Today Asher got some sun near a window (long winter, we're desperate for Vitamin D...and sanity.) Miles got to go outside at school today and go sledding. He was WORN OUT when he got home. He had a good nap and was NOT worn out anymore. So he pretended he was a duck...

...and also pretended that he was a monster with a laundry basket on his head. All I had to do was throw cheese at him to "save the dave," but I didn't know that at first....until he told me, and then I fended him off with "cheese" and he went away.

These boys are really something, always keeping me laughing. Just now, after he went to bed, Miles was crying out, "Hey! I can't find my kid!!!" We had no idea what he was talking about. I thought he was crying out, "hey, I can't find my pig." Ryan went in to see what was up and, sure enough, he was saying "KID." So Ryan said "where?" and he said "down there," pointing down at the floor. Ryan then asked, "is it a pretend kid?" YES. Of course. I love it that Ryan then pretended to pick the "kid" up and give him back. Miles was then content....for awhile...
He also cracked me up today when he got in trouble for hitting Asher over the head with a car. I said, "I think you know what you need to do," and he walked slowly and solemnly to his room. He said, "I'm not going to cry. I just need to think. Think, think, think...," while tapping his pointer finger on his chin and sitting on the end of his bed. It's hard not to bust out laughing in front of that kid sometimes. He really is a hoot!!!

Just like his shirt says...
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