
Halloweeny '08

G'pa D. helped Asher carve his first pumpkin. Asher thought he should really get his hands on that thing. PRONTO.

So he had the honor of holding the top. As you can see, he thought that was very VERY cool. Then he chewed on it for awhile. He was quite pleased.

Then we went next door to visit The Best Neighbors in the Whole Universe. Miles and Asher got some great loot.

(Asher was going to be a puppy, but I couldn't find his costume. So we cut the legs off the fireman costume from last year. Yes, I'm currently quite disorganized, I lose costumes. But I'm no fool. A scissors is good for lots and lots of things.)

(Oh! I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you. (I'm sure you can't tell.) That's Miles, not the actual real Spiderman.)

Then we were off to city hall for the annual Halloween bash where we met my parents and friendly neighbors.

Pleasantville is an excellent place to live.

(That's me there, looking all excited and giddy. I love candy.)

P.S. Asher's appointment with the neuro-surgeon is this coming Thursday, Nov. 6th at 9am. It sounds as if the Doc will look at the catscan, give Asher some meds. to send him to his happy, sleepy place for an MRI. Then the MRI will be read and the O.R. will be booked quite quickly. (That's what the pediatrician said anyway, but we're not too sure what "quite quickly" means. We're assuming that very day or the next.)

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mrs boo radley said...

The nuk completes the look. I almost wrote 'luk'.

And his name is ASHER? I love that name! And my husband does too, which is especially exciting.

Cute brood, you have.

mrs boo radley said...


Don't be sad about losing costumes. I had a stash of spider straws, skeleton stickers, and creepy crayons to hand out to my trick-or-treaters, but I had not idea where I'd stashed them. I found them at about...830pm...by the time the streets were barren and all the kiddies were at home brushing their teeth.

Keyona said...

Nothing like a bit of candy to cheer ya up huh? They looked cute! Everything will be fine, just keep talking to God.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I get pretty excited about candy too.

The boys look adorable - and I'm glad you cleared up that Miles vs. Spiderman thing - it was a little confusing.

I'm thinking about your family and little Asher's upcoming surgery.

Anonymous said...

What? That wasn't the REAL Spiderman? Aw, shucks.

Asher looks super excited about his pumpking carving/gnawing. And more well-behaved than Anja was about it. :)

I love me some candy, too! Favorite this year: 100 Grand.

Carolyn said...

This was my first Halloween with kids and I have to say that I loved it! People were practically throwing candy at me, just for a glimpse of my little boy. He was really adorable but, honestly people, you do know he can't have candy, right? And that meant all the more for me.

Little GrumpyAngel said...

haven't been by for awhile. stuff. so i ahven't seen your new lay out until today. fabulous! is all i can say.

Looks like a fun halloween for the kids.

um, like i said I haven't been by for a while. so i don't know why Asher needs to see a neuro surgeon. i'm going to read up and get caught up...i hope he's going to be fine.

Kristina P. said...

I think all firemen should have binkies in their mouth.

I'll be thinking about you and your family on Thursday!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I love candy too, but only the good stuff! Your little Asher is so cute!

Aquaspce said...

I love how excited and happy Asher looks with the pumpkin top!

Phew, I am so glad that you clarified who was whom in the Halloween picture, I was a tiny worried, because I was thinking Peter Parker wasn't that tall, and the fireman is CLEARLY dwarfed by the Spiderman in your picture.

And hey, I love a little candy too :)

happygeek said...

So gald the appts and surgery are going quickly.

What is halloween without chewing on a pumpkin for a while?

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

You do not look like a gal who eats a lot of candy - dang girl! Don't worry, I still love ya even though you're all gorgeous and stuff. Oi.

Many thoughts and prayers for Asher and for you and your fam throughout all this. Medical science rocks and I'm so glad this is something they can do something about but even so, the angst, gah! Can only imagine, and that, barely so. ~hugs~

Lisa said...

Love the fireman with a binky...SO cute. Now...what to do with all this candy?!

Anonymous said...

Scissors? That deserves an award for most resourceful mother. Get this Mama an award people! Seriously, genius. If I'd remembered my (free!) scissors, my oldest could've been Captain Hook again, and I could've saved $30 on the Indian Chief costume. Well there you have it. Better dig into Candy Fairy's stash for consolation now... it makes me giddy too, lol.

Looks like you had a great time! Chin up, head bowed, God is good all the time.

Blessings, Whitney

Heidi said...

You are so resourceful! Way to go! It looks like it was nice and warm there--shouldn't there be snow on the ground or something? Our kids actually had a cold and rainy Halloween for once with actual piles of leaves to scuff through. It was so fun!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

Cuties. So glad you had a fun time -- and help.

Erin said...

I have used scissors on a costume before...frog costume, a boy who grows too quickly, voila!

I'm so glad the appointment is scheduled. Just a few more days...

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