
We get by with a little help from our friends

Posted on Friday~January 30th, 2009: 9:00am

You've maybe noticed Miss Tuesday in my sidebar. This beautiful little girl and her family have been on my mind and heart since the day I heard about them and started following their story. Tuesday is 2. She has a twin sister and two older brothers. Tuesday also has cancer.

I know there are a lot of hurting people, and we hear a lot of sad stories, especially if we're connected to the internet world. But sometimes a certain person's story will just stick with you, touching your heart in a way that seems impossible for never having met them. Tuesday and her family have done something to my heart. And I'm honored, because it means I've been moved to help in my own small way.

Jessica Kate is Tuesday's mom. Her latest blog post was an update with heart-breaking news:

"My deepest fears were confirmed. Tomorrow we take our precious daughter home. Her cancer doubled in size in less than a week proving once and for all that it is horribly aggressive and no longer chemo sensitive. We have no idea how to do this but we have no doubt we will be cared for every step of the way. This is all I have in me. Please pray for peace for our children, our parents and our siblings. Tuesday, full of grace, you are our so very loved."
(taken from go blog yourself, by Jessica Kate)

I've been following Jessica Kate's blog for quite some time now and the moment I read that post, I knew I wanted to do something. I can't even begin to imagine how a parent walks this road and survives. How a mother can walk away from the hospital with her daughter knowing that there is no longer help there.

I will be thinking of Tuesday and her family and praying for peace, and even for a miracle.

I also want to help by following in the lovely footsteps of Mr. and Mrs. Boo Radley of just like camping. They raised money for Tuesday and her family by asking for comments and matching the number of comments with dollars. I love this idea. I love it so much that Ryan and I and some of our family members decided we're going to copy it. So with Mrs. Boo Radley's gracious permission to steal their idea, my family and I will give a dollar for every comment on this post. So please leave a comment. The more comments, the more money to ease a financial burden for Tuesday's family. Instead of us deciding on an amount to donate ourselves, I love that this involves people, spreads the word, and allows a quick and easy way for anyone to help. I'm hoping that reading about this and commenting here will put a little bit of Tuesday on your heart and mind so you can send your thoughts and prayers her way.

To clarify: We will be the ones donating the money. Commenting does not obligate you to donate. We are simply matching a dollar amount to the number of comments. (Just to be clear.)

(If you don't know how to comment or want to remain anonymous all you have to do is click "Post a comment" at the bottom of this post, then click the anonymous option, write your comment in the box and then click "publish your comment." It's totally safe. You can sign your name in the box if you don't care if you're anonymous.)

If you use twitter, please tweet about this and send people here to comment.

If you have a blog, consider mentioning this in a post and linking back here.

If you would like to make a donation of your own, you can do that through paypal HERE or HERE. (Both of these links have a paypal button in their right sidebar for Tuesday.)

I'm going to take a break from posting and leave this as the latest post for a few days. Bring on the comments! I'll keep the comments open until they reach the highest number we're able to donate as a family. Then comments will be off and I will be off to paypal to make a donation. Let's help Tuesday and her family!

Tuesday Fiona Whitt
October 11, 2006-January 30, 2009

COMMENTS ARE NOW CLOSED. Thank you all so much!
Please go visit go blog yourself and give Tuesday's family some love.

"I'm 36, and as I sit here watching my broken little bird, struggling in pain in her hospital bed, and I have no idea how to fix her. She's on serious levels of morphine and still she hurts. She's agitated and confused from the drugs and doesn't want me to touch her. I'm broken. What do you do when you can't help the little bird?" (from one of the best posts I've ever read written by Jessica Kate on go blog yourself.)

372 clicked right here to comment:

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Kristen said...

You are doing a good thing. Thank you for sharing it with me. I am praying.

Kristina P. said...

What an amazing thing to do, Heather. I will be back to comment often, I hope.

K and/or K said...


This is so kind and generous and lovely.

Thinking of thier family,

Rach@In His Hands said...

This is a really really wonderful idea.

I JUST found "go blog yourself" this morning and spent an hour reading posts over the last few months.

BIG prayers being lifted today.

Annette Lyon said...

Here's a comment for Tuesday.

This breaks my heart--I can't let myself imagine it too closely, or I'll fall apart. Thanks for doing this.

Kim said...

Oh my. I couldn't bring myself to go to their link...just too real for me right now. However, I will pray for their sweet family and for peace for all of them.
Thank you for being you Heather.

Amy said...

Oh sweet Tuesday! Lots of thoughts and prayers are going out to her!

Anonymous said...

Que my heart breaking. Thanks for doing this sweety.

Rachel said...

Oh how sad...I can't even imagine. Sending out prayers for little Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Blessings to you and your family, and peace and prayers to Tuesday's family...

b. said...

This takes incredible courage on the part of both the patient and the parents...I'm in awe of that kind of strength.

S'dizzle said...

wow, that is too sad.

Homesteading said...

Thanks for sharing the story with us. I will post a link to your post.

Kelline said...

Wow, I can only imagine. I put a link up to your blog.

sara said...

what a wonderful idea and gift, Heather! I am very honored to be part of it with you!

praying for this sweet family!

Brooke said...

I'll be praying for Tuesday and her family. What a wonderful thing you are doing.

Melanie Jacobson said...

This is the least I can do. I'll think of something more.

Keyona said...

You are great for doing this. I've been praying for Tuesday for a long time and am glad to see the prayers speading.

Ron Simpson said...

add my name and my prayers .. I know how families are hurting in these economic times and charities suffer most .. you guys are great hearted

Sarah said...

Heather I think this is so kind of you. I feel for Tuesday's family and what they're going through right now.

Erin said...

That is so kind of you. I will pass this message on...

Unknown said...

you are awesome bringing this to the front ...I had not heard of Tuesday but now b/c of your blog i am off to find out more and see what i can do to help...

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I can't imagine anything worse than losing a child. That is said so often that it really sounds trite - but when you are a parent and you say it about your own children, you can actually feel the weight of it.

Tyra said...

what an amazing deed, you are wonderful!

jmt said...

We will be thinking of this family as well, Heather. I wish you much success with this post.

mrs boo radley said...

Generosity and love abound here; thank you, my friend for doing something extraordinary for precious Tuesday.

Love ya,
mrs boo radley

Anonymous said...

I will pray for Tuesday & her family. That just breaks my heart. Thanks for sharing. The power of prayer is an awesome thing!

Rebecca Blevins said...

Here's a comment for Tuesday and her family. What a wonderful thing you are doing for them.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

It is just almost too much to bear only in reading; I can't imagine their pain and confusion. Bless you as you endeavor to bless them.

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Stories like this...

3 Bay B Chicks said...

absolutely break my heart...

3 Bay B Chicks said...

It makes me realize how very lucky some of us are in life...

3 Bay B Chicks said...

It is so, so difficult to read stories like this...

3 Bay B Chicks said...

about such a very lovely family...

3 Bay B Chicks said...

No parent should have to walk down this path...

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Thank you for what you are doing, Heather, to try to help Jessica Kate...

3 Bay B Chicks said...

I'm off to learn more now and see how what I can do.

3 Bay B Chicks said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Heather. You are extraordinary.

Myrna said...

You are extraordinarily kind and generous. What a neat thing to do.

Mel said...

Just another example of how no matter what, we are never without boundless things to be grateful for, and never without something to give. Thank you for sharing this.

NorahS said...

This is very kind of you.

Anonymous said...

You are a kind and generous soul. My prayers are with Tuesday and her family.

The Monroes said...

Thank you for doing this.

Anonymous said...

With love and hope and prayers for this little family,


Thank you, Heather, for doing this. You inspire me to be a better person.

Anonymous said...

With love and hope and prayers for this little family,


Thank you, Heather, for doing this. You inspire me to be a better person.

Art Nest said...

Oh wow...You are right, sometimes someones story just sticks with you. Tuesday looks so precious - I'm actually crying now. I will keep her family in my thougts~

Elizabeth said...

Bless you and Ryan for doing this. Your hearts are so good.

I am praying for this family and the trials they are facing.

Sabrina said...

I will be praying for the family.
Thank you for doing this Heather!

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

Oh my - the heart felt raw honesty of the mother's writing just shatters my heart. I wil be praying.
There is so much hurting going on around me. I'm so glad there are people like you willing to do what they can. Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Heather you are amazing and very kind hearted. I will keep them all in my prayers.
God Bless.

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

Okay, I just tried to comment - but it's not showing up. I'm not trying to cheat.

I don't even know what to say . . . words cannot express. I'm sitting here just sobbing. I will be praying.

the Melodious Mama said...

wow...I am so moved...the tears just won't stop falling! I will post a link. what a generous gift!

InTheFastLane said...

I would be shattered.

Mrs. Cox said...

I am heartbroken for them.

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

I read about her today for the first time and it broke me.

What you're doing is WONDERFUL. As if I didn't already love you enough!

They are and will continue to be in my thoughts and hearts.

happygeek said...

Some things are just too sad for words.

Becky N. said...

This is the first time I've heard of Tuesday's story. And I'm absolutely in tears. I can't even begin to imagine what that poor family is going through. I wish I could jump to Colorado and give them all one giant hug, even though I know it wouldn't ease the pain.

Thank you so much for what you're doing, and for sharing their story. I'll be praying for them.

Jules said...

Hmmm... I hope this doesn't post twice! Blogger was doing some weird things with my comments.

I just wanted to say that I followed the link in your sidebar a while ago and I have been following their story ever since. It is truly heartbreaking.

What you are doing here is an awesome thing. Thank you for your generous spirit and loving heart.

Carolyn V. said...

I too want to comment. I will keep them in my prayers. Thanks for the opportunity to help.

Anonymous said...

For Tuesday...wishing you and your family peace.

Anonymous said...

May the lord keep and bless you and your family.

MelDrop's Corner said...

I'm speechless right now, and praying for this dear family.

Susan Godfrey said...

Knowing how hard it is to lose I child, Tuesday and family are in my continued prayers. This is such a generous thing you are doing.

Mom of Jack said...

I read your blog all the time and love the way you are using it to help Tuesday. I will post a link on my blog as well.

Julie said...

What a terrible road to have to walk. How blessed they are to friends like you to walk with them.

shoeaddict said...

I will be praying for this family.

Anonymous said...

as a mother of an almost 2 year old, my heart breaks at this story...

BarbaraH said...

Dear God, please bless this family.

a sojourner said...

God's grace and comfort to you during this dark, dark valley.

Anonymous said...

For Tuesday

Kristyn Knits said...

Praying for Tuesday and her family. I pray enough grace for today, grace sufficient and abundant.

Elisa said...

You are a generous woman, Heather!

May God bless you! And Tuesday.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh honey, I'm weeping. That poor family...

Susan Godfrey said...

I'm also going to try to raise some money for this family. I've lost 2 of my boys and I know what a struggle they are going through. So, from today until the end of February, all proceeds from my shop will be going to this family. You can read more about it at:


Katina Sharp said...

I will be praying for this family.

Nancy said...

What a wonderful idea. You guys are great. I hope everything works out the way that is best for everyone. At this point probably any outcome will be difficult.

Anonymous said...

Will be praying for this family. My youngest sister died of cancer when she was three, so I know how overwhelming it is to watch someone so little suffer so much. But God uses it all for good in His time:)

Anonymous said...

I've never commented before, but will today. Tuesday is in my thoughts and prayers.

Nili said...

We will be praying, thank you for posting and passing this miracle request on.

Anonymous said...

Many, many prayers.

Anonymous said...

I am holding this family in the light.

Scrappy quilter said...

How very thoughtful.

Mel Fraase said...

Thanks for postng about Tuesday. She will be in our prayers!

Jeni said...

It's a wonderful thing you're doing.


You will be blessed for being a blessing to them. Thank you for the opportunity to help and PRAY.

Blessings, Carolynn

Girly Do Hairstyles said...

You are amazing and wonderful and I am grateful for people like you who care enough to make the difference in a person's life. My prayers go out to the family and to yours as well.

Anonymous said...

Wow, how tragic. As a parent, one of the most awful things to have happen is to know that there isn't much we can humanly do to help protect our children.

This sounds like a God-sized problem and thankfully, it seems like many others will be sending up prayers for the cancer to be removed. We pray for a miracle to happen and that God will show Himself in a mighty way.

Adrienne said...

Here's a comment for a sweet little girl.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful thing you are doing here!

Emma F said...

What a sweet thing to do for such a sweet child. I will be praying my heart out.

Anonymous said...

My prayers for Tuesday and her family. And bless you Heather and your family.

Anonymous said...

Our thoughts will be with this family.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the opportunity to help. Wish it were helping toward a happier moment, but what a blessed family they will be to have your love and support.

Laura said...

Many prayers for this family. My heart just aches for them. I can't even begin to imagine...

Bless you for helping them.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts are with this family. May your family be blessed for being so thoughtful and generous.

mommy4life said...

How generous you are. I am praying for this family.

Anonymous said...

I know what it's like to have your baby girl at death's door. We are so blessed to still have her, our little miracle. I'm praying for a miracle for this baby girl, as well.

Rebekah said...

Thanks for this opportunity, My prayers are with this brave family and brave little girl. May God be with you all!

Anonymous said...

i cannot even imagine, cannot wrap my mind around it...

prayers are sent, and yet..that seems so "not" helping...

that poor family....

Celina in Canada...may they all get some sort of peace...

Anonymous said...

What a great thing to do. Best wishes.

Anonymous said...

thank you for doing this.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for helping out and spreading the word.

Erin said...

Our prayers are also with her and her family.

Anonymous said...

Wow...I can't even imagine how awful this would be.

What a wonderful thing you are doing.

The Espersen Family said...

Me and my family will keep Tuesday and her family in our prayers. What a big heart you have to help this little girl.

Erin said...

My thought are with this family and thank you for doing this. I'd love to think if I had the extra money and financial means to do something like this I would.

McMrs said...

Tuesday & her family will be in my prayers!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Oh. My. I pray for peace for the family. Tuesday will be watched over. Thanks, Heather.

Kim said...

Found my way here through Sorta Crunchy. I just can't imagine. And no words can express so I'll leave it up to the Spirit to intercede for little Tuesday in my prayers. God Bless you for helping in this way.

Daughter of God said...

Our prayers are with them, thanks for the info

Jordee said...

How amazing of you and your family. I wish I was in a better position to help Tuesday and her family. Thank you for being an inspiration.

Jordee said...

How amazing of you and your family. I wish I was in a better position to help Tuesday and her family. Thank you for being an inspiration.

Lacey Lopez said...

Bless you and this aching family. There will be peace and reason behind it all, someday...

TripleCooks said...

This is so great that you are doing this. What a wonderful family you are! My Prayers will be with Tuesdays family.

TripleCooks said...

This is so great that you are doing this. What a wonderful family you are! My Prayers will be with Tuesdays family.

The Bartlett Family said...

What a wonderful thing you are doing! This family will be in my prayers!!

Jen said...

They are in our prayers, I too read this this morning and it broke my heart. Bless you!

Flake Family said...

That is an amazing thing to do! We'll hope the best for her and her family!

Susanne said...

I will most certainly remember Tuesday and her dear family in my prayers. ♥

Anonymous said...

You and your family are wonderful for helping this poor family. I have spent the last week watching my mother suffer with cancer as her end is coming near, and I also have a 2 year old daughter. I cannot even begin to imagine the pain if their places were reversed. Prayers and blessings for both of you.

brit said...

what a sweet thing to do.

misscassiecass said...

I couldn't imagine the pain that family is going through.. thank you for trying to ease a bit of it.

Mats and Monica said...

My heart breaks for you. We are strggling with a family member suffering from cancer, and loosing the battle, right this very minute. We didn't think he'd make it through the night, but the sun is still shining today. I dread the phone ringing for fear he is gone. This life is so much bigger than us!

Jennie said...

Thoughts and prayers and with the family.

Farley Smiles said...

thank you

Jen said...

You guys are doing an absolutely wonderful thing!

CaryManda said...

is All i can say....

Anonymous said...

Thank you!!

Melinda said...


Tuesday and her family are in my prayers.

momto2munkeys said...

My thoughts and prayers are with them also...and how selfless of you and your family!!! Glad to be a part of this!!!!

becbloggin said...

i am so grateful to come across this through jenn at girlydos. thank you both for sharing! my heart goes out to tuesday and her family. thank you for your fine example and generosity :)

Brandee Lloyd said...

It breaks my heart to here about this. Being a mom myself it would be so hard knowing that it is out of your hands. She will be in our prayers

Miss JC said...

This sweet baby has been on my mind all day. She has touched so many lives in such a short time..I know so many of us just "met" this family in the past few days...even past few minutes! Thank you for your selfless act of kindness and for doing what God has lead you to do.

Casey said...

Praying for Tuesday.

Anonymous said...


Jodi said...

I hope Tuesday gets her miracle.

Amy said...

Thank you for doing this and Tuesday will be in our prayers

Anonymous said...

What a blessing for this family to have you. Prayers are said all around! Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

What a blessing for this family to have you. Prayers are said all around! Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

We are praying for Tuesday.

Miriam said...

What a wonderful gift...I'm glad my words are worth something.

Sara said...

Tuesday will be in my prayers.

Ryan said...

Thank you

J7Troop said...

May God be with Tuesday and her family.

We will pray for her healing and ask God to ease the suffering she is enduring.

Unknown said...

Thanks for what you're doing

lauralquinton said...

What a heart breaking story. Thank you for sharing and for making me aware of sweet Tuesday and her family. My thoughts and prayers will be with them!

debi9kids said...

what a beautiful, beautiful thing you are doing.
Jess is one of my dearest friends and knowing that there are so many people that Tuesday has touched means the world to her. She knows bringing God into people's lives was Tuesday's purpose.
This is such a blessing to their family.
thank you for your generous heart!

Terri said...

What a wonderful, wonderful thing you are doing! Jess and her family mean a lot to me and I am just heart broken over this! I know this will mean ALOT to her and her family

Sharlene said...

Thank you! Thank You! Thank you! I am a good friend Of Jessica's and Tuesday is truly and angel. She has changed us all forever. bless you.

Brianna said...

Dear God in Heaven, Please dear Lord. I believe that you can do all things. Work a miracle here for this little one.

Tears and more prayers.

Kelly said...

I am praying for the family.

Jenn H said...

May God bless you abundantly. Thank you so much for doing this for sweet little Tuesday and her family. They mean the world to me!

Valerie said...

Thanks for doing something. I can't even imagine....

jillian whitcomb said...

in my thoughts and prayers!

John, Jess, Ellie, Cade, Eden & Scarlett said...

What a great thing to do. Tuesday and her family are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for peace and comfort.

Dawn Friedman said...

As always, the Whitt family is in my prayers. Love, Dawn

Lori Ann said...

You are all in my prayers and thoughts. Thanks for your generousity and love and healing to Tuesday's family.

Patti said...

You are an amazing family for doing this for our friends! God Bless you all!

Bre said...

This is such a beautiful thing you are doing. Thank you so much! Little Tutu has moved mountains. She is an angel. Thank you!

A-me said...

sending positive thoughts Tuesday's way... <3

sportsgal said...

Thank you so much for your generosity! JK and her family are just so precious. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Elder Johnson said...

Thank you for helping this family. Their sweet family is in our prayers.

Melissa said...

God bless you, Tuesday, and God bless your family.

{krista} said...

My heart is breaking for this family. Many prayers coming their way!

Brit said...

I hope that it goes for the best. Peace to their family.

Angela C. said...

I am praying for this family. Thank you.

Dana Christensen said...

Hope all turns out well.

Chantel White said...

May the Lord bless and comfort this sweet family during this hardship. My thoughts and prayers go out to them.

Chantel White said...

May the Lord bless and comfort this family during their hardship. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family. Much love!

Anonymous said...

Heartbreaking story. My prayers to that family.

Anonymous said...

Prayers for the Whitt Family and precious Tuesday.
Karen P - Sanford, NC

Unknown said...

You truly are an amazing family and your kindness will be greatly rewarded. My family will pray for peace, strength and still a miracle for Tuesday and her family - as well as your generous family. What a wonderful thing to do.

Just Me said...

I have a 2 year old daughter and a 1 year old son...after leaving this post, adding it on Twitter and then putting the link on my blog I'm going to go into their rooms, watch them sleep and thank God once again for my beautiful healthy children...my heart is breaking right now for Tuesday, her family and friends...we will add them to our prayers...

Anonymous said...

What an amazing thing you're doing for this family and their little girl. She will be in my prayers and my thoughts.

swonderful said...

I cannot even imagine. Going to kiss my babies now.

Tami said...

Thank you so much for helping this little girl and telling us how we can help as well.

Tonya Staab said...

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for doing this for my dear friend Jess. She will be so grateful

Me said...

I'll be praying for Tuesday and her family.

a Tonggu Momma said...


a Tonggu Momma said...


a Tonggu Momma said...


a Tonggu Momma said...


(And I will pray. Cancer stinks.)

Dani said...

bless your family through this time

Jen Drechsler said...

Thank you for this gesture. Tuesday and her family mean the world to me.

Anonymous said...

God Bless!

Alisha said...

Thank you so much for doing this. They are such a wonderful family, and it breaks my heart they have to go through this journey.

Anonymous said...

May you be blessed through this experience!

Courtney Kay said...

God Bless you!

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for Tuesday and her family as I pray for cancer ravaging two members of my family tonight.

Tim and Jennie Lindstrom said...

I will pray for Tuesday and her family!

Anonymous said...

my heart just hurts for this family.

so much for helping in this way - i'll be linking to help out.

Shannon said...

Thank you so much for doing this for a dear friend. They are a beautiful family and will be very grateful. God bless sweet Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Tuesday-- You are in my family's prayers tonight.

Melissa said...

I am sitting here crying as I hear my little girl playing in the room next to me. I have no words to discribe the kind of pain it would be for me to loose her. My heart and my prayers go out to little Tuesday's mother as she says good-bye to her little baby girl.

Christy said...

Jessica is a great friend of mine. You, my dear, are AWESOME! Thank you!

Brittney said...

I am praying

Anonymous said...

I will keep this family in my prayers. May God keep them in the hollow of his hand.

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

as i sit here and pray for tuesday and her family, i keep wondering what more i can do. and then i read this. wow! god bless...

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