
this is about how I don't have a web address anymore. So. How ARE you here? wow. you're good!

If you're here, I'm kind of surprised. *waves excitedly*

A person can't get here via the web address for The Extraordinary Ordinary anymore because I sort of kind of completely and totally forgot to pay for another year and then the web address gods were all "NO MORE extraordinary-ordinary.com for you!"

(I'm a girl who really really needs her reminder emails, and since I did not receive even one, well...I failed to pay.)

So for now, we're back to a blogspot address. (www.theextraordinaryordinary.blogspot.com)
I'm working on getting back my .com or switching to a .net or doing the hokey pokey or something; hopefully I'll get it all figured out soonly. (Actually I don't know how to figure any of this out, but Sarah does and she is so kind to help me. Thank you, my friend.)

For the most part, for now, I think this means hardly anyone will find this space. Which is such a bummer because I'll miss you. You can tell because I'm talking to you and you're probably not there.

Okay then.

To be continued...

*cue dramatic music*

55 clicked right here to comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I was looking at your posts, and I like your blog. I want you to visit my art blog, and if you follow me, I will follow you...


Suzanne said...

For the record, you still popped up in my reader. Well, in my Firefox browser because I use the "Next" button to read blogs from my Google Reader but same difference. So you may not be as lonely as you think!

Good luck wit the domain thing. Those name-stealing vultures are jerk-faces.

kirsten said...

oh wow. And here I was convinced that I was pretty much the only person in the world to do this sort of thing. But so WEIRD that you didn't get renewal notices from Go Daddy, because they've been notifying the heck out of me over a domain name I never even used, not once! We're talking snail mail notices, email notices, the works.

anyhoo. there are so very many peeps out there who love you so very much, and will find you no matter what, even if you blogged at, idk, uglytupperwaredishes[dot]com or something. :)

Hyacynth said...

Totally found you. :) **Waving**

Shaina said...

I am here. I hope this all gets resolved soon, lady, so you can sleep until that man of yours comes home.

Jill said...

But you still came in my reader ... hooray for small miracles...

And thanks for the heads up about the whole pay for your blog .com thing as Nap Warden is in the process of giving me a much-needed face lift. I'm thinking that I just may stay at my blogspot address. :)

jodilee0123 said...

Okay, if I was able to get here. . . then pretty much everyone else will cause I'm so computer stupid it's crazy. Your post popped up in my blogger dashboard--so I think all your followers will never miss a beat!

Anonymous said...

you're still there and we're still here!

Sandi said...

I found you through my google reader :)
Hope you get it all straightened out!

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

Yeah, still popped up in G-Reader for me, too!

No worries, pretty mama. It'll all get sorted out.

I need reminder emails for EVER.Y.THING. I feel ya.

Unknown said...

And you'll always have me finding you via Twitter. (I'm not so advanced enough to take care of the whole "reader" thing yet. HA!) Hope everything gets sorted out quickly!

heather of the eo said...

Jill--I think what happened for me is pretty rare. People keep telling me that they were notified plenty by Go Daddy when it was time to renew. For some reason, I was not. So...I'm guessing it would be fine for your to do your own .com Just saying :)

And thank you, each of you, for letting me know I still popped up for you. I think it's because I still post through blogger and I bought the other domain through blogger/godaddy. Or something. But what do I know? Truly. Not much when it comes to this stuff.

Sharone said...

I wouldn't worry too much about no one finding you, especially since you're still showing up in readers. Besides, if you disappeared, we'd notice before long. All the people who love you would track you down, send peep care packages, and generally make sure you know that you matter. :)

Good luck with your domain name woes! Glad you have someone brilliant handling it. :) I'm sure things will be figured out in a jiffy. :)

Cynthia said...

Ugh. You are not my first friend to have that happen!

I am here. You came up in my reader just like you always do (probably because I've been following since the original blogspot days!)

Melissa Haak said...

oh friend, you and your technology woes...you sure you don't want to hire me as your virtual assistant :-)

Kelly Miller said...

Looks like Blogger is smarter than you give credit ... or we are all just really lucky. Maybe both?

Allison @ Alli 'n Son said...

Yup, you're still in my reader too. Glad you haven't totally disappeared.

Kelly @ Love Well said...

The beauty of Google Reader. We are ALWAYS with you. (Just not in a creepy way.)

I hope the technical shenanigans get figured out soon.

Although I'd be curious to know: I wonder how many blog readers actually go to bookmarked websites these days. So many people use some sort of reader.

suzannah | the smitten word said...

you still popped up on my blog roll. it'll be ok!

BARBIE said...

Your came up in my reader. Waving back at you!

Tracie Nall said...

You showed up in my reader just like always....so I'm still here.


LisAway said...

Oh good, I see you're not lost to the world. We've all got you in our readers. Which, I guess, is the next best thing to having you next door.

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

You're so cute. :)

Heather of the EO said...

Thank you, my friends!

Kelly Love Well - yes, that's the biggest issue, actually. There are a lot of people who still bookmark or just type in the url or click on a sidebar, that sort of thing. They come "direct" according to google analytics. They will find a blank page. So yeah, we're working on fixing it for those people. You know, like my Grandma :)

NorahS said...

I found you!

Kate Coveny Hood said...

This came up in my reader. But I'll help spread the word that you're operating from the blogspot right now.

I totally rely on those e-mail reminders! So I'm looking at this as a cautionary tale... Maybe I need to set some calender reminders for myself...

Lyz said...

Thank goodness for Twitter! I found you! *phew*

Unknown said...

No problem here...found you in my reader like always!

jaime said...

You're in my reader, and even with the name switch Google Reader picks up the blogspot address. (I've changed my domain and noticed that I didn't even have to tell people if they were subscribed to my blog through the reader.) Good luck with your domain!!

TKW said...

I'm here! And you are in good hands with Sarah. She's a wizard/goddess at all things techie.

Sarah Smith-Frigerio said...

I follow you, so no interruption for me!
I hope you are able to get everything resolved soon. I know how frustrating tech issues can be for me. I am sending Zen vibes your way.

Unknown said...

I'm here! You can't get rid of me that easy... ;-P

Can't you just "buy" your .com again??

Angie said...

Yep. I'm here, too. :)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

You're worth following anywhere, babe!

Heather of the EO said...


No, Go Daddy will not let me do that because I was so late in renewing. So now the .com is on hold and there's no guarantee I will get it. grrrrr...

Go Daddy says TOO BAD SO SAD, and THEN they try to sell me something similar for $800. And then I laugh at them on the phone. :)

Stephanie said...

Boo to Go Daddy not letting you get your .com back, but I'M STILL HERE! Hope you can get it sorted out, Heather. I do LOVE reading your blog and would miss you if you disappeared completely.

Liz said...

I only recently started reading you (KLZ raves about your awesomeness), and you popped up in my reader! Hopefully you get everything set the way you want it very soon!

Christa said...

Found you - thanks to Twitter, of course.

Don't you wish we could just write? I am very grateful to have someone wonderful to help me, too, but wonder how others do it!

Not to worry, it seems people are finding you...

Anonymous said...


Christy said...

Still here on my end!

Unknown said...

Found you the low-tech way, that archaic Facebook feed thingy.

You ought to send GoDaddy a smiling picture of your kids with the caption, "Can I have my domain back? Pleeeease???" No one could resist those little faces. :) Good luck!

Shawna Cevraini said...

You know we'll always find you :)!!!

Thanks for the reminder, I'd better check mine!


Amber D said...

I just wanted to say I'm still here and good luck!

My Brother is my server administrater and he dosen't let me forget.

Denise said...

Hear that? That's me waving frantically back. :) Good luck with all that techo schtuff. *Shiver*

Unknown said...

I'm here friend! :)

Unknown said...

WEll, hey it must be a miracle, look at all the people who found you!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Aw, whatever. I will just follow you around.

Ann Imig said...

Look at all these comments! See? The universe would never abandon us our Heather.

Wait? Wha?

You know what I meant.

p.s. your feed works beautifully still. Meaning I got your post in my inbox just like usual, but I'm sure your mouth and digestion still work pretty too.

Anonymous said...

Well, I subscribe via email, and it still directs me just fine. Phew! You're in good hands with Sarah of Momalom!

Anonymous said...

I love that your writing feels so true.. I discovered your blog while idling around recovery websites a while back. I moderate a group for recovering women- Women For Sobriety-self-help group for women only (www.womenforsobriety.org; and an alternative to the 12 step approach. WFS believes we need to learn how to take responsibility for ourselves, and take back control of our lives. If we can believe in ourselves, we gain self-confidence & self-esteem, the lack of which are key issues for many women in recovery. When we feel empowered, we achieve lasting sobriety. Recently quite a few mothers w/young children (one example of women giving up their lives for others) have joined my group. Your writing about getting/staying sober & how this has effected your kids echos many of these mothers' concerns. I always find some nugget to treasure after reading one of your posts. Thank you for being honest. Thank you for writing about women's common fears and struggles with humor and with grace.

Laura said...

You made it to my inbox--yay!! I hope it is all worked out for you soon!!

Melissa said...

Yay! I found you! I stalked you via facebook :) So happy that this is a computer problem and that everything is okay with you.

Unknown said...

I'm here! {waving} Hope you get it figured out. What a pain.

Cheairs said...

I went to your facebook and looked at your status updates it sent me to your site....I am so glad that you are still out there writing and sharing. You always have such insight and your writing is just so thoughtful, honest, and just plain good. I hope that everything gets fixed for you soon.

Craig said...

Well it seems a whole bunch of people know just where to find you. Some people, even when they get lost, are bound to be found :)

Hope this all works out in one of those - I can't believe that looked so bad but turned out so good ways.

God bless.

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