
Please Dispose of Appropriately, If You Can

Miles was given this as a gift:

You get to grow your very own little dinosaur-like fish things!
Kind of intriguing and creepy and cool all at the same time.

If you ask Ryan (Daddy), this little science project is entirely too creepy for his taste. (You should see his face when he has to hold the little container of eggs that will grow into the little tadpole guys! He looks like he might cry. Priceless!)
But he's being a good sport and getting the water the right temperature, cleaning out the aquarium and soaking the little rocks, just like the directions say. That's very nice since he's obviously disturbed by this whole idea.

This was our conversation today:
Ryan- You know we're going to have to dispose of these at some point don't you?
Me - Yeees. Why, what do you mean?
Ryan- Well, what if they just go on living and living, sooner or later we'll have to dispose of them. The box says they're like dinosaurs, who knows how long they're going to live!
Me - (laughing) That makes no sense, they won't live forever. That's not possible! What do you mean?
Ryan - Either way, we have to dispose of creatures. I don't like thinking about that. You know, what if they're living?
Me- Well, the box says they only live up to 90 days. So they'll be dead and we'll maybe flush them?
Ryan - (stares at me in horror) I just don't like disposing of things. And these things are weird.
Me - I don't get it. Are you worried that they're going to come to life and crawl back up the toilet if we flush them?
Ryan - You have quite the imagination, Heather.

(I still don't get it.)

I know for sure none of us will accidentally
dispose of the creatures by eating them.
Because the tag says not to do that:

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Kristina P. said...

I totally need these.

Little GrumpyAngel said...

Pretty funny, but it shows your husband is tender-hearted and respects "living things" and the thought of "disposing" them is abhorrent to him :-) so I don't mean to laugh at him.

Personally, I think this is a really cool gift! I like science projects. So Miles is pretty lucky.

LisAway said...

Funky! You guys have EVERYTHING in America. Even just-add-water, grow-your-own prehistoric creatures.

I love that conversation with your husband. Very funny. I was a little relieved you put the (I still don't get it) at the end because I was still kind of wondering what that was all about! Husbands! :)

Peanut said...

That reminds me of the sea monkeys we used to get when we were kids. Oh how we loved those things, even though most of the time, they didn't work and we just stared for days at an empty aquarium.
Hopefully they've improved on the technology. Miles will love them!

Kristen Howerton said...

I am strangely fascinated and off to google where I can get some of my own . . .

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Okay, those are actually pretty spiffy looking!

Anonymous said...

I have rules on gifts our children can receive. 1) no noise makers 2) nothing Alive and 3) no (more!) playdough. Yeah, I'm a rotten mom like that. But hey what goes around comes around. What I'm saying is you are a better woman than me!

And when it comes time to "dispose" of the creatures, please learn from our failure....
One day my son said where's Nemo, I don't see him in the tank. So I called downstairs to my husband to see if he knew and he yelled back up, Sorry, had to flush that one! (UMMMMM....) To which I replied, well of COURSE You did, BECAUSE ALL DRAINS LEAD TO THE OCEAN!

Blessings, Whitney

Aquaspce said...

I think you'd be okay to flush them... I think they look like the SEA MONKEYS too... if that's the case, I'm pretty sure they're really just brine shrimp and if that's the case... then they're perfectly fine to have a burial at sea...
PS. I hope they work out, because I had Sea Monkeys once, and it took me like a month to realize there was nothing in the tank...

a Tonggu Momma said...

If it were me... and I flushed them... I probably would be unable to use that toilet ever again. Because - you know - they are prehistoric and might crawl back up to get me.

JCK said...

Creepy and fascinating at the same time...

Bonnie Lewis said...

oh my gosh! i loved these when i was growing up!!!

Radioactive Tori said...

We have a package of them sitting on the counter. These are the ones that are dry and come to life when you soak them, right? Nothing about that creeps you out? Really? The fact that they are little dehydrated creatures that come to life when you soak them doesn't wierd you out at all? I wish I could feel like that! Ours are sitting on the counter because I can't bring myself to make (seems like a strange word choice) them and yet my kids are begging me to make them. I really wish I had never even heard of these. You will have to tell me how yours do though. Maybe it will convince me to finally do (still sounds like a strange word choice) ours.

Amy said...

Yucky...and kinda cool. Have fun!

Dedee said...

Um, strange.

But cool. My many boys would get an absolute kick out of it--probably including the one that is 35.

LazyCrazyMama said...

:) cool. I used to have sea-monkeys :) of course you needed a magnifying glass to see them.
Let's hope no one "accidentally" eats them! hilarious!

charrette said...

Definitely not a tempting snack! And what kid wouldn't LOVE an aquarium full of the little guys? But the best is that Ryan looks like he's going to cry when he opens them up! Priceless!

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