Sometimes I like being myself, and other times I don't. That's one of the nice things about blogging.
No, I don't mean I've been a big fake and my name is actually Hank, a guy with no kids. Not that kind of not being myself. What I mean is that I can at least hide myself from sight. I can sit here at my computer without you actually seeing me in a ratty old sweatshirt, greasy hair, no make-up on, and food on my cheek.
So I'm still myself, but you don't have to look at me.
Or hear me.
Until today, because I'm taking part in 2nd Cup of Coffee's, "I See What You're Saying." So now you're going to have to put up with seeing and hearing me in all my frumpy glory.

Go check out the other videos, what fun!
So, HI! Here I am. I wish you were actually right here in my kitchen. I'd even let you hold my new pots and pans.
P.S. I really really really don't like watching myself talk. Ack!
Update: There's a new installment of the conversation on faith between Jess and I over at If Life is a Highway today. Click on over and check it out. (If you want.)
43 clicked right here to comment:
You're still completely cute and adorable!
I like frumps.
Wooo girl, pass you the EVOO - you're the next Rachel Ray.
As for Bruhaha...I tend to think after a really hard day, you need to have a brew...haha!
LOL! Just kidding.
have a great one!
I'm in a rush for my post-Christmas blog catch up marathon, so I'll keep it short: loved it. And you can cook for me whenever you want. Anyone can.
I wish I was there so you could cook for me too :-) What's your specialty? I'm partial to anything edible.
It IS fun to see the people "IRL" that you read every day! I LOVE your pots and pans! I got two new awesome skillets from Crate & Barrel, and every time I use them I gush about how much I love them. New pots and pans almost make me want to cook! Almost.
I'm off to look up "bruhaha" at Wikipedia or somewhere......
Oh, I'm lovin' the orange! Yay, you got your post up! I'm so glad you were able to join the party. See, it's really not that bad, is it? All of you young thangs talk about how you look, etc., and you don't realize that to oldies you are all cute. Anyway, loved this, so glad I've found you blog. Blessings, Linda
Oh My Lands... you are so cute! It was so cool to see you and to hear your Minnesota accent. I think this would be a fun thing to do on a semi-regular basis! Thanks for sharing yourself!
You are a riot! I do have your address so I can come for food! Or a cooking lesson or just a chat where we boil water and make tea.
Your dark hair is SO fun. It's like a new you. (Not better or worse just new. I like it.)
Love the pots and pans I asked for Paula Dean ones, my birthday is only 3 short months away...maybe Hubby is saving up.
I loved getting to hear you! How are the RR pans working for you?
I sooooo want those pots and pans!!! I have been watching them at BB&B to see if they would go on sale. The orange would look awesome in my kitchen and well, I just think they are cool!! lucky!
I am going to have to check out those pots and pans. They look amazing. Thanks!
I'm afraid, that I can no longer be your friend due to the fact that your cookware CLEARLY outshines my own... and what kind of cooking person am I who doesn't have Rachel Ray pots and pans????
So yeah.
JUST KIDDING I totally have Rachel Ray pots and pans...wait... (how did that slip out?) What I meant to say was JUST KIDDING I totally can still be your friend...
I don't have Rachel Ray pots.
Just to clear things up.
See, this is why I do no talking in real life.
Not only do I hate the sound of my own voice, but I totally babble on and on and on about nothing quite fine without it being broadcast across the country...
I know this sounds silly but I would love some RR pots for Christmas. You got an awesome gift. You should be on TV, you were great. are so cute, and just as witty in blog-person as you are on blog-paper. I could hang with you in the real world...but not the TV show. where was the food on your cheek?
I wish you could cook for me too...
Love the orange. Love your glasses...and you are adorable. Stinkin' adorable (that's what we say around these parts ;)
Orange!!! How wonderful. I would get myself something fantastic like that except I don't cook so well. Tonight? Grilled cheese and baked beans. From a can. I rock.
You are SO cute!
We had a Bru-HaHa here too. Luckily it's gone now. (whew)
Nice to See What You Are Saying!
YOU want to cook for ME!?!??!
I'll be there in an hour.
And you look great in those glasses.
i LOVE this carnival!! how cool it is to put a voice w/ your words on here now! great job on the vlog. and the pans? i hate cooking so yes, i'd definitely love to come visit!
You are the second person tonight that I've seen that got pots for Christmas. Weird.
Anyway, love your glasses. Cute!
Snazzy glasses!
You are cute. Cute, cute, cute! But I really hope you never get forced at gunpoint to pick five blogs to read. That would be sad. And scary!
Hey! Maybe you could knock the mean gunman out with your new pans. Now those would be amazing pans...
Anyway, I'm sad I didn't know about this earlier so I could participate. Hmm. Maybe I'll do it anyway cuz I'm rebellious like that.
I just wanted to let you know that I stopped by from 2nd cup, but I cannot get your video to work. It says it is not available.
"Talk to me goose." HAAAAAAAA!
Anyway, thanks for posting for ISWYS. If new pots is what it takes to make a fabulous cook, I hope my husband never gets me any. Then I'll have to start making meals.
How cute are you?! :o)
Wow, I need some RR pots....Love em!
I wish you could come cook for me too! LOL
Great video! You're darling!
Oh my heck! You are adorable! Your boys look just like you! (it is so much more obvious when your face is animated like theirs always is/are) AND, you talk and sound just like Pam on The Office--how cute is that!
You are adorable! And I love that you say things "rock" in real life. I knew you would!
Hi Heather--nice to meet you too!
That video idea is very fun--I might be too chicken to it though!
I love you new pots! I *only* have orange pots and I have never seem the RR ones before--I'll have to check those out!!
What... did you hate the video so much you pulled it? Put it back! Put it back! I want to see, too. (That's me whining.)
I got a really great Kitchenaid skillet, I love getting cool kitchen stuff.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
This is too fun!
Heather of the EO is having Mom-versations. I love it. Inspired idea. The girls and I have been kicking around doing something similar for quite sometime now. Love that you implemented it!
And, hello, lovely pots. I am sure that their bright orange color will inspire you to do great, great things in the kitchen. If I were to come over for a meal, what would you be serving? :)
Oh! It's you! Hi, Heather! I'm so glad you did this! Seeing you talk and move makes you so much more real. (I thought you were just a dream before)
They boil water well!?! I must get me some of those!!
You're not foolin' me - Hank.
I love your glasses. And orange pots and pans are the coolest!
You are so funny! I want to come and play with your new cookware! I love orange.
I just might have to do a little video today too...we'll see though ;)
Heather... You are a cute one. You are already a great cook! You make great guacamole and you feed me well whenever I come over!
Now i will forgive you for having Racheal Ray cookware... Its not that i dont like her products, she just gets under my skin. Why just today I was thinking, Really Sabrina, Your New Year's Resolution should be to like Racheal Ray more. Done.
Happy New Year! Hope to see you soon!
My frumpy computer would not show me your video but I totally know what you are saying about not wanting to be yourself all the time. I like to hide behind my words... even if they are junior high level.
I love seeing you "in person"! So fun! Very jealous of those orange pots.
Cute! All of it! All of you! And the orange pots too!
You cute, brave woman! Nice pans. Next time I'm in Minnesota, I'll stop by and you can boil some water. I'll bring the hot chocolate mix!
You are adorable! But I know what you mean because I hate seeing/hearing myself talk. You are very brave to do this...I don't think I would!
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