
"Need a Ride?"

Posted by Heather of the EO~Thursday, December 18, 2008

Miles, age 1-2006: Can you hear it, "Hey there, neeed a riiide?"

Cheaper Than Therapy
This week I'm joining The Mom at Cheaper than Therapy with A Thousand Words Thursday. I love the idea behind this weekly sharing of photos that are worth more than a thousand words. Click the button to read more about it and join in. Happy Thursday!

28 clicked right here to comment:

Bree Shaw said...

what a cutie!

Peanut said...

Wow that's a cute look!

Brooks said...

"Hop in Chica! I'll take you anywhere..."

You have a heartbreaker on your hands...he is adorable!

Randi said...

Wow! He looks like he's feeling better - YAY! What a cutie.

Anonymous said...

The crooked little smile says it all!

Lara Neves said...

That is one of the best pictures I've seen in a while.

Kelline said...

That is so cute!

K and/or K said...

Miles I am ready for a spin! Let's go tot he fairgrounds and watch the statue contimplate sledding in this cold!

Brooke said...

He is so darn cute!

Kristina P. said...

He looks ready to go!

The Mom Jen said...

ha ha what an adorable picture! *beep beep, goin' my way?" ;)

Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

lol, the look on his face is priceless!

Anonymous said...

Adorable picture!☺ What a cutie!

Becky said...

Love the expression!

charrette said...

Love it! He already has that taxi driver smirk down pat!

happygeek said...


LisAway said...

What a great shot. I laughed when I saw it and Evie and David came running to see it. They loved it, too. They sort of knew that it was Asher's big brother even before I told them. ???

Debbie said...

I can hear it! Except my version had a "Hey Baby" at the start of it (sorry - don't throw things at me).

Leigh said...

That is cuteness x infinity!

Leslie said...

Give him another 15 years and watch out! Cute pic.

Keyona said...

Him and Asher really look alike in this picture. :o)

Heidi said...

Ah, drat, Keyona said what I was going to say (sort of). Anyway, after looking at pics of them on Facebook the way they look now, I was a bit surprised at how much Asher looks like Miles at the same age. But, hey, the more cute kids the better, right? (right? still me with me? . . .)

Karen Mello Burton said...

Such a cute face. I remember the days when they were little and squishy and let me smooch 'em all over their chubby cheeks. My ten year old is ok with a little emotion. *sniff*

Colette S said...

Of course I need a ride! Right now my car battery is dead!

He is just adorable!

Thanks for stopping by.

jmt said...

Those twisted lips...LOL....how cute.

Dedee said...

Um, I'm not supposed to accept rides from strangers, but in this case. . .

Dee said...

the facial expression says it all! TOO CUTE!!!!!!

Growin' With It said...

so cute how his little lip curls up like that. makes the thought of him actually saying something like that so believable!

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