Kim called and asked if she and baby Malayna could stop by, to which I replied, "OF COURSE!"
The other thing I have to mention about tonight was that Miles did the sweetest thing while we were there. Ellorie was lying on the floor and Miles was playing nearby. Mackenzie was sitting in a chair right by him and he looked up at her and said "Miss Kenzie, can I touch your baby?" She said yes and he went over and gently touched her, making sure not to touch her head or face. I don't know how he can be so sweet. But I guess Kate is right, they do hear you when you teach them things. Even if it doesn't seem like it. They learn how to be polite even when they don't know you're watching. It's so cool.
Speaking of Kate and parenting advice, we talked today about this three year old stage I hear is so difficult. I think we've been entering it since about 2 yrs, 3mos, but lately it's gotten a bit worse. Now when I say that, my friends might laugh and roll their eyes because Miles really is a mild-mannered little guy. But when it's just us at home, where he feels safest, he does test the limits like crazy. He's slowly learning that his daddy and I really are going to keep the boundaries, but he sure is trying to see if there are times that we won't. He's learning to say things like "NO, I don't WANT to..." which is making me want to say "YEAH??? WELL, ME EITHER, I QUIT!" But like Katie said, I don't have that luxury cause I'm the mom. Go figure. This is when she said he really does hear me and learn from me even if it doesn't seem like it. So I guess I just have to remember that when he's finishing a time out and I try to talk to him about why he had to take one. I say something like "honey, you had to take a time out because you would not put on your coat like I asked you to, so maybe next time it would be better to obey mommy and then we won't have to do this." Then he says something like, "mommy, the police car man hit the tire and it scratched." As you can see, it can seem as if he's not listening.
As the day ends, (after watching LOST of course) I may not have done anything domestically productive, but it sure still feels like a productive day. My boys love our friends and theirs, and so do we. We spent a lot of time with friends today. I always learn from these women, and I guess that's even a better kind of productive. Besides that, they make me laugh and ease the load I carry. I hope I do the same for them.
P.S. Mackenzie says I should dress Asher in the pink duds and then take him to the mall to get reactions. He really doesn't make a very cute girl. Ashley? No, I'll keep my Asher...
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