Meet Superfluous. She's FIRE. And she's hot. At her costume party last night, she let me come in even though I didn't dress up. (I know, I know...lame.)
That's Shannon on the right, all cute in her 70's garb.

This is K. (of K and/or K-Waiting for a Little Vlachster) It says 'history' on his shirt because...

He had a post-it on his foot...
Sarah Palin, a footnote on history. Get it? Brilliant, eh?
He was like a walking riddle. No matter how you're voting, you have to admit that this costume is genius.
And now for K's other half, K.
As she says on the K and/or K site, Disclaimer: The following reference to "white trash" has nothing to do with race or economic status. I firmly believe this demographic is a state of mind. I've been poor and white (I'm still white), but I'm not trashy--except today!

What a fun night.
Thank you, Sabrina Superfluous! Great food, great costumes, great people, and a great distraction from some stressful days. I love your parties. I wish Megan would stop being so mean and come to one of them.
P.S. I stole these photos from K and/or K. I forgot my camera. Shocking.
P.P.S. And if you have no idea why the title says 'Sunday Suck Ups,' I usually brag on a couple of blogs I read on Sundays, highlighting posts and such. This week I'm including photos, making you want to click on over to Superfluous and Waiting for a Little Vlachster even more!
13 clicked right here to comment:
How fun!! Love the costumes K's!! They're great!!
What a hoot! I've been mistaken for white trash before, but that was before they met me. Long story . . .
The white trash bride cracked me up! And the Palin one was funny too. A clever couple!
I love Kelly and Kyle's costumes! And seeing pictures of them.
If I mention your name a lot on one of my posts will I make the Sunday suck up list? What if I say that you're my favorite Heather, mother of Asher, in the entire universe?
Heather! You were Halloween Spirit! That is costume enough for me! Thanks for coming and being a good cleaner. Although you could've just left the Peep that you exploded in my microwave for me to clean up. :)
I can't believe you just told my Peep secret. But it was Kelly's idea, let's point that out.
Those costumes are so brilliant! Love to see people getting into it like that.
LOLOLOL...the white trash bride is hilarious!
That footnote on history costume is brilliant! Who thinks like that?
I am mean and I don't dress up. I took a vow of non-costume and I stick to it. Your babe and his watery state of mind are in my prayers...
Funny ... enjoyed going through your blog.
White trash bride! Funny. I use the term "white trash" sometimes but always feel a little bad. It just doesn't seem right to refer to anyone as garbage.
And I totally grew up white trash. Trailer park and everything.
haha. Your friends are funny!
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