
A Fun Surprise (or a shocking disguise)

Posted by Heather of the EO~Thursday, December 18, 2008

If you've been around here long, you saw the wacky
pictures of me posing for my Mama Manifesto bio.
So yeah, you know what I look like.

Until today.

I'm a brunette now.

(This is not a wig)

I'm still in shock.

I've totally traumatized my kids, by the way.
And my husband.

Oh what fun it is to be in disguise.

49 clicked right here to comment:

Kristina P. said...

Oh my goodness! I love it! I have to say, I think I like the brown better! It looks so rich and warm.

Lara Neves said...

You look gorgeous! I love the brown on you!

Joanne@ Blessed... said...

I admire your bravery. I want to go red...deep, scarlet red!

For now I will live vicariously through you.

I am a wimp at heart.

Joanne@ Blessed... said...

...you look just darling, by the way.

Erin said...

Woo Hoo! Beautiful!

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

Is it bad that I laughed at you traumatizing your husband and
kids?!? :)

I think it looks great on you, way to be brave.

Plus I don't care what anyone says, I totally don't believe blonds have more fun...there's just now way...

Anonymous said...

You look great. Love it!☺

RosyRose said...

I like it Heather...Isn't change fun! I never keep it the same.
It was good to see your whole face:)

Heidi said...

You look gorgeous either way but I can see why your kids might look at you a bit askance for a while.

Keyona said...

Cute! Doesn't it make you feel like a new woman! :o)

PsychMamma said...

I LOVE it!!! What fun to surprise everyone. :-)

jmt said...

It looks great! :) I have a neutral color to my hair, dirty blonde sometimes, but getting darker, but not a pretty darker. I have never done any coloring to my hair until last year when I finally went dark too. LOVED it. Too bad it cost me my arm. I won't do it myself...I'm not comfortable enough with a brush, let alone a bottle of hair goo.

Ron Simpson said...

yep .. see .. mine is the beard / goatee thing .. it comes and goes .. every now and then it traumatizes one of the grandkids .. at least when they were little .. the youngest now (Cloe 18 months) is used to seeing papaw with or without it ..

the brown thing looks good on ya .. goes well with the healthy glow

Rachel said...

Wow!!! I love it! What a fun change! Go you!

Kelly @ Love Well said...


(So glad you Twittered this. I haven't checked Google Reader in DAYS, which has been incredibly freeing. But I miss you. And this hair was not to be missed.)

Peanut said...

You look great! The color really makes your eyes pop! How fun :)
(Has your family recovered from the shock yet?)

Stephanie said...

I love it! You look great. (but it IS very different.) Good for you!

Brooke said...

I love the brown! You look great!

Kim said...

Looks really good on you :) I bet your kids were a bit traumatized. You will all get used to it soon enough.

Elizabeth said...

I have only ever seen your face from the side, and you are as pretty as ever from the front! I love the new 'do, and love the thought of your children being totally confused when you walked in the door. I made a drastic change once and my daughter asked, "what have you done with my mother?" I am especially curious about Asher's response.

Watch out tonight!

Anonymous said...

I think it looks fabulous! You're pretty as a blonde or a brunette, so why not embrace something different for awhile? I wish I had the guts. My hair grows SOOOO slowly that I'd have to have it for a long time.

Lisa said...

I think you look great! Both colors look good on you, you are so lucky!

CC said...

You look fab!

My mom tells me that when I was 2 she cut her long hair to short, short. I screamed and ran away and refused to believe she was mom. ;)

Jenna said...

brunettes have more fun anyways! it looks great! ;)

a Tonggu Momma said...

I love the brown! I think it warms your skin. (Do I sound at all like I know what I'm talking about? Or do I sound clueless? All I know is that I like it.)

Leslie said...

Oh my goodness! I love it, love it, love it!! YAY! It looks SO GOOD!

Karen Mello Burton said...

So nice! Funny you would blog that because I just got a burgundy stripe through my hair today, just about an inch wide. Maybe I will take a photo tomorrow :)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

You're seriously gorgeous in both pictures and yet wow, you look really different somehow! Like...whole other person different. How surreal!

LisAway said...

I love it! I've always vowed that I'd never lighten my hair because I wanted to be a natural blonde, but now that I'm not, really, anymore, maybe I'll go darker with a tinge of red (it looks like yours has a bit of red in it?) Super cute!

Amy said...


Brooks said...

i love it! its fun to try a new alter-ego for awhile and if it doesn't suit you then you can change it up again!

Unknown said...

I went brunette yesterday too...it's fate lol stoppin by to say TY for the bday wishes

Aquaspce said...

You look absolutely beautiful! Are you a natural blonde? This looks awesome!

Sabrina said...

OOOH sexy! i love it!
Im on break from work for 2 weeks, if you want a play date hollar at your girl!

Anonymous said...


You rock the rock star look!

Becky said...

It's really hard to like someone who looks great as a blond AND as a brunette, but I do. Like you, I mean.

And it really does look great - are you used to it yet?

Lauren said...

It looks great! I love it.
You're super fun.

Debbie said...

You are so pretty. Either way, really. But the light that shines from within is what really does it.

Elisa said...

Holy Cannoli Batman! The brown is smokin' hot!! Me likey! A lot!

happygeek said...

Oh I LOVE it.

Growin' With It said...

dang you make brunette look gooood! i loved being a "blonde" at different times. but wowza, you look great in that color. here's to our hubbys who put up with us hairchangin' women. they can't say we don't spice things up every now and then!☺

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the brown. You look very natural and beautiful!

Kristen Howerton said...

It looks so, so good!! I am jealous. You are totally one of those people who can get away with any color!!

That Girl said...

Whoo-hoo! I'm late in saying so, but I love it. Kudos and congratulations.

Carla said...

I love it too!
I gave up on blonde two years ago. Love low maintenance brown.(and a little gray. just for fun.)

Radioactive Tori said...

It looks great! I did the same kind of thing years ago and my youngest didn't even know it was me!

James Blevins said...

Personally, I think the brunette look is a better one for you. Way to be brave. I think it will pay off handsomely.

Elle said...

Heather, you look fabulous!! I love it.

AND, I shall have to see it in person.

I've been on serious hiatus with my blog and my social life but I want you to know that you are number one on my list of people to connect with as I leave my dark cave. I'm going to call you so we can set up a time to chat...

Phyllis@Aimless Conversation said...

Thanks for popping by my blog. I love the hair. LOVE it!

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