy." Ryan then suggested that Miles tell the story. I grabbed a notebook, because I just had a hunch I would want to record one of the first stories he ever told. It goes a little something like this...
"Zach and Max and Daddy and Miles went for a walk in the woods and a dinosaur tried to eat us. We went too far for the dinosaur. A happy kid came and tried to get us and we went in a puddle to play catch. The dinosaur came and there was a superhero. He got ate by the dinosaur. The end."
He's a realist.
Asher spent his time lounging in the swing for the first time, since last year he wasn't born. And then when he was, he was inside the house, screaming his lungs out. It's better this year.
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I was just at Golf Galaxy trying out a putter...I bet Miles could teach me a trick or two!
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