
The Noggin Comes Home

It's good to be home!

We still can't believe that after a day like yesterday (yuck) Asher was discharged today! There really is no place like home.

We haven't really been able to get that boy to get the sleep he so very badly needs while in the hospital, so I'm so happy to say he's snug in his very own bed as we speak (type).

In yesterday's post I said I was going to report a miracle today. So here it is:

The Miracle of the Cheerio. Or Cheerios. The boy needed to EAT and he was MAD. Then he had some Cheerios and they cheered him. For at least a half an hour.

Which felt like a miracle at the time.

No, the story is not more interesting than that. But hey, I'll take all the small miracles I can get.

I also think it's a miracle that I was only mean to my husband about four times in the last few days. We were stressed! If you do the math, it could have been way worse. I figure I could have taken my anxiety out on him every thirty seconds or so. But no, I did not. And when I did, we would make up quite quickly after I sheepishly apologized for being irrational. A small marriage miracle.

Can you tell I need sleep?

I think I'll go take a nap. Maybe. I'm so bad at naps. Busy brains are NOT good for naps. Ugh.

Is it getting old to hear thank you? If so, too bad. Thank you! All of your comments, thoughts, and prayers were a big part of the reason I held it together yesterday. You're the bomb diggity. (yes, I just said "bomb diggity," which proves I'm delirious.)

P.S. Have I mentioned lately that I'm crazy about my family? For my patient Ryan, my hilarious and loving little Miles, and my trooper of a baby-the guy who keeps making his funny face smile even with a headache and a codeine high. He'll be better soon.

42 clicked right here to comment:

Karen Mello Burton said...

The love you feel for your family comes busting through the airwaves. I am glad your little guy is home. So many of us were thinking about you yesterday. Love getting the updates. :) ps... I wrote a review of Heidi's book today if you have time to swing over.

Kristina P. said...

I'm so glad you're back safe and sound. Now get some sleep!

Ron Simpson said...

I must concur with Kristina .. we are aso glad you are home .. now .. go get some sleep

you know the rules .. baby sleeps .. mom sleeps

Heidi said...

It's so good to hear you sounding cheerful (tho maybe you're just giddy) after all you have been through. YOU are a trooper! BTW, do read Kazzy's review but only because, in Kazzy's usual way, it is a gem of a piece of writing.

Stephanie said...

I feel like I should have warned you about that post-surgery drug-induced won't quite sleep thing, but I only remembered it after you wrote about it. Many thoughts and prayers for all of you from here. And a nap always helps! (I'll take one on your behalf because I'm nice like that.)

LisAway said...

I did the math and, according to my calculations, you should have been mean to Ryan 27 times. Less than 20 is amazing; 4, a miracle, as you said.

Welcome home! Keep up the good work, Lady!

Sabrina said...

Im glad you are back home... Im thankful that things are going well! :)

Debbie said...

Thank God is it behind you and you are home. Yeah!

Heather Smith said...

Glad he got to come home! Hope you get some rest too!

Jessica Stock said...

I am so glad that you are home and he is doing good. Get some rest, enjoy those beautiful boys!

The Mom Jen said...

We're so much alike even in delirium! So glad you guys are home and Asher is sleeping and on his way to all-better-land!

Get some rest when you can....I know it's hard, but it's so important for mommy!

Brooke said...

I'm so glad you guys are home and doing well. I hope you get some rest!

Sara@iSass said...

So glad you are home!

CC said...

I am so happy you are home!!!! Get sleep and be better!

Caroline C. Bingham said...

So glad he's home and snug in his own bed!

Erin said...

Thank you for being so willing to keep us in the loop! Now it's time to relax and rest.

Home is where the heart is.

Keyona said...

Whoo Hooo! I'm so happy to know you guys are home! I knew things would go well. God took care of Asher and your family. Things can only get better from here.

You can now breath Heather, you did good.

Amy said...

Thank you so much for the update!! (I've been neurotically checking your blog all day.) Thank God for small things...like Cheerios, yes? I am so glad Asher is home & you can all relax.

Melanie Jacobson said...


Lauren said...

Yeeha- I'm so glad everything went well with Asher.
I'm also super impressed with only 4 times of meanness, I'm sure my number would be higher (what am I talking about would be? i was mean to him way more than that this week and we didn't go through baby surgery).
Anyway...I think you rock:)

Growin' With It said...

home does that for me, even after christmas shopping lately...ahhh...to be back home. and so after being in a hospital i can imagine how great it felt to walk in your door!

so grateful to hear you are all good heather. and the cheerios? miracles do come in small packages too, you're right.

Growin' With It said...

home does that for me, even after christmas shopping lately...ahhh...to be back home. and so after being in a hospital i can imagine how great it felt to walk in your door!

so grateful to hear you are all good heather. and the cheerios? miracles do come in small packages too, you're right.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I'm bad at naps too - but sometimes you need them. Get some sleep and give Asher a kiss from all of us.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Even things going well is hugely stressful in a situation like this - you are amazing!

So glad that loveable baby boy of yours is going to be okay. ~hugs~ And you are too!

Cynthia said...

I'm so glad to hear he's home! Those hospital recovery rooms ARE impossible places to sleep- we had to try to do that with our boy when he had surgery at 6 months. So not a place condusive to sleep.

I hope you can ALL rest easier now. Big miracles, small miracles, whatever, just glad there ARE miracles. Congratulations to the whole family for managing this big challenge with grace and humor.

Kelly @ Love Well said...

Wonderful news -- all of it. I couldn't get to my computer the last 36 hours, but I've been praying like crazy. You were my first stop along the Google Reader road; I'm so happy to read all the happy reports.

Get some sleep. (Ha-ha, right?) Will continue praying -- and thanking God for His mercies.

charrette said...

Here, here! for marriage miracles. Who doesn't need one of those? And cheery cheerios miracles. Sounds more like a cheeracle. That's good too.

Truly i hope you get a nap.

Can you tell how many people out here love you and your beautiful little family?

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Yeah! I am so glad he is home. Praying for you...really

Aquaspce said...

That's WHY they're called CHEERios! Did you not know that?
Glad to hear that he is doing well.
I hope you got your nap.
I can't nap.
If I do, I'm wrecked for the rest of the day.
And High-Five to Miles!
Just because...
Love you!

Becky said...

I'm not really here - I'm in self-imposed blog banishment. But I had to stop by to see how Asher was doing.

Hooray for Cheerios!

And hooray that you're all at home recuperating!

Anonymous said...

So glad he's home now!

I'm not a good nap taker either; but sometimes, I'm so tired that I do fall sleep.

I love your blog, your humor, and your passion! It's great to be in love with your family isn't it?! I love every minute of it!!

Wonderful to meet you too! Thanks for playing Boggle!

brentandsarah said...

I bet it must feel so good to be at home after yesterday. Glad to hear everything was a success!

Leslie said...

I'm so glad you guys are home! I hope the rest of the day has gone well and everyone has been able to get some rest!

Peanut said...

Yay! You're home :) You'll all do so much better in your own environment. I'm glad to hear Asher is well enough to come home already.

And I thank God for cheerios every day.

jmt said...

It's wonderful that he's home, comfortable, and with YOU. I know that how that relieved exhaustion feels after being at the hospital....congrats on the success over the past few days. Miracles happen all around with medical practice now adays...at least I think so. :)

That Girl said...

Happy, happy, happy.

And Cheerios rock.

Can you sneak some of his codeine? I'm not above a drug-induced nap ...

Anonymous said...

Praise God for Cheerios; miracles come in all shapes and sizes. :o) So glad to hear everyone's doing well; being home can make all the difference sometimes.

Blessings, Whitney

The Three 22nds said...

yeah! I am glad you are home. I was thinking the hospitalization may be a lot longer then that! We will connect sometime! After all, Deacon has a present for Miles and Asher :)

Take care,

Kristen Howerton said...

Yay! Home! Yay!

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Yay you're home!! All of you get some sleep, you'll be much better tomorrow! :)

Lara Neves said...

Welcome home, Asher!

TheOneTrueSue said...

Small miracles are the very best kind.

I'm so glad he's home safe and sound. YAY.

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