
A Thousand Words Thursday

Posted on Thursday~January 29th, 2009

On his 3rd birthday last summer, Miles received a bird bath from Grandma Mary.
His favorite part, of course--filling it up.

Speaking of Miles:
I'm stepping out of the shower recently and he comes flying into the bathroom,
stops short, stares at me and says,
"I like your butt and your
boobers. And your squishy belly."

Gee, thanks.

For more pictures worth a thousand words, visit Cheaper Than Therapy.
(click on the picture.)

Cheaper Than Therapy

42 clicked right here to comment:

Stephanie said...

Wow, Heather, that's HILARIOUS. Once I got out of the shower to find a visitor, too, who said, "Wow, mommy, you look pretty." Oh boy, their fascination starts early, does it not? And the birdbath picture is adorable.

Bree Shaw said...

i love how he has his tongue out and concentrating soooo hard. kids, are so honest huh? love the story.

Kelline said...

That is a cute picture! I love it.

Things that come out of the mouths of babes!

Erin said...

What a fun birdbath! My kids would love playing in that too. And yeah, that story hits a little too close to home for me :)

YKDWhat? said...

haha! The things kids say.. oh my. :)

Brooks said...

what a great b-day gift/idea. He is totally enjoying the hose action! what fun!
my kids tell me I have a squishy belly all the time. I told them that its their fault!

kel said...

That is so cute!!! I love the tongue!

Lara Neves said...

So funny! I'm glad to know that squishy bellies are likeable. And boobers, that cracked me up. :)

Kristina P. said...

I totally forgot how little boys stick their tongues out when concentrating! Too cute!

Annette Lyon said...


Here I was all enjoying the cute little tongue sticking out, and then I get to the next part. Hahahaahaaa!

(Much cuter than when I had a 3-year-old tell me my tummy was big. Thaaaanks.)

April said...

Gotta love boobers! LOL Happy ATWT!

Becky said...

Boobers! Hee, hee!!

Riley used to call me his big fat mama. Nice.

Unknown said...

adorable pic and LOL@boobers!!!

The Mom Jen said...

Look at that face, the tongue says pure concentration!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

That is a great gift! Seriously, I will have to keep that mind.

Oh, and love Miles's comment. LOL!

Brooke said...

He's so cute concentrating so hard to fill that bird bath up. My son has noticed my "boobers" too. I'm also glad to know that I'm not the only one with a squishy tummy. WHat a cutie.

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

Boobers? We are so outnumbered in a house full of testosterone eh?

Karen Mello Burton said...

Hilarious! When boy #2 was 4 yrs-old I got him and his older brother down for a nap and then hopped in the shower. WHen I came out barely draped in a towel his little buddy was standing in the hallway. He had let himself in and woken up the boys to play. I just wrapped that towel around me and screamed for him to go home! No nakedness though. :) Funny little Miles.

Anonymous said...

Wow, how DOES one take that? Happily? lol

Heather B. said...

That is hysterical! I once got greeted by my son when I was changing pants and he said, "Wow Mommy, you have pretty knees!!" All I could say was Thanks! LOL!!!

What a fun bird bath! Probably keeps him busy for hours!

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

Oh, Miles! You charmer, you!

That picture is pretty priceless. The tongue . . . gotta love the tongue.

Noob Mommy said...

I totally agree with the other posters... the tongue! And that determination in his face :) Sounds like he's a real sweetie and good with words ;P Watch out ladies!

Rebecca Blevins said...

Hee hee hee, gotta take the compliments however they come, huh?

Too cute.

BluRayn said...

Love the tongue!!! And the shower scene...too funny!!

a Tonggu Momma said...

What's not to like about boobers? :)

Melissa said...

Listen to how "out of it" I am.

I read this post and then I read the one below it. I thought the picture was of you, and I thought, "Where is Heather hiding the squishy tummy?"

I could never get my eans to stay that way. My niece and nephew did it all the time and they called it "pegging."

I've just never been that cool!

RosyRose said...

Hey that's better then most girls get:)He likes em, that's a good thing:)

Anonymous said...

He's very cute, the look on his face is priceless! Love his name, my DS is named Miles too.

Rach@In His Hands said...

Heh. Now that's funny funny stuff. Thanks for the giggle.

Mozi Esme said...

He says what's on his mind - that's a good thing! A male communicator...

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...


Thanks, son. At least he LIKES them...

Jessica Stock said...

Oh my that is hilarious! LOVE the adorable picture too!

Betty said...

That is too funny. If it makes you feel any better, my boys walked in on me while getting dressed and started laughing and in utter disgust yelled "MOM, GET SOME CLOTHES ON!!!" as if I was offending them!

Unknown said...

Why do children have to be so brutally honest?!

Heidi said...

This is the second time I have been here today--I just love that picture! It looks so sunshiney and summery! I miss summer (I shouldn't whine--it was 65 and sunny here today . .)

happygeek said...

Gotta love it eh.

Dedee said...

~snickers~ and the picture is cute too.

Every time I comment on your blog I get this barely controllable urge to end everything with goose.


Debbie said...

Oh my word! My kids call my belly my "squishy". And try to keep in mind how old they are:)

Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

Kids say the sweetest things, don't they.

Kate said...

Kids are so funny. I am amazed at your blog and all of your love and kindness to others. I will be back. Great blog.

Susan Godfrey said...


This is Susan Godfrey from SimplySusanGodfrey.blogspot.com I'm donating all the income from my shop during the month of February to the Whitt family. Also, a group of digital scrapbook designers and I are getting together to create a huge digital scrapbook kit to sell to raise funds for the family, plus there is at least one other designer who's going to donate her income for the month to the family. Anyway, I tried to contact them, but it was on the day that Tuesday passes and I really hate to bother them again at this time. Is there anyway you can send me their paypal address so we can get this money to them at the end of the month? You can email me at simply.susan.blog@gmail.com

I'm really wanting to help this family, as I know first hand the expenses involved and the worry it causes. We lost our son Gabriel in 2006 and if it weren't for the friends we made on the internet, we never would have made it through. They did a similar fundraiser for us and it took care of all the final expenses. I really would like to help the Whitts out in any way that I can. Thanks a bunch!

CC said...

His comments are absolutely adorable. I guess they fit in well with my guest blog post from the other day :)

I'm sad I didn't see your donation post for Tuesday's family before comments closed. My thoughts and prayers are with them all the same.

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