
The Gambler

Posted on Sunday~February 22, 2009

I usually don't do that thing where you mention giveaways on your blog so that you have a better chance of winning.

(Because it's too much effort for a non-gambler like me. Wait...I guess I do like to throw some nickels in the slots, but that's the equivalent of leaving a comment to enter a giveaway. I do that. Sure, throw my name in the hat! Clickity Clack. Done! But linking to the giveaway on my blog? That's like high stakes poker! So much effort and so little chance of winning...But I digress.)

This time it's different. I'm linking to a giveaway because it's for some friends and their baby. That rocks the giveaway party.

Rachel at In His Hands is the sweetest thing. She and her husband Josh are preparing to bring their baby home from Korea very soon. I've been following their adoption journey for a few months now and have been so impressed by Rachel's heart, her faith, and her humor.
I can't wait to visit In His Hands and see pictures and read stories of Baby O! It's going to happen soon, and I'm more than happy to play a part in helping get that baby to Mom and Dad!

We all know adoption is expensive. Rachel and Josh have come up with an amazing idea. As they do a fundraiser on their blog, they're giving away two amazing prize packages. Serious prize packages, people. Serious. I want to win!

You can read an inspiring post Rachel wrote about adoption here, and consider joining in on the fundraiser and giveaway here.


Since I'm breaking my own rules today, I'll just keep going with it. I came across another giveaway that's terribly tempting. The nickel slots were calling, but they don't work this time. This isn't a simple comment giveaway. This is a share-your-own post-high-stakes-poker kind of giveaway. And it's really quite a brilliant idea.

Auds at Barking Mad is giving away a $250 Target gift card! ( I KNOW. SHUT UP.) And all I have to do is share my own posts! My five favorites! So here you go:

5. Remember - This post was one of those that just spilled out, the keyboard click clacking away as my mind raced. And then it was accepted by Mama Manifesto, Bloggers Annex, and Blog Nosh Magazine. I couldn't be more honored to be featured on those sites. So it had to be the first of my backwards five.

4. Dear Mother - My submission to The Mother Letter Project. I have to read it every once and awhile myself, to remind me that I'm just the right Mom for my boys, even when I don't feel like I am.

3. Let's do this - Pure nostalgia for me. I wrote this right before Asher's surgery. It speaks of my faith, something I don't speak of on this here blog all that often.

2. Invisibility - This post is about the quiet and mostly unnoticed work of mothers. It's a post I wrote back when nearly no one read my blog. (Here's a shout-out to Kim for thinking this post was great and shouting from the roof-tops that you'd found a new blog to love. You rock, friend. So glad to know you.)

1. Giving - A post that reminds me that my boys are always watching and learning from me. And I hope to teach them something full of grace and love with my life. I hope.

(Looking through your archives for "favorites" is fun, but much harder than I thought it would be. I would think "Oh yeah that one! That's pretty good." Then I would read it and think, "What was I thinking? LAME." Tricky.)

(If I win the $250 to Target from Barking Mad, I will jump right out of my skin! If I win one of the In His Hands prize packages, I will run through the street screaming joyfully...apparently with no skin. Ew.)

16 clicked right here to comment:

Sheryl said...

Okay, I just read your post "Remember" and am going to be writing this quote down...

"I am living what I might forget. But I am going to live it"

WOW. Profound in so many ways. I don't really like the way I am living right now. I mean I don't like my life circumstances. But this is how I am doing life right now and I want to live it!!! I am sure this makes no sense to anyone but me, but I am loving it.


Anonymous said...

I know I tell you this all the time, Heather, but you're seriously amazing! Seriously. (I know, total Grey's Anatomy there. I blame them for the ruination of my grammatical skills! But ah...McDreamy. And McSteamy!)

Unknown said...

Talk about giveaways WOW! I hope you win...okay I am going to read some of your favorite posts now

Rach@In His Hands said...

Oh, Heather, YOU are the sweetest thing ever for bloggin' about us. I'm just so humbled by this all...

I'm off to read some of your fav posts, girl!

Oh, and I'll be e-mailing you in a minute!

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

Great giveaways! I look forward to a few minutes of calm and quiet to sit down and read your favorites. I know I will love them because you pretty much rock the blogging world. :)
SO next year, when I read them, I will let you know what I think. ;)

jmt said...

I have the same problem you do....posting up for giveaways. I think it's GREAT that people do giveaways, but I can't ever find the time to abide by the rules properly. LOL

kel said...

I'm on my way to check them out!

Heidi said...

YOu have such a big heart!

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I think you should be a Blog Nosh editor - you find so many wonderful blogs.

And these really are great giveaways. I think I'll have to participate!

Elizabeth said...

I hadn't read all of these posts yet. Good picks! And I hope you win the gift card. You totally deserve it for your dedication to the blogging world:)

carrhop said...

Thanks for the heads up on their story! Can't wait to follow their journey!


Sarah J. said...

That's so sweet of you...I really hope you win! I am a first-timer on your blog, and I love it. I will be back!

Jennifer said...

I'm looking forward to reading your faves! Good luck in both contests!!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh I so hope you win!

Thanks for the shout out - so happy to have found you, babe!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Good luck! You are a good person for always mentioning people you read that might need some extra attention. Friend kind of material!

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

I hope you win, you have such a giving heart. I'm going to check those links out a bit later if I haven't already :)

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