
A Fixing Haircut for 1,000

Posted on Thursday~January 22nd, 2009

If you're here for the first time because you're perusing all the A Thousand Word Thursday posts, you may wonder why I chose this particular photo to share. (Opening your mouth and rolling your tongue does not give you the most flattering look for a photo, that is one of the lessons here). But this photo must be shared because it was taken the evening that a stylist tried to "fix" my 3-year-old's hair after he shaved a chunk out of it.

See? "Fixed!"

His longer hairs are supposed to be covering up the big bald patch. It sorta works. If it were plastered down with gel, that is. But we don't have gel, so most of the time he just walks around with the bald patch showing. I prefer this look over the fear I had that shaving his head would make him look like a light bulb. (My children have large noggins.) (You know, like 100th percentile noggins. (geniuses))

(For clarification: No, it wasn't a sharp-edged razor. Just the electric shave-your-face kind.)

For more A Thousand Word Thursday photos visit Jen at Cheaper Than Therapy (she rocks.)

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The Mom Jen said...

A light bulb! LOL

BaronessBlack said...

It looks fine! My little one gets Daddy swiping at the back of his head with the clippers while I try desperately to distract him.
We live in fear of the mullet!

Anonymous said...

I think it works! He's still cute!

Melissa said...

The picture is priceless!

I can relate to your little boy's thinking. When I was about two, I cut off ALL my bangs because i was hot! Sometimes the hair just has to go!

Leslie said...

Well good thing he's a cutie and can pull off the look!

Jennifer said...

Oh no--I can't believe he did that! They did a good job fixing it though--I would never be able to tell!

Kristina P. said...

It looks so much better!

Stonefox said...

HA! Hilarious!

Melanie Jacobson said...

I wonder what proportion of kid stylists' business is driven by "fixes." Fifty at least, right?

Kate Coveny Hood said...

He's adorable! Who would ever notice something as inconsequential as a bald spot (what middle age men everywhere say to themselves every day...)

Keyona said...

It's not that bad. I barely even notice it! Kinda... ;o)

Sara@iSass said...

You can really tell so much in that picture. If that had been my kid, I would have shave the rest of his head...it grows back.
Do ya hide the razors now???

Heidi said...

Personally, I think it looks fine but the truth is, gel works wonder. My kid hasn't received a single blow, jibe or tease and and he surely had one coming.

sara said...

LOL! You can't even tell!

When my youngest was little, I was giving him and his brother a buzz cut. He went first and I somehow forgot to put the guard on it and went right up the back of his head before I realized it!! It was so close to his head that he would literally be bald if I did it all that way, so I cut the rest as short as I could get away with. But for the longest time, he had a "run way" on the back of his head!!! I'm very glad he was too young to remember!!

The Frugal Angel-Guided Psychic said...

He's a cutie no matter the length of his hair. All kids must do this at least once :)

Jessica Kate said...

I'm sure this isn't the right place to thank you for all your prayers and love for Miss Tuesday but I just need you to know how much it means. Thank you! You have some handsome little men on your hands.
Your new friend,
Jessica Kate
Tuesday's mama

Ann Harrison said...

What a great job the hair dresser did! I see no signs of his own little trimming. (Those previous pictures... oh my!)
Well done!

mrs boo radley said...

Boo Radley thinks this is hilarious, too!

Not sure what percentile it was in growing up, but I always thought my head was big. I'm pleased to know that it may perhaps be because I am a genius. Ha!

charrette said...

I think it looks a thousand times better! Good save!

And the post yesterday about him DOING that had me utterly speechless. Wow. I've seen a zillion kids go at it with the scissors, but Miles tops the charts with that razor.

LisAway said...

Very nice! You can't see it at all! Now, since you don't have any gel,just make sure he doesn't move!

Thanks for the clarification. I guess if you go 12 years without ever seeing an electric razor you forget they exist. Thank heaven they do! (not so that your son can ruin his hair with it, but so he DOESN'T ruin his hair (and head, and possibly life) with the traditional kind.

Peanut said...

I think he looks cute! But I can't stop thinking that if you had shaved it all off, then he'd look like a bright idea (lightbulb)... I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself... I inherited the dry humor from my dad.
It'll grow out quick. And then he'll come up with something else, right?!

Aquaspce said...

Deklan opened up a barber shop one day. I came upstairs to find Piper's waist length hair, now shoulder length on one side. I was devestated...

JCK said...

Methinks since he hast perfected the comb over, he will become a newscaster.

Jillene said...

He still looks adorable!!

Tim said...

I think you might be surprised how well hw would look with shorter hair. Our son has really curly hair and we were afraid to cut his short because of loosing the curls. He did look good in it though. At that age their hair grows so fast anyway. And who are we kidding, he would be cute with any length of hair.

Kim said...

I think he look so cute! You can't see it...well, ok, yeah you can. But, it's not that bad. Plus he's 3. Some things are expected with 3 year olds ;)

Unknown said...

LOL...LOVE this pix and of course the story behind it! heehee tooo funny-I can laugh because I have been there ;-)

Becky said...

You know he doesn't give a flip, so it's all good! :)

And it really doesn't look so bad.

Anonymous said...

He's such a cutie patootey. Of course you've got to hang onto the "before" picture--that one is priceless.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Somebody may have already said this, but just tell him someday that he went through a Donald Trump stage.

Karen Mello Burton said...

He has such a cute little face, how messed up can he get? The hair will grow back soon enough, and in the meantime you will have a fun story to tell! LOL

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Wow, from that photo I seriously can't even tell! What a ham he is too!

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

Well, I still think he is absolutely darling. Plus, those big ol' baby blues . . . what bald spot?

Mel Fraase said...

Looks good to me, besides, it all grows pretty fast!
PS we have those same jammies!!!

Debbie said...

He looks great. I am amazed they could do that good of a fix!

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