
Don't think, just swing

Posted on Wednesday, December 31st, 2008

A long, long time ago in a land far away...

Well o.k., maybe it was just a long time ago. It wasn't far away since it was right here on this very computer I'm clickety clacking on as we speak/type/read. Anyway, I went on a blogcation and there were excellent guest posts while I was blog stalking without commenting taking really good care of my home.

Before I took that break, I asked if anyone had any questions. Then you left the questions in the comments. Remember? NO? WHY? Was it THAT long ago?

Yes, I suppose it was. Hey! I've answered TWO OF THEM so don't judge.

You don't even remember what you asked and you don't care, do you?

Too bad! I'm a woman of my word! (unless I totally forget things, then it's just an accident.) And I can't go into the New Year with all this guilt hanging over my head. You know the kind. All the little things you were going to do that you keep forgetting to do because other things come up that HAVE to get done like making videos of yourself and posting them on your blog. That sort of thing.

But I digress.

Wait! You know what else is hanging over my head? I never announced the big winner of the snack mix naming thingy. Baroness Black called it Cornucopia and I love that. So yes, Miss Baroness, YOU ROCK. Your wit and charm do not go unnoticed by me. If you didn't see all the suggestions, they are hilarious and they're in the comment section of this post. I'm not lying when I say I loved them all. You're all so creative!

The next thing dangling over my left ear and tapping me every once and awhile is that fact that I still have one of the items from a past giveaway and it's been MONTHS. Yes, I'm that lame. I should know that when you have a giveaway item, you should GIVE it AWAY! Ugh. Ellen was the winner of a movie and she still doesn't have it. She probably gave up on me long ago, since I've seen her three times and forgotten her precious prize every time. But one day I will show up on her step with the movie and ask her to make popcorn. What?!? I WILL.

O.K. Next on my list of things I (still) haven't done-
I was sent something FOR FREE to check out and review on this here blog by a little company called VTech. It was a long, long time ago. Uuuuum, yeah....I really really need to do that post. Naughty. I feel like a thief! And it's a cool item too. I just keep getting distracted.

(I just realized I'm only listing the blogging related things I haven't done. Oh no. Just imagine my undone list of real life things like see the dentist, take the dog to the vet, get some botox now that I've seen myself on video....ugh, I'm getting all stressed out.)

And NOW I just realized that I STILL haven't answered your questions. Another day, people. Bear with me. We'll do it next year. REALLY, IT'S TRUE!!!

My sage advice to you as you head into the New Year? DON'T start thinking about stuff you haven't done, but make sure to do things you love!

Yes, this is really me, swinging (because I love it.)

Here's to a healthy and happy New Year, friends! Let's walk straight into 2009 with our heads held high (despite the to-do lists hanging over them.)

26 clicked right here to comment:

Unknown said...

stoppin by to wish you a happy new year...and swing on...

Anonymous said...

Good advice--forget the to-do lists and keep swinging!
and, I still need to write something for you. . . someday. . .
Happy New Year!

Kristina P. said...

Happy New Year, Heather!

Brooke said...

I love the idea of walking straight into the new year with my head held up high. Thanks for that.

Aquaspce said...

You know what, this post reminded me of this song...

"Would you like to swing on a star Carry moonbeams home in a jar
And be better off than you are
Or would you rather be a...?"

Love that song.


Annette Lyon said...
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Annette Lyon said...

I love you even more because you swing. :D

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

ohhh do I ever feel you on that whole 'what haven't I done' thing. Going to try reeeeally hard not to do that.

Happy New Year sweetheart!

T and T Livesay said...

H - N - Y - 2 - U.


Heidi said...

SO gotta get me a swing! I think I will hang it in front of the TV since I don't have any trees in either of my munchkin sized yard. I think it could be a good thing. Happy New Year~ (and dont' stress!)

Anonymous said...

I love swinging, too! I can't take Anja to a park without stopping to swing for at least a little while. When I worked at a Bible camp, I would swing for long, long periods of time, until my legs got sore from being squished together. :)

Happy New Year, babe!


Happy New Year my friend! And Love the new look; your dark hair is beautiful!

Blessings, Carolynn

Stephanie said...

I couldn't agree more. I'm trying hard to have more of a to-be or to-feel mentality rather than a to-do list.

a Tonggu Momma said...

So Heather... just how big ARE your feet? (I wear a nine-and-a-half. And - from the looks of that photo - you might do the same.)

Erin said...

How great to realize that you haven't answered our questions yet. That gives you at least two weeks' worth of blog posts. I remember mine were third date kind of questions, so we'll see how honest you are when you answer them :)

Happy New Year, Heather!

LisAway said...

I'll swing! I really love swinging. In college I would go to a nearby shoolyard in the evenings and just swing and swing in solitude. Especially when I had something to think about or was sad. There is somethings magical about swinging.

I'm going to swing through this new year! Thanks.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Funny, but I don't like swinging anymore. I used to, along with roller coasters and riding motorcycles really fast. But now I get a nauseous feeling in the pit of my stomach. So, I will choose some other innocent thing I enjoy and do that more often... how about jumping on a trampoline? Wait, dang it. Nope. I will play more sports. Now that I can do. Thanks!

jmt said...

In the summertimes between college years, my girlfriend and I would go swinging. :) I still do it when I go to the park. I love it. There's just something about it....

Amy said...

I LOVE the photo! And, as others have said, I love the idea of walking into the New Year with my head held high. Thanks for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

I have a give-away sitting right here that I still haven't mailed out. And a list of business-type phone calls that's been gathering dust ever since the first Christmas decorations hit the retail shelves. I need to take the vacuum in to get it fixed. And (new on the list)I have got to take my Christmas trees down.

Let's see who can swing the highest!

Kate Coveny Hood said...

To cold to swing here in VA. My son would disagree of course and asks to go to the park regardless of temp. But I'm swinging in my heart today... Not worrying about any have tos (and I have many. Thanks for validating my lazy day.

CC said...

do things you love..... SAGE advice friend!

Happy New Year!

Kim said...

I love swinging too. Something about feeling like I'm flying.

happy new year my friend.

kel said...

Keep swingin' girl!!! Let so who can go the highest!!

Elle said...

Heather, that picture is fabulous - you need that one blown up and put up on the wall. In fact, I may blow it up and put it on MY wall.

Dedee said...

Oi. Now you've got me started. What I want to know is why I suddenly started getting sick swinging. It's very depressing to me. At least climbing trees doesn't make me sick . . .

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