(I will now refrain from going on and on and on about the STRUGGLE we are having with potty training. I will keep it short. NIGHTMARE.)I recently was following Miles around, trying to prevent another disaster by saying, "But I think I smell something." He told me it wasn't him. I said, "Then how come I smell something?" To which he quickly responded, "That's just fresh air, Mommy." (Let's just say it turned out to be quite the opposite of "fresh air.")
Miles continues to impress the masses with his extensive vocabulary. He uses lengthy words in the right context and with the right emotion frequently. But there are a few words that have him stumped. I must document them here so as never to forget:
Oh yeah. That's my boy. He rocks the party.
"I can't get this over my shirdle." - SHOULDER
"Look at that cute little chickmunk." - CHIPMUNK
"NO Mommy! Just tend." - PRETEND
On Wednesday mornings we go to church. Asher and I hang with the moms and Miles goes to play with friends in the preschool room. I went to check on him (potty training nightmare) and peeked in just in time to see him sitting alone at a table surrounded by a variety of objects. He was turned around in his chair and was repeatedly shouting to the other kids, "THE PARTY'S OVER HERE! THE PARTY'S OVER HEEERE!" "Look at that cute little chickmunk." - CHIPMUNK
"NO Mommy! Just tend." - PRETEND
Oh yeah. That's my boy. He rocks the party.
39 clicked right here to comment:
I was just saying to my husband last night that we will be so sad when baby Grant starts talking because I'm pretty sure he'll never STOP. But maybe there's hope if he's gonna be full of this kind of cuteness.
He sounds like such a sweet, funny little guy! Tell him he won't be able to get any ladies if he always poops his pants.
We are having a hard time with potty training too. My sweet but defiant little 3 year old kepps telling me that going potty on the toilet it stupid. Yup--you read it right--stupid. Good times!!
He rocks the party? I'd say he IS the party! Super cute!
Too cute! My 5 year old son still thinks our next president's name is Rock Obama no matter how many times I try to teach him "Ba-rack". Hang in there with the potty training. After 3 boys I now understand there is no magic trick, they just have to decide to do it(within reason of course!). I wish someone would have told me that back then, it can be so discouraging at times!!
Ahhh, fresh air. He'll figure it out one day. :)
I love "shirdle." I love how the party was where he is. So cute.
Potty training--worst part of motherhood, easily.
The party's over here?!
Wonder where he gets that one from. That's so funny!!!!
Oh, and James pooped in his underpants until he was 3 and 3 months. SOOOO not fun!
Love the party comment! What a chicker (chipper) young man! btw, I think mid-week church rocks!
My 3 yr old will only use the potty if it's the "right" size..no baby potties, mommy.
Whenever he sees Barack Obama's picture he says "Yes You May!"....
Gotta love little clowns!
my 2nd son was a potty training nightmare too. Only he finally decided he not only didn't want to go #2 in the potty, he just didn't want to go #2 period! He held it for EIGHTEEN straight days!! Can you say stubborn. He got completely blocked and the doctor finally said, do not talk about potty training this kid. wait until he is ready.
you know that saying that there are no kids in kindergarten in diapers.....it's true!
my 2nd son was a potty training nightmare too. Only he finally decided he not only didn't want to go #2 in the potty, he just didn't want to go #2 period! He held it for EIGHTEEN straight days!! Can you say stubborn. He got completely blocked and the doctor finally said, do not talk about potty training this kid. wait until he is ready.
you know that saying that there are no kids in kindergarten in diapers.....it's true!
Kid-speak is my favorite, I love that fresh air comment LOL!
Miles sounds to me like he is taking back after his mommy! You rock the party too.
It took Nick a full year of "training" to be where he is today...Poops on the potty but "forgets" to pee pee. We go through like 5 pair of underwear aech day.
"It's ok Mommy, it just a wittle bit right?"
"No, Nick it's not ok. Wet underwear is wet underwear. Do YOU want to wear wet underwear?"
"then, my friend, do you see that it's not ok. Because you have no clean underwear in your drawer now. You will be naked until tomorrow."
"I don't want to be naked till tomorrow..."
"Well, you should have made it to the potty then."
He normally then goes commado.
I love that
"The party is over heeeere."
How cute.
Fresh air. That's priceless! I just started potty training my youngest today. I am praying that she'll do okay.
i think he gets his love for life and a party from his mama! ☺ so do you think it will be creepy if my son is still saying "wonderwear" instead of underwear at 18? that will be one i'll be sad to let go of!
Man sakes, too bad we are so far apart. He would have too much fun with my kiddos having their own little par-tay!
Love Mr. Miles! I'm right there with you on the potty training battle front. It's no fun.
Potty training. Even the phrase gives me horrid flashbacks. I'm pretty sure that we (and by we I mean me) did every possible thing that we could do wrong. It was that bad.
Good luck, my friend.
I want an invite to Miles' next party!
I wish I'd had a blog back when mine were little. So many of the cute things they said are just gone forever.
Miles is a cute kid, and he'll be lucky to have all of this you recorded so you all can remember when.
One of my friends...she has a son...he called him ORock Obama too!!!! How funny. LOL
Sorry about the potty training....(I won't tell you how easy my 4 year old was....I have a feeling my wee one will be a nightmare)
Fresh air indeed:) That made me laugh! What a fun age!
I'm so glad your writing all this stuff down....after all we need lots of amo if they try to put us in nursing homes someday!!!!:)
I LOVE the gems that come from the mouth of Miles!! I always look forward to these posts.
Jenna is starting to come up with some doozies that I need to record too.
Thanks for sharing! I hope he got some company at his "party"
How absolutely adorable! I remember when my son mispronounced words and I LOVED IT! I was really sad when he gave up his last one just recently. He used to say "michael-mo" for motorcycle and now he just says motorcycle. Bummed out...but probably should be happy because it is good that he is growing up even though I hate it.
What church? I'm ready to party Miles!
My most unfavorite part of parenting (so far) is potty training. It made me go gray. I am serious...it caused gray hairs.
I'm thinking I need to see that chick-monk. What, exactly, does a chick-monk look like? Is he a chick magnet wearing friar robes?
I think every child loses the first half of pretend at some point, and oh it is just the cutest thing ever!
My favorite from our son was hospital. In his world it was the hopsital. Adorable!
Laughed out loud at the last. So funny! And my husband is just like yours. I can never send him shopping without a specific list or he will take sooo long to figure out what he wants. Same with renting a movie. But he wanted me. I'm with you on how he ever made up his mind. Loved the post.
Those are some awesome memories! I love the things kids say! He's got a great start with the "party over here". Of course, that may cause you some issues in his teen years. LOL!
OMGosh! Too funny! He sounds like my son Keith a few years ago (which means...look out! It'll only get funnier as he gets older)
A. Dor. Ah. Bull.
How old is that genius of yours? Wow!
You know the potty train ain't goin' anywhere when you have to DUST the little potty every few days.
He is so hysterical!! And the 'party over here' thing? Absolutely awesome!
Potty training.
The stuff that nightmares are made of.
Good thing he's a party animal!
LOL he sounds like quite a character!!
Good luck w/ the potty training--I'll be facing that again in a few months.
One of my kids used to call chipmunks "munkchips"--and we still all call them that!!
LOVE O'Rock Obama (especially because he DOES kinda ROCK!) See? His Milesisms are already packing political punch AND double entendre!
And I would pay serious cash to be a fly on the wall and hear him shouting, "The party's over here!" Awesome kid! (Takes after his mom)
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