
Mememeeee (Meme)

Posted on Monday~February 2nd, 2009

Baroness Black (the one with the cutest accent ever) tagged me for the 8 Random Things meme. This is great practice because I'll be spending hours and hours coming up with my 25 random things for the facebook tag. Ahhh, social networking at it's finest...

1. I despise tomatoes.

2. But I love pizza, spaghetti, and chili like crazy. I know, I know. Tomato based.

3. Jodi Picoult is coming to a Borders near me in March and I'm going to see her (and maybe find it somewhere in my brave-ish soul to contribute to the discussion).

4. I don't worry too much about crazy internet people who might stalk me because we have a pit bull. Sort of.

5. We have an American Staffordshire Terrier. And she would totally kick your patootie, so don't stalk me.

6. I sometimes have real and actual premonitions. I've known that a person has died before I actually got the news many a time. (Yes, I'll call you and tell you not to go anywhere if I dream you're in a car accident, don't worry.)

7. I'm realizing more and more that I have no clue what I'm doing most of the time as a mother. I just make the best guess from my gut. It's terrifying sometimes. I guess this is why people say it just keeps getting harder as they get older. They really are actually their very own people. Huh, go figure.

8. You know that 80's tune "Voices Carry?" For the longest time I thought the lyrics were actually "This is scaaaaryyy."

The End.

Now I'm going to tag a bunch of people who I want to learn random things about:
1. Kim of I Want a Minivan
2. Jessica of One Wild and Precious Life
3. Traci of Less Toil
4. Steph of Diapers and Divinity
5. Pam of Beyond Just Mom
6. Ron of Troubled Ramblings

Later Gators.

32 clicked right here to comment:

Kim said...

I love Jodi Picoult. That rocks that you get to go see her. Contribute or we can't be friends anymore. Ok, we can, but at least take her picture, k? ;)

Mrs. Cox said...

Thanks for tagging me. I agree...8 RT seems a lot less taxing than the 25 RT on Facebook. I have yet to do that one, but I WILL get this done. Promise.

PS love #8 on your list. I laughed outloud. I make up words to songs all the time and my husband shatters my 'American Idol' moment by saying, "Ah, those aren't the right words." shoot :)

Kristina P. said...

I have never read a Jodi Picoult book in my life. But I have read Twilight. What do you think that says about me?

Heidi said...

We are like twins--except for #3 and #8. I always knew it said voices carry but I WAS just thinking about that song the other day. And I don't have the same kind of dog you do but she could kick your dogs patootie (in a lickfest).

Jules from "The Roost" said...

What a cute MEME! :)

Lara Neves said...

I want to go meet Jodi Picoult with you! That's so cool!

And I am dreading the Facebook tag. The end.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tag!
3) I think you should pin down Jodi and get her to read your blog ;-).
4) I don't worry about stalkers either, but my hubby does.
7) I don't think anyone really knows what they're doing as parents, and those that think they know it all cause more trouble than the rest of us
Thanks for sharing!

Brooke said...

Is it bad that I have no idea who Jodi Picoult is? I love to read? How did I miss her?
I love learning new things about you. You are such a fun and funny person.

Anonymous said...

Woah woah woah!!! You hate tomoatoes!?!?!

Elle said...

Ooooh, oooh, I wanna go see Jodi, too!!

jmt said...

My husband is king of WRONG lyrics. :) Yours at least rhyme.

Debbie said...

I love Jodi Picoult's novels. I would hyperventilate if I got to be in the same room with her. I'm breathing kinda heavy right now just thinking about it.


Fantastic list; I'm chewing over my facebook 25 too!

Blessings, Carolynn

Karen Mello Burton said...

It is so much fun to learn more about you! I used to despise tomatoes and bananas for some reason. I can't remember exactly when it changed, but it did! I am with you on the stumbling through motherhood thing. We are more like coaches, aren't we?

Kelly @ Love Well said...

OK, I'm struggling not to scream here, because I USED TO THINK THE SAME THING ABOUT THAT SONG. And I took it a step further, as you're about to see.

In fact, I just head it on the radio last week, and I about DIED laughing because I could still here it.

"Oh-oh-oh. Going downtown. This is scary."

Why, yes, I grew up in the suburbs. Why do you ask?

jodilee0123 said...

Oh my! What Borders is Jodi going to be at? I would love to go!

Erin said...

Don't have any dreams about me, okay?

I love figuring out what the real words to songs are that I always messed up before!

Becky said...

Jodi Picoult rocks the party.

If I ever get the urge to ask anyone about their boy/girl friend or how a relationship, it means that I should keep my mouth shut. 99% of the time, things recently went south. It's a gift.

And my sister used to think that song called "You're Unbelievable" was saying "you're ugly bald."

Peanut said...

I've been tagged in that facebook one too... probably 10 times. I wonder if I'll ever get around to it!

Strange, your despising tomatoes yet loving tomato-based foods. Hmmm...

#7... yep, that's me, too.

#8... um, thanks for clueing me in. Yep, until a minute ago, I still believed the lyrics were "this is scary".

Stephanie said...

Heather, you're one of the coolest people I don't know! :) Okay, I'll mull this over all day and try to come up with something creative. Then I'll get it up for tomorrow, okay?

charrette said...

How cool you get to meet Jodi Picoult!

Sara@iSass said...

YES! This is scaaaaryyy. I totally thought that too! I was actually glued to VH1 over the weekend with their top 80's songs. OMGoodness that was FUN. Whatever happen to MJ? Someone said "If you grew up in the 80's you saw an actual star appear...Michael Jackson." SO TRUE. Then he went all weird.
I can so relate to the tomatoe thing, except mine is peas. HATE peas, love pea soup, and peapods, but can not look at or smell peas. Bletch! Oh, and the mom thing...I am totally with you on that one too!

Muthering Heights said...

I have been tagged for that facebook meme about 25 times in the past two weeks...and I just post a link for people to see my blog for the 101 Things About Me post I did in August. Because I'm lazy. :)

Rebecca Blevins said...

I escaped the 25 Facebook things until my brother-in-law so KINDLY tagged me yesterday.

I can do 7 random things (last meme) but 25? That's crazy!

Kelline said...

You didn't get a manual either? I guess I feel asleep when they were handing out parenting manuals.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Believe it or not - I only just discovered Jodi Picoult this year. My favorite so far was Second Glance (the first book of hers that I read). But I was incredibly affected by the book that addressed bullying (nineteen minutes). I think all parents should read it since it provides some real insight into how we should be raising our children (or at least try).

Heidi said...

For some reason in my head, I was thinking Jodi Picoult was Ann Coulter, and I was like, "I cannot respect Heather anymore." And then I realized that Jodi Picoult is, you know, Jodi Picoult, and Ann Coulter is CRAZY, and then I felt much better.

My respect is intact.

Growin' With It said...

you have to be my favorite 80's music friend! now guess what song will be in my head today. just might have to put it on my blog!

the facebook 25? i'm waiting til i get tagged 25 times before i do it! i blab enough about my crazy quirks on my blog, why share it with old high school friends who thought i was weird enough back then?☺

Jessica Stock said...

Thanks for tagging me! I love these :) Had so much fun iwth the facebook one, and I love reading others random things. Yours are great! It's fun to learn the random things about people, sometimes it helps you learn more about a person than the obvious "big" things, you know? And I have no clue what I"m doing as a mom either! It's nice to hear someone say it!

Jackie said...

I'm sorry...did you say JODI PICOULT? Fighting a little jealousy here...although if I were in your shoes I know I wouldn't find it within MY bravie-ish soul to contribute to any discussion. Can't wait to hear how it goes!

Elisa said...

I love Jodi Picoult! I'm way jealous of you getting to see her in person!

Can you tell me my future? (you get premonitions and stuff...)

Anonymous said...

re: #7 - Amen! I just make it up as I go along!

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