
Hairdresser Infidelity

Click on Suburb Sanity below people! You've got to see what she put up today. :)

How can one person be this funny? That's what I ask you.

When I came across Suburb Sanity;laughing...and still going insane, I knew I'd found a blog to love. Debbie is one of the smartest bloggers on the web, in my opinion. And my opinion counts! And I don't mean smart like, tricks you into reading her blog no matter what she writes. I mean smart like, she's that good. Just the right humor with just the right well-written words. Her posts leave me hiding the giggles from my husband every day. (Because it's kind of weird to laugh hysterically at your computer all by yourself, right?) Go over there and check her out (if you're WAY behind and haven't already). She's just simply excellent! Thank you for being here today, Debbie!

I've decided one of the hardest sins for a woman to commit and then live with is hairdresser infidelity. Have you done it? Did you ever forgive yourself? Oh, the pain.

Here's the scenario. You love your hairdresser. You've stuck by her for years and years. Your hair always looks good. You aren't unhappy in your relationship. It isn't like you are out there looking for someone new, someone younger, someone better looking.

But one day you wake up and your hair just must be cut/colored/straightened/tended to in some way this very day. So many things can be put off - filing your taxes, shopping for food, picking the kids up from school - but this hair must be done today.

So, you make the call.

And your hairdresser isn't in. You pause on the phone. And the helpful receptionist says, "Someone else could do you today." Oh that evil temptress. Eve could have taken lessons from her.

You hesitate. But then you remember your desperation. Well, maybe just once won't matter.

So, in you go. You think of wearing large dark sunglasses but they all know you there. That wouldn't help. Just quick in - quick out. Leave no incriminating evidence.

But the hair. Why does it always look better after a transgression like that? You want to be nice but not too nice. You don't want to let this one-time hairdresser get the wrong impression that you are going to be calling back for another appointment.

So, you quickly pay and tip with a slight, "Thanks for fitting me in. It looks great." And out the door you run. Hoping no one else spots you leaving.

And you can't help but check that mirror in the car. Man, you look good. But, you can't go back to her. No. Never. It is back to your regular hairdresser next time - no excuses.

Well... unless she's out of town.

23 clicked right here to comment:

RoeH said...

I have had that same exact scenario happen. With one (and a family friend) I finally decided the friendship was less important than getting a better haircut than she could do. So I just did it. And yes.....old cutter's mother caught me in church and asked why I wasn't going to her daughter anymore. What can I say. *sigh*

Pseudo said...

Won't the hairdressers tell her when she gets back from her day off?

Jane! said...

When I cheat, at least I go to a different salon, where I can use an assumed name. Then I can lie and say it was an emergency... like I was out of town... in Rome, say... and the Pope wanted to see me... really I had no choice because gray roots are at least a venal sin.

Lara Neves said...

My problem is that I have never even been in a very committed hairdresser relationship since college. I'm still trying to find "the one."

Sona said...

I'm with Lara. I had a regular hairdresser once and eventually realized she wasn't very good and just stopped going to her.

I've not found anyone competent. Or perhaps I just have sucky hair.

*well done, BTW

Becky said...

Hee, hee! I'd be appalled at your cheating ways if your hair didn't look so darn good. :)

Linda S said...

oh, dear...I've got to leave my girl because she's moved somewhere that is so darned expensive. I've already colored my own hair and trying to find a new stylist. Why does this have to be so scary?

LisAway said...

Hee hee! I'm a no obligation kind of person and I don't like to get into "those kind" of relationships. But I have before. I mean, if you like a hairdresser, you like her. I went to one forever and then started thinking maybe she wasn't that great. So I went to a fancier place and got the worst cut (good cut, bad for me) I've ever had. The next day I ran into my regular lady at the store and confessed my sin and promised to visit her ever after.

a Tonggu Momma said...

I've committed hair dresser infidelity exactly twice. I still live with the shame.

Keyona said...

That's really funny. I think it's healthy to switch it up a bit, that way no one gets TOO attached. :o)

Karen Mello Burton said...

Sooo true! Try feeling the guilt when your hairdresser is your son's 20 year-old beauty school grad. Ugh

Kristina P. said...

I have never cheated on a hairdresser. But that's definitely not beneath me.

K and/or K said...

This never happens if you pick the closest in-and-out $10 hair cut joint everytime you get the urge to purge your split ends. Other funny things happen then. Oh dear, blog post idea!

Frugal Finds said...

Another great post from Debbie!! I swear she is going to get abook offer one day!!!

D... said...

I even felt that way when I moved out of state and HAD to change hairdressers. For the 1st year, I'd schedule family visits to coincide with the need for a haircut so I could go to my regular one.

Angie Ledbetter said...

No need for me to go to confession on THIS one. I guess I just don't give a poo about my do enough to have a steady stylist. I guess that makes me "easy." :)

Jasonmrazfanluv said...

Thank you i accualy found out to do it so i am trying it now! I hope it works! Thank you so muchi love your blog! Keep up the good qwork!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh my.

I did this.

Like...three days ago.


Alyson | New England Living said...

So funny! I haven't done this, but I do change hairdressers way too often. I'm afraid of committment.

Stephanie said...

I was unfaithful like this LAST WEEK. Only my hairdresser actually showed up and wouldn't you know the "substitute" had a chair right next to hers? I mumbled and apologized, but still felt HORRIBLE, so when I paid, I wrote her a long apology note with a full explanation. Maybe I'll move now.

carrhop said...

Haa haa!! Love this!


Betty said...

Before I had children, I was a hairdresser and believe me, it's ok! Seriously. Just as you went to another, so will someone else and you will be replaced. It is the circle of life in the hair world. And any good hairdresser should tell you, CHANGE IS GOOD!!

mommyliz said...

Sometimes hairdresser infidelity backfires...Read this!

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