
Little Boko

Posted on Monday, December 29, 2008

Miles and Asher have had a tumultuous relationship. Asher's colic and hydrocephalus forced him to be...well...not so much fun to be around. Miles has struggled through the last year and a half, trying to be two and then trying to be three with a wailing baby soundtrack filling his every moment. He became resentful and angry, understandably. Not only did "the new baby" come in and steal the attention, he pretty much turned life upside-down.

After Asher's surgery, things have slowly started to change. I'm finding myself more rested and at ease as Asher improves, crying less and acting like a typical one and a half year old. I'm enjoying the moments more than I've had the energy to do so in a really long time. (That was a weird sentence but I'm not fixing it.)

I've been holding both of my boys just a little bit closer, looking in their eyes and laughing with them. I want to eat Asher for the love of him every time I sing to him before putting him in his crib. He snuggles close and puts his little hand on my face and I LOOOOVE it.

But I'd have to say that the best part of Asher's recovery is the relief it has brought to his brother. He sees the changes in Asher, and I love to watch his face as he's pleasantly surprised.

This morning he walked up to his baby brother and grabbed him in a hug. I came in the room just in time to witness the first hug Asher returned. In the past, he's been in pain and uncomfortable, easily annoyed. He would push Miles away because everything hurt his little noggin. You should have seen Miles' face when his brother wrapped his chubby little arms around him and hugged him back. That face lit up like a bulb, and he rested his head on top the noggin and squeezed harder while shouting, "He hugged me BACK!!!"

"I KNOW, he did! That's because he loves you soooo much!"

"Yeah Mom, he does...and now we're friends!"

Bring on the Mommy water works!

Brothers. Starting a friendship for the very first time, a new feeling of actually LIKING each other, going both ways. Such a beautiful thing.

They walked out of the kitchen, hand in hand as Miles said, "Come along, little Boko."
(I have no idea what a little Boko is, but it sure sounds good to me.)

28 clicked right here to comment:

Heather said...

Heather that totally rocks!

Mrs. Cox said...

A-DOR-A-BLE! Thanks for sharing such a sweet moment with us.

Brooke said...

You made me cry! My kids have done nothing but fight and bicker since my daughter has been out of school. I love these moments like the one you described because for us, they are few and far between.

Kristina P. said...

I'm not first, dangit! :)

And that is just too sweet. Siblings when they are young are just so precious. I used to call my brother "My Matt" when I was little.

LisAway said...

Sounds like you've got a little bit of heaven over there.

My heart sometimes bursts (well, almost, anyway) when Aaron puts his hands on my cheeks or his forehead to mine or is tender-sweet in other ways. And he's just started hugging back for us, too! (too bad Aaron and Asher (cute name combo!!) don't live close enough to grow up to be best friends!)

Becky said...

Well, flip, my water works kicked in as well! :)

It sounds like Miles has just been waiting for this version of a little brother to love and play with, and now it's all comin' together!


Cynthia said...

I can't tell you how much it makes me smile to see your family returning to 'normal' following Asher's medical issues. I'm so grateful that all has worked well and the boys are really getting to know each other.

Heidi said...

(wiping away tears--sniff!) There's nothing more satisfying then seeing the positive fruits of your labors with your kids--esp. when the labor has been so unfruitful for so long. It is so validating to know that you were "right" that there was something "wrong" and that your insistence brought about a change that has resulted in so much precious happy love. I love it!

Keyona said...

Sure brought tears to my eyes. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and have a wonderful New Year! You Rock!

Karen Mello Burton said...

So heartwarming to see brother bonding. As the years pass and you see that friendship develop into a more mature one you will feel like you have succeeded in one of the most satisfying ways possible. Congrats!

Kim said...

Oh man, that is enough to melt any Mama's heart. I do love watching my kids as they play and develop their friendship. Nothing makes me smile like hearing them laugh together. Good times.

PsychMamma said...

What a beautiful, touching memory you just recorded for those little guys. Thanks for sharing it with us! Little Boko sounds good to me too!

Glad things are going better for all of you. Happy Holidays!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

How absolutely wonderful! I am so happy things are improving and I am so glad you walked in on that moment!

We hope you have a wonderful New Year's!

Anonymous said...

That is so stinking sweet. I can't wait for Anja to have a little sibling to love (though she may not be as sweet as Miles).

Kristen Howerton said...

That is the best!!

Annette Lyon said...

Dang--you got me all weepy over here. Maybe because my two oldest are trying to kill each other today I'm missing the years where they hugged and loved one another. Those days will come back, right? RIGHT?!

I'm so glad your little guy is getting better.

Melanie Jacobson said...

Oh, I love that. I feel so happy for Miles and for you. And most especially for Asher!

Anonymous said...

There's nothing more wonderful than close siblings. I keep telling my kids how friends may come and go, but their brother and sister will be with them always. I'm so thrilled your boys are enjoying each other!

kel said...

Aww. they are gonna be buddies forever!!! ya for brothers!!

I may have missed it, since I am new here.. but what is hydrocephalus?

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

First time here, and I'm hooked. So very, very sweet.

The Three 22nds said...

Very cute. I am so happy that Asher is feeling better and that Miles never really gave up on him! Yeah for brothers!

Aquaspce said...

Oh so cute! I'm crying right now! But then I laughed at "Little Boko" And kind of spit all over my computer screen. I'm laugh/crying right now.
So cute!

jmt said...

It's so wonderful to see friendships come in the form of brotherhood. I understand what you are feeling.

a Tonggu Momma said...

Heather ~ Man, I've missed your posts. It's heart-warming to hear that you won't be raising Cain and Abel after all. :)

Happy Christmas to you and yours. And I'll be reading your other post when it's not 10 at night. (In other words - when I'm actually conscious.)

Sabrina said...

Oh that is wonderful news... I love those boys of yours! :)
Happiness is all around!

Lisa said...

I'm so, so glad he is healing and on the way. You'll have so much fun getting to know him all over again.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Heather, you'll get it! I'll have this post up tomorrow, too, so maybe you'll at least have yours by then? Hang in there; don't pull your hair out, but be sure and let me know when yours is up!

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Oh the waterworks indeed, friend. I'm so happy for you all :)

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